Specific uninterrupted break/rest regulations?

If my boss knows I’m on a break he wont ring me, just texts to call when I’m ready. I work that local most times I have my break in the yard anyway. We will text/speak at night re next days’ work if we didn’t speak in the yard before finishing.
Customers have my number, in previous jobs I wouldn’t let them have it but in this job it makes my day easier as I plan my own work. When I’m on holiday however, I reject all calls from customers.

never could understand my mates out on a Saturday swill/10 pin bowling,chasing women answering the phone …and yes/no /yes … and then saying I’m away home now as I’m on an early sunday start now instead o early Monday ( early sunday usually right on the min hrs required for weekly break).I used to tell them don’t answer the bloody phone call from work as far as you know its Monday start,but it was someone else will take “my Truck” out ,doing them a favour ( aye every bloody week ) and you cant get back for dentist you booked a month ago.and the big ffer in my mind was a set wage!!

I think it’s just down to a bit of flexibility in this sort of situation… hopefully on both sides. Legal issues are a different thing mind.

UNINTERRUPTED! :grimacing: its three hours, PART OF YOUR DAILY REST, nine hours later. :sunglasses: legal. :laughing: