

Kate Hasler:
You CAN get shingles from someone that has the chicken pox.

This is simply not true except in very exceptional and rare cases. The immunosystem has to be at an all peak low (people having chemo, people with HIV positive, people with Hodgekins etc)

Shingles is not caught from anyone… except yourself … you inherit Shingles from your own immunosytem.

Except in very exceptional or rare cases? THAT MAKES IT TRUE. I said you CAN get it from chicken pox (Can means that its a possibility, not a certainty)… I believe that I also said that its rare…and depends upon weakened immune systems, general health conditions, ect. Please read the entirety of what I’ve written on each post before you tell me I’m wrong, especially when I know ■■■■ well that I’m not.

This seems to be a situation where all of you are agreeing with eachother but don’t realise it :laughing:
Runnaround tel says that Kate is wrong to say that you can get it from someone with chicken pox, then say’s that in rare cases you can get it from someone with Chicken Pox :question: :question: :question: Translation = 'You can get it from someone with Chicken Pox :exclamation:

I will not be drawn into an argument over something like this but I do know how well qualified Kate is, she is the most intelligent woman I have ever known and if I was to ask medical advise from anyone it would be her and I would trust her answer without question :sunglasses:

Pat Hasler:
'You can get it from someone with Chicken Pox :exclamation:

You CAN get Chicken Pox from someone with shingles but not vice versa ( shingles is not contagious in any means whatsoever), as for the original post and from hearing many many views on it i have also been told that that it is most contagious when the spots are going however i have also been told it is before the spots arrive.

So far i have been told by the professionals that Chicken Pox is most contagious when it is clearing so afaik i am at risk at the minute as my son,s spots are clearing up,but to be honest if i am as brave as he is and if it affects me as much as it has,nt affected him is anyone goiong to buy me a new toy if i don,t scratch■■?.

All offers welcome…

Jammy… The doctor is certainly going to tell you that you aren’t at risk to get shingles from your sons chicken pox… you obviously aren’t a member of the population that would be at risk for it. This is getting a bit out of hand. Last word on the subject… you CAN get shingles from chicken pox… as I said before, its usually due to immune system disorders, very low varicella immunity, other multiple health problems that affect general resistance, ect… and it usually effects the elderly, … its rare for the average healthy person to contract it this way,… but it isn’t so rare for those with chronic or severe medical problems. There is also a large incidence of shingles in the US seen among children who have received the varicella vaccine and have later been exposed to the chicken pox. When the average healthy adult gets shingles, its usually due to an eruption of the varicella virus within their own system…and I don’t think the ‘experts’ can even tell why this happens to some people.

And just to make ya feel better, when adults get the chicken pox, its usually much more severe than a childs. You’d better forget the toys… if you’re anything like any other man I know, then you don’t handle illness very well… (of course you could be an exception hahaha :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: )

Actually Kate it IS rare :laughing:

I don’t want to get into another mass debate (cough) but it is very rare for someone to get Shingles from someone elses Chicken Pox.

Fact is that even the medics don’t understand the action for this because it breaks all the rules about Shingles and Chicken Pox.

Also, although you pointed out in your first post on the thread that you CAN catch Shingles from someone with Chicken Pox… you did not write the circumstances in which this was applicable, and I would have thought that as a nurse, you would have been better served giving the layman’s advice, rather than arguing the whole thing.

I think jammy was asking a fairly straightforward question originally, and without asking the ins and outs of his general medical state… the best reply was that NO he could not catch Shingles from Chicken Pox.

Anyway… so long as everyone understands the basic principles of the virus, then I suppose it’s a good thing right?

Knowledge is power.

Layman’s advice is general and to the point… thats what I did in my first post isn’t it? And was told that I’m wrong? :wink: So no, I don’t think it was better. With any medical question its better to give accurate information in nonmedical terms than be too general. If I’d said NO, you can’t get shingles from his chicken pox, and then for some bizarre unknown reason he did, then I would have been wrong too. I think the problem came from the word “can”… It’s easy to misinterpret someones point without hearing the tone used with some words. In this instance “can” only means its a possibility, not a probability. But that obviously wasn’t clear, so I got more specific, and was still told that I’m wrong… I was only trying to be accurate …anyway, it was a wasted effort. :laughing: On to bigger and better things now…

One question though… have they thought of bringing the vaccine over to the UK? They’re trying to develop a booster vaccine over here now because of the increase in shingles in people who have had the vaccine. I’m not sure it’s all worth it.


<< having the last word! :smiley:

<<<< backs out of the room slowly

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: