Top 3 worst drivers by car make?

I have a funny feeling if I did as you say and started a thread about poor lorry driving standards…

What?..ANOTHER one :open_mouth: ■■?
:unamused: :laughing: :laughing:

nobody slagging of Citroen drivers :smiley:

Drivers off those Berlingo box shaped things. Oh and Vauxhall Agila’s. Both incapable of more than 45mph on the motorway.


I have a funny feeling if I did as you say and started a thread about poor lorry driving standards…

What?..ANOTHER one :open_mouth: ■■?
:unamused: :laughing: :laughing:

Name or show me one I have started? Yeah right. :unamused: Bunch of hypocrites on here as I am sure you know . :unamused:



I have a funny feeling if I did as you say and started a thread about poor lorry driving standards…

What?..ANOTHER one :open_mouth: ■■?
:unamused: :laughing: :laughing:

Name or show me one I have started? Yeah right. :unamused: Bunch of hypocrites on here as I am sure you know . :unamused:

You might not start them but you certainly manage to bring it into every thread you contribute to. Bit like a stuck 45 or in your case a 78

I would like to put forward the Nissan Micra. Guaranteed to be driven by someone who’s scared to go over 40.

Tried but I’ve found it almost impossible to narrow makes of cars to just 3

  1. Any make and model that’s had homemade alterations to make it look and sound as sporty as it can, and driven by a Schumacher wannabe
  2. Any make and model that has the UBER sticker
  3. Any make and model that’s way to big for its driver, usually found parked straddling 2 bays in a supermarket car park

From my humble experience/observation:

  1. Range Rover drivers
  2. SUV drivers in general
  3. BMW drivers

Honorable mention: PL plated 7.5 (3.5?) t drivers who 9 times out of 10 will be watching a movie on a big-■■■ screen in the middle of their dashboard

That explains the cretin who overtook me on the outside of a sharp left hand turning in Glasgow on Tuesday necessitating an emergency stop to avoid a face full of glass and a written off truck. You’d think a driver of a goods vehicle might have some appreciation.

Perhaps it was Lewis Hamilton practising his 90 degree bend overtaking manoeuvres. Should have reported the ■■■■■■ to the police. Complete and utter idiot.

Anyone get annoyed by car drivers not knowing the width of their car?
Ahh no, sorry, what was I thinking, class 1s :smiley:

Bugs the ■■■■ outa me though. Sneaking through an urban road, loadsa room, 3 miles an hour, have to come to a complete stop as the ■■■■ in the range rover thinks he’s 3 foot wider than he actually is.

I would like to put forward the Nissan Micra. Guaranteed to be driven by someone who’s scared to go over 40.

I find this comment most offensive! I am most certainly not scared of going over 40. Mind you the getting there can take some time :blush: :wink: