brain cells?

I fear you may well be correct,but only after the Gallo/Spanish semi official Trucknet ‘do’.Wish I could be there. :frowning: :frowning:


  • hours since we had a new stobart thread■■? :unamused: :laughing:

Sir +:

brain cells?

I fear you may well be correct,but only after the Gallo/Spanish semi official Trucknet ‘do’.Wish I could be there. :frowning: :frowning:

and we wish you AND ann could be there but i’m sure dafydd will have a few beers on your behalf :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The mental age of some of the peeps on here :smiley: (Already got me tin hat on :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: )


Mmmmm pie…

See(3) π(1) here(4) I(1) state(5) correctly(9) to(2) places(6) eight(5).


Harry Monk:


Mmmmm pie…

See(3) π(1) here(4) I(1) state(5) correctly(9) to(2) places(6) eight(5).


3.1415 as you say so you can round the 5 down or up but since after the 5 is a 9 the 5 would become a 6 hence the 1 becomes a 2 and hey presto 3.142.

The answer is, and will always be 42. That’s all.

A lot of “deep thought” went into that…sorry


Harry Monk:


Mmmmm pie…

See(3) π(1) here(4) I(1) state(5) correctly(9) to(2) places(6) eight(5).


3.1415 as you say so you can round the 5 down or up but since after the 5 is a 9 the 5 would become a 6 hence the 1 becomes a 2 and hey presto 3.142.

luke, please don,t give up you,r day job. :angry: :angry: :angry:

I gather that the unofficial Welsh Trucknet shindig is going well.For most participants anyway :wink: :smiley: :smiley:


Harry Monk:


Mmmmm pie…

See(3) π(1) here(4) I(1) state(5) correctly(9) to(2) places(6) eight(5).


3.1415 as you say so you can round the 5 down or up but since after the 5 is a 9 the 5 would become a 6 hence the 1 becomes a 2 and hey presto 3.142.

i was always taught 3.141592654 :laughing:

If you really want to remember pi to some considerable length, just remember this phrase and do some letter-counting.

How I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy chapters involving quantum mechanics. One is, yes, adequate, even enough to induce some fun and pleasure for an instant, miserably brief

3.1415926535897932384626433832795 :wink:


The answer is, and will always be 42. That’s all.

A lot of “deep thought” went into that…sorry

It was the only bit I understood :unamused:

I went into a shop several years ago and asked for 20 Number 6.

Felt a bit stupid when I came out with 5kg of egg fried rice!