Traffic cops last night

Every mistake or deliberately dangerous move made by any driver - shortens the odds of a collision.

Even with each of us driving super-carefully, it only takes a nutcase to do something real daft - to cause a pile-up, or serious accident that would possibly be blamed upon the truck driver for no better reason than “no evidence to the contrary”.

I think all hauliers in the UK should have company-installed FORE and AFT cameras recording at all times the engine is running, and taking less frequent snapshots (per minute) whilst the the vehicle has the anchor applied.

What would have happened to that last driver in particular - without the dashcam to back him up?
Whoever rear-ended him would have been seriously injured, with their own people arguing WTF did that truck stop dead like that for? :open_mouth:

Three videos that are advertisements for dash cams. Somebody on another thread said they didn’t have nor want one. I wonder if they’ll change their mind after watching these!
P.S vid two looks like a blatent attempt at cash for crash.


It does ■■■■ me off when I see the law sat on a Mway with a speed gun. Say what you like, but on a motorway it is relatively safe to travel at high speeds.
In places like my village it aint, but you never see the [zb] here with a speed gun. I can’t think why. :unamused:

You reckon??
How many accidents in your village in the last month ?
Now look at how many accidents on the M5 by Jan 23 , long straight road .
It’s almost 2 a week at least on the
M 5

That was part of my point, obviously the traffic volume on the M5 far outweighs the traffic volume in a small village, so the accident rate is bound to be greater. (I aint THAT stupid)
More scope for higher revenue raising on a Mway.
. Also 20 mph over the limit on a 70 mph Mway, in my opinion, is less potentially dangerous than 20mph over 30mph small village.

Can anyone here recommend a front AND rear dash cam please. :blush:

Desperate for one, but just can’t find a decent one ATM…

yorkshire terrier:
Anyone see this a hgv driver killed a teenager on the A1 and was more than 3 times the drink drive limit.
The police traffic control staff were shocked and surprised that a proffesional driver was driving while drunk.
long prison sentence for that driver I think…

7yrs and 8 months he recieved

I’ll start watching Traffic Cops again when they dedicate more than 5 minutes of the program to road policing. No wonder there are so many bad drivers on the roads, all the “Traffic Cops” get filmed doing is finding a wrap of cannabis on a shoplifter or some dodgy plants in a squatters den.

agree with that, sick of them going for minor druggies,its getting a little bit boring now,authority will never win the war on drugs no matter how hard they try[before anyone says,never touched drugs myself,people who do are weak individuals]

Probably a Google search will reveal its old news, before I google I’ll guess 4-5 years sentanced.

just watched on catch up he got 7 yrs and 8 months

Say what you like, but on a motorway it is relatively safe to travel at high speeds.

I agree it certainly would be if all drivers concentrated on what they were doing. Trouble is an awful lot do not.
You see them in the middle lane in a world of their own oblivious of what is going on around them. You also see them nose to tail sometimes at 70+ even when it is wet. That is just the bad car drivers I won’t go any further about other groups.

I bet the largest common denominator on multi lane roads is travelling too close. In five mins how many people will you see driving on the phone. Maybe one or two. In five mins how many do you see tail gating? It’s like a national motoring obsession. Follow my leader to the site of a pile up.

James the cat:
I bet the largest common denominator on multi lane roads is travelling too close. In five mins how many people will you see driving on the phone. Maybe one or two. In five mins how many do you see tail gating? It’s like a national motoring obsession. Follow my leader to the site of a pile up.

Quite right James. The problem is an awful lot do not think they are too close because nothing has ever gone wrong.
They do it day in day out and nothing happens so they become complacent and think it is ok.
Then of course you get Mr Aggressive who thinks by sitting up someones arris they will move out of the way.
You just need to read some of the comments on another thread and you know who the offenders are.
Sooner rather than later they will all be prosecuted with the new technology coming soon.

Might be a better idea to have a breathaliser on an ignition cut out .
You would have to pass to start engine .

And i think limit should be basically 0 for lorry drivers .

I am amazed when tramping how many people load the tinnies before setting off for the week .

And it has to be said , most of them are our friends from the former soviet union

If they had a breathalyser fit at one of my last firms a lot of the fleet would not of moved first thing in the morning,some lads there still do 8-10 pints then drive at 5-6 am :open_mouth:

just re watched this and noted,
6000 miles of roads
3200 Square miles of area

60 Traffic cops, over 24 hr day, 8 hr day means 3 shifts 20 cops a day, without holidays, all equals

NO cops on the road

Within a few seconds of seeing the taxi v van scene I knew the taxi man was to blame[emoji1]

NO cops on the road

Don’t kid yourself there’s plenty of cops out there, just because you can’t see them doesn’t mean they’re not about. Usual hang outs are McDonald’s car parks[emoji15]

Say what you like, but on a motorway it is relatively safe to travel at high speeds.

I agree it certainly would be if all drivers concentrated on what they were doing. Trouble is an awful lot do not.
You see them in the middle lane in a world of their own oblivious of what is going on around them. You also see them nose to tail sometimes at 70+ even when it is wet. That is just the bad car drivers I won’t go any further about other groups.

Ok so that is a good argument for actual old fashioned ‘Policing’ of the road.
That sort of behaviour is dangerous at any speed, the fact they are doing 70+ as you say, makes it more dangerous.

just re watched this and noted,
6000 miles of roads
3200 Square miles of area

60 Traffic cops, over 24 hr day, 8 hr day means 3 shifts 20 cops a day, without holidays, all equals

NO cops on the road

try this sum… the A75 is 97 miles of anti truck entrapment plod…traffic cars from stranraer…traffic cars from wigton,traffic cars from dumfries,traffic cars from lockerbie…and all the normal wanna be woodentop cars trying to be traffic cars from the same stations…24/7 working to the ferry timetables…equals plenty of plod per mile entrapment plinths. if you speed,then they try to catch you for the easy option…if you dont speed,then you get pull with the,were checking cards this week driver,whilst holding you long enough so that to catch the boat,you have to be lit once they let you go…5 mins later,they will be sitting ahead of you to try and entrap you speeding,and after that,they will have radiod the other car to be waiting for you also…easy pickings to pull in cash…nothing to do with road safety as mostly everybody is sitting at 60+ the entire road day and night apart from going through a Cpl of wee villages.just a money spinner,nothing more…

Why can’t they have an entrapment policy for dodgy drivers on the M25 then?

That road seriously ■■■■■■ me off with the way so many people drive like nutcases on it all the time - foreign HGVs on the phone, 4x4 weaving around in traffic, and German Junk drivers brake-testing - take note! :imp:

Had a very similar incident happen to me approaching J11 clockwise just last night…

If it’s mot a Merc, it’s an Audi or a bloody break-my-windows. :angry: