This weeks Commercial Motor editors leader - your view?

I have recently taken the Crossrail Lorry Driver Induction Course, fair play it does open your eyes to the stupidity of drivers and cyclists and since then I have taken the view that yes cyclists need to be better educated but as professional drivers we need to take into account the poor decisions of others, all vehicles big or small, powered or not can never be thrown together in such chaos as a city setting without some incidents. Some of the kit fitted to trucks as a result of Crossrail is a good idea such as the signs and the turning/reversing beepers as that then immediately removes majority of blame from the driver, for instance if your turning left at a junction have your indicators on and your “Vehicle is turning left” sounder going off and a cyclist comes down your left hand side then you have given plenty of warning to the cyclist of your intentions and if he/she were to come into contact with you its their fault, obviously some blame to the driver for not seeing them in the mirror would come into it but anyone who has driven in London knows how a cyclist can be in one mirror in one instance and then the other the next. If any driver regularly goes to London whether Crossrail jobs or not if you have the chance to take the Crossrail induction I highly recommend it, AFAIK its a free course and gives you 7 hours towards your DCPC.

It’s okay having the audible warnings but half of them won’t be heard because they ride round with earphones in lol , why not just run them over , the more that get squashed the more they “might” think … lol

TBF, i wouldn’t read too much into this as at this moment in time, cos there isn’t an party fit enough for election.