Tramping Tips

Maybe you’ re right, but is it really worth a boss ■■■■■■■ a driver off with all the negativity it brings down on him (believe me it will :smiling_imp: ) to save a ■■■■ fiver .
Counter productive I would say.
Oh and I will get it back in some form or another! :bulb:

Will have plenty of food with me, but do get a tax-free meal allowance anyway, so if I need to shell out for something to eat - fair enough, be a rare thing though.

As long as I have somewhere to ■■■■, shower and plenty of caffeine, I’m good! :laughing:

Take swin gear with you find local pools etc pay for swim go in pool then shower simple

But remember there is not a whole lot in some parts of Scotland or N England depends where you are really

Our lot will pay you back th cost of parking but if you get a food voucher then they kick off and don’t pay.

I like the style of tramping a local guy has, 4-5 nights a week his Dewsbury based flatbed rigid is parked on my street while he goes home to sleep in his own bed.
the cheeky git, I just wish he`d park it on his own street :unamused:

Block him in a few times. I used to deliberately park my car 6 inches from the kerb to make life difficult for the school run mothers in their 4x4’s who thought they owned the cul-de-sac when it was time to drop off and pick up their kids.