Sleep Apnoea

By the way…went to bed at 9pm last night …woke up at 11am this morning…so the op was a success…

Strewth, 14 hours kip, that would make me really ill. 6 is ideal for me, more than 7 gives me a headache, and at the moment I am down to about 4 or 5 a night with about 1 for sieste after lunch because I am obsessed with tracing ancesters at the moment on the net. :open_mouth:

BTW, back to a born in 1791 so far :unamused: .

Salut, David.

Has anybody noticed all the OSA posters going up at the service stations.
It’s bad enough that we’re considered to be scum sucking pond life, but now we’re sleepdriving baby killers now.

We’ve got a guy on for us who’s diagnosed and uses a CPAP machine at night. The only thing now is that he can’t do nights out because of needing a 240v power supply for the machine.

We had a bloke at Grubers like that, he had a convertor or invertor fitted in his truck by the boss

Maybe NSH is looking for a driver and could be wired up to the Thermoking :smiley:

You could have hit on something there Malc, that could be another marketing angle for the MOPAAC device. :wink: :smiley: