On board cams with microphones lol whats this world coming to… technically its illegal to record anything and its invasion of privacy. Same as in cab facing cameras. What happens if you take a call when on you break for possible new job. Bosses could exploit this and be checking the audio to see what youve said through out the day.
I think its good to have dash camera’s that record whats in front of you but this is going one step too far.
Fascism is what it is to have complete power over drivers and as usual kiss arses bend over and take it right up the back door.
Is anyone in a union where this has been discussed before
technically its illegal to record anything
you got a source for this?
technically its illegal to record anything
you got a source for this?
I just mean that forward facing dash cam is for insurance purpose only and this was discussed in a company i worked for last year although we didnt mind the forward facing one as in many cases the hgv driver gets the blame for accidents but cab facing ones is technically spying on the work force and how would that go for the boys and girls that do nights out hhhhmmmm… that means you cant changed ■■■ off, as in cab facing camera plus audio…peeping tom springs to mind.
The saying NANNY STATE comes to mind. Eddie.
Just play “Death Metal” non stop at full blast !!!
The Roadhawk HDs cost a fortune, anything in the region of £230+ but they’re worth every penny.