Shift pattern


I love doing 4 on four off,
It was a bit of a struggle at first having to work fri to mon,and nighting out,
But i love it now, so much less traffic at a weekend,
And easier to get parked up.

I wouldn’t want to go back to mon to fri unless i had too

i agree, 5 on 3 off and i love it, was asked not to long ago if i wanted to go on monday to friday with my own truck, i said no our weekend work is given to us on friday and unless something goes wrong we are left alone to do it, motorways are easier to it helps if your monthly paid too

I do get my on truck,
My boss has got 4 drivers on 4 on 4 off, he would like more, but the mon to friday/sat guys aren’t keen. as it will reduce their money

I share with another driver, so when hes home i have it and vica versa,
we are well paired as we both keep it clean, and we leave it as we like to find it

On rare occasions we do have to take anotheR truck out,but thats only if ours is in for service,

This week i’m on fri to monday off, so i’m sat at home now not worring about getting up at stupid oclock to beat the monday morning rush hour,

we have 8 drivers and 5 trucks, but you always follow the same driver so its always spotless inside my last day tomorrow tip in the morning then run straight back home, should be at home with a beer for 3.30 :slight_smile:

I’m another DHL four on four off driver, we have an eight week cycle, four four day weeks four three day weeks, salaried 12 hours a day 4x36 hours 4x48 hours paid 42 hours a week (which is the average over 8 weeks). The old man works four on four off but his place pay him a four day week every week and he has to do 13 extra shift a year to make up the difference.

bald bloke:

… but why wouid it be three days on some weeks…

Because for example you might be off Mon Tues Weds Thurs then back in for Fri Sat Sun Mon but the Monday would fall in the following working week therefore a 3 day week and quite a lot of them too.

Ah I see now and if you are paid weekly/hourly, then that is going to restrict income in for that week unless you get offered overtime. All makes sense to me now.

In my example above, payments as you have described never affected me as we was salaried, so you just rolled with it.

Now i also understand how you are paid comment too!

My old man does 5 on 3 off, is this a better shift pattern as opposed to 4 on 4 off as he’s paid hourly. But do sting him on the overtime, as in, if he’s hours are approaching overtime rates, they give him shorter runs etc, so they don’t have to pay out every week.

I’d love 4 on 4 off, it’s a great shift once you get over the shock of working all those weekends on the trot. The time off makes up for it, at least for me anyway. So long as the weekend rates are factored in to your pay. My GF works in care and some of her friends are on minimum wage 3 on 3 off. Now that would ■■■■.

Cheers for all the help would have been a great job but not enough wages only working the 3 day weeks … aww well back to my 6 on 2 off … who would drive milk tankers hey ! :frowning:

I used to do a bit of that but mine was 6 on 1 off 25 hour days. :cry:

I might be OD’ing on thicko pill’s, but I thought 4on/4off went like this:

Work. Mon,Tue,Wed,Thur. Had Fri,Sat,Sun,Mon. off. 4Days working & 4 Days off.
Work. Tue,Wed,Thur,Fri. Had Sat,Sun,Mon,Tue. off.
Work. Wed,Thur,Fri,Sat. Had Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed,Thur off. Etc, etc…

It’s a system completly unknown to us over here, so I could be wrong…

It does but when you work Friday sat sun mon and look at the fixed week you work Monday, have tues weds thurs fri off, work sat and sun.

In the fixed week you have only worked for three days. Depending on how the firm treats it depends on how good a deal you get. We get salaried at 42 hours every week (the average) some pay 48 every week and you owe them days, others pay only what you do.

Bedworth haulage also run that shift pattern on there containers… But that’s a set wage a week with extra days available so you can make your money up!

They do it on other contracts too. Best and flexible way to keep the drivers and trucks on the road.

8 day rolling week means one month you’d mostly work weekends and the next month you’d be on weekdays.

4 on 4 off certainly feels weird after 5/6 days per week shift.

I worked for NR Evans on 4 on 4 off. Took a while to get used to it. Salaried wage, so got paid the same regardless of days worked. I would occasionally book two days holiday but work it instead. 6 days pay for working 4. The only downsides were working weekends quite often, but the roads and the RDCs are quieter.

4 on 3 off with full holidays, training, uniform & paid breaks to total 48hrs/week sounds good to me, 4 on 4 off sounds zb to me:mrgreen:

I worked 4on/4off for years as a cab controller, best shift there is, imo.

Suits myself this pattern of working but for a lot it wont don’t forget 4on 4 off system you work 6 in 8 weeks including 3 weekends which include both Saturday and Sunday.

I worked 4on/4off for years as a cab controller, best shift there is, imo.

Yeah i did that shift for years whilst Docking and i’m a big fan of it as you seem to get so much time off or you could do loads of overtime, happy days they were.

Why are people bringing up old threads■■? Is it a new game :unamused: :unamused:

4 on 4 off is OK but it depends on what you get paid for working Sat & Sun not good if you only get a single rate all through
TNT when I worked on the Newsfast division we got paid overtime rates for w/e working