that ship

Anyone know how heavy a 40ft container is empty ? Then load it up with a couple of cars or a few hundred barrels of booze…and it still floats!!!

I didnt realise they were even airtight! Thought the fridge ones would be obviously but not the standard dry cargo ones!

I have been getting narked watching the news, the people taking things have been described as thieves etc, storms are forecast from Thursday onwards where all that gear will be in all probability be smashed to bits, surely its better for it to salvaged by anybody rather than just be destroyed, but then the police love doing anything rather than catching the real baddies.

Well it had to happen


read the questions! funny :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

MY picture again !!! robbing gits!!

link shortened in quote…Denis F

if this had gone aground near the northwest it would be stripped of everything by now.

tin hat on?

mark croft:
if this had gone aground near the northwest it would be stripped of everything by now.

tin hat on?

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

they would have even had the containers off the ship.

Ship ■■? wha ship, we didn’t see no ship likkkkke…eh eh eh eh eh lad

:open_mouth: :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

Tin hat(covering perm) and shell suit on…running like “you just nicked a stereo”… :laughing:

oi montana man you taking off a scouse accent ?,i could write to the mirror about your racist taunts you know :laughing: :laughing:

dunno what the fuss is about, Wrecking is traditional in the SW anyway :wink:

oi montana man you taking off a scouse accent ?,i could write to the mirror about your racist taunts you know :laughing: :laughing:

At least YOU’VE got a sense of humour pete. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :wink:

you need one living in birkenhead mate :unamused: :laughing:

Denis F:
dunno what the fuss is about, Wrecking is traditional in the SW anyway :wink:

Farming ■■■■, Fishing ■■■■, Mining ■■■■
Back to wrecking me 'ansome

Well it had to happen


read the questions! funny :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

link shortened…Denis F

Looks like its been binned by Ebay whatever it was …

Well the cranes are in place to lift 2000 boxes off. All them trucks winding their way down them little devon lanes will wind the yokels up :stuck_out_tongue:

Wheel Nut:
Well the cranes are in place to lift 2000 boxes off. All them trucks winding their way down them little devon lanes will wind the yokels up :stuck_out_tongue:

if they got any sense they’ll put them on a barge at take them to portland or plymouth for off loading.

did i hear it could take 5 months to get them all off…

o well still quicker then southampyon container vterminal then :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :laughing: :laughing:
