Saviem's fan club (Part 1)

Evening all, no, no, no, Fergie, Brie, and pink caravans are forbidden in ■■■■■■■■■■■■ because the locals think that is ointment for the sheeps feet…or something to prevent the cold entering ones loved ones chest…and pink caravans because the bright colour defiles the beauty of those ■■■■■■■■ hills…

but a thought, in the quest for ever more diversification have you noticed how Eddies army only wear muted shades of pink on their Hi Viz vestments…could it be that Tinkler, and the unwashed have decided to diversify into a “cash positive” business, and are employing an army,…nay a fleet of …mobile passion waggons…so that is why the middle axles are always up…up…up and away. No wonder there is a veritable army of spotters…

But there is room next to that “art nouveau” edifice on the sea front at Morecambe for a pink Caravan…but planning permission would have to be sought…and advise “fifi”, that fish nets mean just that on Morecambe Bay…and no Fergie looks right with a roll bar…particularly on such level pasture…far more breeding than a Vizeron…

Cheerio for now

Just a thought…is “Fifi” a new star on the Eddie Spotters lists…
Its driven me to the Bollinger!

She’s a star alright…nice girl, you could take her home to meet your mother…

If you didn’t like your mother much,… that is… :blush:

Evening all, bma, beautiful drawing of the best Saviem that Britain never had, the PS30, with MAN 6cylinder power…but the UK had the “fat lady” Berliet TR280…266 horses…but with short legs!!

Now this cabinet…Fergie is obviously Minister of Brothels…and by his efforts will boost the export efforts of Hull`s caravan builders…but they must order more pink paint…

bma, without doubt will be Minister of Art and Culture…and France has much Culture…wear your flip flops in the shower

Johnnie…Minister of Transport…real experience of Exceptionel…and if you have seen the circuitous routes demanded of our heavier bretherin…then you would be full of admiration for their skills…

Now rigsby, truly a man of leisure…so he must acquit himself well as Minister of works!

Buzzer, with his Equine interests…and a muck fork on his Massey…well he has to be a cert for Minister of Agriculture!

But who will deal with Foreign Affairs…all those long legged beauties from around the world

Let alone Home Affairs…(oh the present encumbant of the Elysee seems to have been cought out on that one…as did the last resident)

Ah but there are so many more positions…

Ideas Gentlemen please…

Cheerio for now.

To Whom it may concern I was thinking that the most diligent way to inspect all the route nationale heavy routes would be for Buzzer to drive me around in his horse drawn carriage so a really exceptional inspection would be carried out and we may be able to inspect all the hostilities en route
cheers Johnnie :wink:


Evening all, bma, beautiful drawing of the best Saviem that Britain never had, the PS30, with MAN 6cylinder power…but the UK had the “fat lady” Berliet TR280…266 horses…but with short legs!!

Now this cabinet…Fergie is obviously Minister of Brothels…and by his efforts will boost the export efforts of Hull`s caravan builders…but they must order more pink paint…

bma, without doubt will be Minister of Art and Culture…and France has much Culture…wear your flip flops in the shower

Johnnie…Minister of Transport…real experience of Exceptionel…and if you have seen the circuitous routes demanded of our heavier bretherin…then you would be full of admiration for their skills…

Now rigsby, truly a man of leisure…so he must acquit himself well as Minister of works!

Buzzer, with his Equine interests…and a muck fork on his Massey…well he has to be a cert for Minister of Agriculture!

But who will deal with Foreign Affairs…all those long legged beauties from around the world

Let alone Home Affairs…(oh the present encumbant of the Elysee seems to have been cought out on that one…as did the last resident)

Ah but there are so many more positions…

Ideas Gentlemen please…

Cheerio for now.

To Whom it may concern I was thinking that the most diligent way to inspect all the route nationale heavy routes would be for Buzzer to drive me around in his horse drawn carriage so a really exceptional inspection would be carried out and we may be able to inspect all the hostilities en route
cheers Johnnie :wink:

Hi Johnnie,

As Minister for Food & Drink I feel I must accompany you,and seeing as I’ve known both Buzzer & Fergie for over 30 years we could take Fergie & Fifi with us,and anyone else you think ought to come along,we could then report back to Saviem on our findings,I think Chris Webb should also be invited and we could start from the Juniper Berry in Southampton,where he has spent many a dodgy night out :unamused:
I have been stood on Southampton Dock for sometime waiting for Norman’s (Sandman) cruise he promised,so Dave the Renegade,Harry,and Keith (Dessert Driver) should also come along for the ride.
I’ll get packed, when we get to Le Havre we can start in The Ferryboat" then “The Leopard” Peters bar,and then head south,picking up Fergie & Fifi on the way.


I have been stood on Southampton Dock for sometime waiting
Regards Richard

Ummmmmmmmmmm now, I knew you did a bit of, errrrrrr, lets say, night work Richard, but honestly…hanging around Southampton Docks, really…and at your age too ! Didn’t see Mappo while you were there did you ? :blush:

Did you make any money ? Mdm Fifi, who’s in training for the Pink Caravan, says it’s not very busy that end of town. :wink:

P.S. I know our future President is a man of honor and high principles, not sure he’d appreciated his
Min of Food and Drinks, hanging around dock areas !!
P.P.S. Has Mappo been allocated a position in Saviems Government ? …apart from horizontal that is.

Hi all the horses are fit and well and ready for any challenge, iv’e done Lands End to John ‘o’ Groats with horses so can handle distance work, as for Mappo I think Fergie is right perhaps he could be Minister of Fashion as some say he has taste but I am not sure of that Buzzer

I know Saviem has a soft spot for these old trucks…so, lots of info boss, when you’ve got time !! :wink:

well as my responibility is art and decore i,ll put a soft finger in saviem,s heart ,the real love;)

BMA I think you can legitimately claim the position of Ministre des affaires culturelles in President SAVIEM’s soon-to-be-announced first cabinet.
Anybody got an objection to this proposal which will soon be voted for in the Assemblée Nationale?
If approved, this would elevate Monsieur BMA.Finland to the enviable status of France’s second Finland-bred high-profile politician after Ari Vatanen. Bravo Monsieur Benkku

Evening all, bma, beautiful drawing of the best Saviem that Britain never had, the PS30, with MAN 6cylinder power…but the UK had the “fat lady” Berliet TR280…266 horses…but with short legs!!

Now this cabinet…Fergie is obviously Minister of Brothels…and by his efforts will boost the export efforts of Hull`s caravan builders…but they must order more pink paint…

bma, without doubt will be Minister of Art and Culture…and France has much Culture…wear your flip flops in the shower

Johnnie…Minister of Transport…real experience of Exceptionel…and if you have seen the circuitous routes demanded of our heavier bretherin…then you would be full of admiration for their skills…

Now rigsby, truly a man of leisure…so he must acquit himself well as Minister of works!

Buzzer, with his Equine interests…and a muck fork on his Massey…well he has to be a cert for Minister of Agriculture!

But who will deal with Foreign Affairs…all those long legged beauties from around the world

Let alone Home Affairs…(oh the present encumbant of the Elysee seems to have been cought out on that one…as did the last resident)

Ah but there are so many more positions…

Ideas Gentlemen please…

Cheerio for now.

In fact the various contributors to this soon-to-be-nominated cabinet have convinced me that contrary to my earlier convictions I should engage into politics and apply for a position in this government.

It is my heartfelt wish to serve under our charismatic leader Monsieur John SAVIEM, who for the first time and very courageously submitted himself to the inquisitive eyes of the French media - who so mercilessly treated his predecessor François Hollande who in fact was only perpetuating France’s presidential tradition in the most loyal manner.

His first public appearance was caught on France’s prominent channel France 2 during an interview:

However Candidate SAVIEM’s Public Relations advisory Team recommended he modify his approach somewhat.
Reports have it that he has now elaborated his communication strategy to the finest detail, in line with his motto “the ordinary people’s president”.

Seen here on his first public TV debate against his communist opponent Monsieur Georges Marchais.

Monsieur Saviem, please hereby receive my formal application to the position of

Secrétaire d’État aux affaires viticoles et au redressement alcoolémique”.

In close subordination to our Minister of Food&Drink Monsieur MaggieD, I am proposing the following measures:

  • re-instating cross-channel trade relationships: all Routiers to be fitted with automatic Whiskey and Pimms dispensers along with a wide offering of red and white vino, aiming to foster greater collaboration and cultural awareness with our British partners.
  • Recent scientific research has demonstrated the mind-enhancing properties of a variety of our local beverages which have suffered undue negative publicity from the health lobby and other types of reprobate treehuggers. As such, I am proposing to introduce a mandatory absorption of no less then two (2) glasses of pernod-ricard prior to the day’s work, in line with the National Railway’s below prescription:
  • Rather than focusing exclusively on our iconic wines, the breadth of our alcoholic beverage offering should be promoted to its full potential. Monsieur Fergie sits on vast untapped potential of the local “Chuchen” which the French Brittons are so fond of. Let’s also not forget Monsieur Michel whose native Region is famous for its Mirabelle brandy. Or think or Monsieur Heraultais who sits right on France greatest recent miracle - the Languedoc wines.

We already have a quality control Team to be ‘orse-carted around by buzzer our in-house easy rider and his stable of stallions such as Messieurs ROF, Sammyopisite, Henry Gilles, and any other willing and able contributors.

I believe we have a robust governance Team lined up Mister Président, up to you to lead this first cabinet to unprecedented international prestige.

Davidoff…Brilliant…Priceless… :smiley: :slight_smile: :laughing:

Bonjour Davidoff,

I second Fergie’s comment excellent !

I look forward to working closely with you,and to mark the occasion I am now on my 2nd Ricard Tomate :smiley:

Bon Weekend

You could load some wine from ‘Rhône valley’ in this 6x2 Bernard from end of the 40 th. Unfortunately,it’s yet a bit derelict !

Not wishing to step on MaggieD’s (Min of Foods and Wines) toes, I have taken Davidoff’s advice and already started to load and deliver the famous Bretton Chouchen to various les Routiers around France…2 glass per customer, F.O.C. It will be transported by some old reliable companies, some of which you will no doubt recognise…

However, as Min of Brothels I must admit I’m struggling, only managed one interview so far, Mdm Fifi, and if things don’t pick up she could be a very busy lady !!
All is not lost though, I know that certain people have been hanging around Southampton Docks, vying for business, one smartly dressed “lady”, mini-skirt, bra-less, plastic handbag, carrying a violin case with a QC’s wig, and the other, a portly “lady” wearing an of the shoulder chiffon frock, in peach, with matching accessories…but with black socks and sandals, and 4 days stubble !
If they’d like to come forward for an interview then that will ease the pressure off of Fifi…I will order a specially large caravan for the portly gentleman, errr sorry, lady !! :blush:

Cheers Fergie…. M.O.B.

Very aptly posted Mr Fergie, particularly that first pic showing L. Giraud’s long-nose Scania, which must be driven by a very canning driver for he carries the sign “service du lait”, a smart undercover initiative to hide the tank’s real content and thus dodge the képis’ increasingly frequent roadside controls.

We count on you to deliver this precious load safely to destination, the success of our next political rally depends upon its energising virtues!

Michel, great pics there.
Whilst our trusted 6x2 Bernard undergoes some discreet cosmetic upgrade after 65 or so years in continuous service, I think we should consider adding a Willème “Nez de Requin” pinardier to the fleet, don’t you think?

Here it is with its trailer.

What ever happened to L.Girauds remember them well in the customs shed off the Normandy ferries in the morning in the old docks in Southampton, customs men with there cleaned out thermos flasks ready for collecting there own personal supplies out of those smart machined tanks behind various dark green tractor units, oblivious that we might even notice what they were up to. Long gone seem to be those days but certain companies always stick in the back of ones mind, especially for all those who shipped out of that very same port before it all went down the road to Portsmouth. If the weather was bad and the seas were rough at least you could eat your dinner in the calm going down the Solent at regulation speed and then get to the bowels of the ship and get your head down before you emerged from the shelter of the Isle of Wight when all hell let loose, just memories now but hey life goes on, cheers Buzzer.

Mes braves, Je suis scrubbing out the tankard as nous speak, readying myself pour joining le crew in the task of sorting les francais out with their politics, bordellos, cognac et le vin.
As vous see, je suis fluent in la lingo already so will have no trouble communicating with les natives, although je n’anticipate pas doing too much talking due to le presence of the aforementioned tankard.
Tout le jour, Rodney, tout le jour!

My friends, I am having major problems in getting anything submitted to Truck net, will keep on trying…

1st photo, Berliet GL10M 9.5 litre, 180hp, with the loved/loathed Tricateuse gearbox…two sticks,

the second, has there ever been a finer cab sitting over Hugh Gardners engine than the Television…that white steering wheel makes you wish to drive…and that was 1962…

Will try again…

Evening all, …quelle equipe…you do not need me!!!(and with the computer problems that I keep having, Im ready to give up)!!

What can I say, Davidoff and Maggie D, re establishing the supremecy of French food and drink…and disguising the discreet movement of the more delectable varieties…

Apologies for my somewhat disheviled appearance on the photographs…down to the arty types asking me to remove my “green wellies” lest they look too Anglo Saxon…

Again for my conduct during the debate…I was provoked…and I believe that my left wing adversary has now recovered from the operation to remove my left, (Chinese produced), but totally English worn green wellie from his posterior…and his speech has returned as normal…

May I suggest Michel as my deputy, for he looks far more distinguished than I in the Tricolour sash…and I keep getting mine caught in the zip of my finest “Hebdon Bridge Courduroy Trousers”, and they are so strong that one is incapable of kneeling in them at all!!

Are not those Bernards truly works of art…and you can drive them as well!

Buzzers coach tour of the kingdom must take place…shall we have carriage dogs to keep the peasantry at bay?

Morning all, rain,rain, again today!

Buzzer, Fergie, Group Giraud, 40 Rue de Seine, Vitry sur Seine. As Fergies pictures began as L Giraud, primarily a tank business. Then 74, Michel Giraud took over, and with his brother in law, Alain Fouqueur "grew" the business. By the 80s they were operating around 1500 items, and within the group such companys as, L Giraud, (maroon tanks),Gouverr, (green tanks), Bousquet, Peillon, Cannone, L&M, Euro 60, Vacher, Willemain, Ducerf.

Size wise, 80s, similar to Prost, Drouin Freres, and bigger than Norbert! Come to 2000s, failing economy, high social costs, so Group split, Transport/Logistics. 2003, needed to recapatalise, Tanks sold, then by 2013 part acquired by Geodis, (SNCF).Fleet size around 4000 items.

Familiar story to many over here! Spent a lot of my time with Michel, trying to stop him buying DSFs via that other Englishman working in France…John Baker of DAF. Think he ended up with Leyland DAF. And its where I first tasted Bollinger…so I am rather fond of Groupe Giraud and her people!

Cheerio for now.