Religious nutter tied in knots


I once asked some other evangelist, rather than our TN home-grown example: What about all the people who lived before JC and therefore didn’t have the “opportunity” to “accept him as their saviour”.

I was told they would get their chance to be born again before the end of the world so they would have their chance to “get it right”. He wasn’t able to say if this event would be phased or if they would all be born simultaneously, to give the same amount of time to each potential candidate.

Nor could he say which of the 73 books of the Bible contained this get-out clause of reincarnation, nor in which of the >150 versions of the Bible it could be found (in as many as 50 different languages).

Naturally the Christian “clock” only starts from October 23, 4004 BC ( so it kinda ■■■■■ for the millions of early Homo sapiens who were around back in the beginning, around 200,000 to 300,000 years ago.

It’s doubly pants for the first four or five generations of Sumarians who only just missed the cut off date, having had the lack of foresight to kick off their civilisation in 4100 BC. If only, eh?

Needless to say all the non-Christians were, by default, proper whale-oil-beef-hooked due to the “Thou shalt have no other god but me” rule - yeah, feeling the love there alright :laughing:

Thank God I’m an atheist :laughing: :laughing:

Let me use a little analogy to deal with this.If you have a get out of jail card in monopoly,you dont go to jail even though you deserved it.The next player doesnt have one so he goes to jail.He doesnt complain.Likewise those that do not hear the gospel are punished for their sins.They arent punished because they did not know Chrust

Thought you’d give up. :neutral_face:
No?..Ok then, but Instead of using an analogy, answer the ■■■■ questions,.especially those about the time scale of things.

Here’s another,.did God ‘‘make’’ dinosaurs?

Time can be tracked through EVIDENCE during and since then…
So where and when tf did Adam and Eve make an appearance in this?.. Were they homohabilis, homosapiens, Neanderthals or what…all of which type or species of early man can be proven through EVIDENCE btw, not what some theorist with a wild imagination has wrote down in ancient times for gullible idiots to believe.

Over to you…please no more cop out answers by quoting more ■■■■ Bible passages, normal modern English will suffice.


With me,as a Christian ,Titus 3.9.12 covers this issue.You warn a person once,then twice,then you have to give up.
I dont know what stage we are at.
Eternity is forever,this life is so short and over so quickly.Call me a nutter if you must,I only evangelise because of concern for a persons soul.
You might have health,wealth ,a good life or whatever but all these things are not eternal.We enter this world with nothing and leave with nothing.If you reject Jesus Christ,one day,we will meet God face to face and all our sins will be revealed,nothing will be hidden on that day.If you have lived a perfect life then you have nothing to fear but if,like me,you have faults weaknesses,sins,then you need a saviour,Jesus Christ who paid the due penalty on the cross.
There is nothing smug about being a Christian.Its like a beggar telling another beggar where to get food.

I rest my case…no further questions. :laughing:
Btw…don’t be ‘‘concerned’’ for me mate,.I’ll.manage just fine. :unamused:
Just concentrate on yourself. :bulb:

There’s the reason that there will be “Much gnashing of teeth”…

The “Third Part” - has to come from somewhere, after all…

There’s no need for any “cut” as such, as people are quite happy to select themselves for that…

Robroy.I am studying the subjects that you mention.I will get back to you on it in time

Robroy.I am studying the subjects that you mention.I will get back to you on it in time

When you say you’re ‘‘studying the subject’’ is it by reading actual and proven facts from a history text, or is it a version cobbled together by your ‘sect’ in order to conveniently fit in facts with fantasy.
If it’s the former, crack on, if it’s the latter, you know what?
I’ll maybe pass on it.

If you study anything for long enough you can twist it to your way of thinking. Hell, some people see Jesus in everything

Speaking of religious fanatic head cases.

Where this all went wrong for so many people around the world - was “persecution” in some form or other - being put in place for those who “believed” rather than those who kept stumn, because they didn’t want to be persecuted for not following what State told you.

Lies work best - when told by people considerably richer than thou.

I never understood why so many more people have at least some good in them, whilst at the same time so few people have anything Godly about them…

If you look at things from the other end, "How can we ever expect to be treated equally, if our “betters” in the form of wealth and power - get to tell us what is right and wrong, rather than our religious faith?

No one has a monopoly on “Truth”.
I continue to scratch my head over those who seem determined to carry out good deeds in their lives, and yet condemn themselves to eternal damnation - simply by “not believing in anything at all”, rather than “the wrong faith”.

“Death” might simply be a transition where we all get the same chance to “go where we will” - but could YOU navigate around, without instruments and people you can react with?

It is hardly surprising that most people end up lost, just as if you unloaded a busload of people in the middle of the sahara desert, told them the nearest safety is 50 miles away, but not told “Which Direction”… You’ve got rations for 7 days, and you can travel about 10 miles per day.

Anyone who can walk throughout the night - has an advantage.
Anyone who can navigate by the stars - has an advantage.
Anyone who can function with less rations - has an advantage.
Anyone who has no faith in a “rescue” - has an advantage.

Take a million people, and you’ll have a million different views of “God” among them.
There’s no guarantee there that ANY of them will be the “Correct” view however.

If you’re “Not in” though? - How can you possibly end up better off, in any aspect?
Even if Atheists are 100% bang on the money with regards to “Going to nothingness” when they die - How does “being correct” there - Help them, once they shuffle off their mortal coils? :question: :question:

Robroy,I did address the issue that Zac raised about those who were born before Christ.There is no automatic right to be let off with the punishment due to their sins.But we do believe their punishment will be less.The hottest place in hell is for those who have the light but reject it,like those born in a Christian envoirement.There are Bible verses to back this up but you told me not to quote.
Yes,God made the dinosours.You re not suggesti g they just appeared from nowhere…

Robroy,I did address the issue that Zac raised about those who were born before Christ.There is no automatic right to be let off with the punishment due to their sins.But we do believe their punishment will be less.The hottest place in hell is for those who have the light but reject it,like those born in a Christian envoirement.There are Bible verses to back this up but you told me not to quote.
Yes,God made the dinosours.You re not suggesti g they just appeared from nowhere…

No, but your bible does…

.The hottest place in hell is for those who have the light but reject it,like those born in a Christian envoirement…

Ah well…Looks like I’m ■■■■ ed then. :neutral_face:
Best pack me shorts. :smiley:

The nodding donkey
God created the dinosours.
Who created God,you say…
God is outside of time and space,so is not subject to time,but is master of even time and space itself.Otherwise He couldnt be God.

The nodding donkey
God created the dinosours.
Who created God,you say…
God is outside of time and space,so is not subject to time,but is master of even time and space itself.Otherwise He couldnt be God.

In other words, you believe he exists, but you ain’t got a clue to the answer to the question, so true to form, you resort to default to religious and meaningless jargon and pure ■■■■■■■■.
Thanks…got it.

The nodding donkey
God created the dinosours.
Who created God,you say…
God is outside of time and space,so is not subject to time,but is master of even time and space itself.Otherwise He couldnt be God.

Did god relate the Dinosaurs before man, or after?

You see, Dinosaur bones are over 75million years old, whilst the first “human” remains are about 2million years old. That is not taking into account your creationist assumption that the world was created only about 6500 year ago.

The problem for religious zealots is that you can only quote from your story book. And you only ever quote selective passages. You don’t agree with homosexually, because your book forbids it. In that case, if you have any daughters, I’d be interested in purchasing one.

I believe the dinasours were created byt then destroyed by the flood.I dont believe they were here 75 million years ago.Nor man,2 million.

I believe the dinasours were created byt then destroyed by the flood.I dont believe they were here 75 million years ago.Nor man,2 million.

Any thoughts on the daughter? Cash waiting…

Robroy,the nodding donkey didnt ask me a question as such.He just implied that the Bible indicates that the dinasours suddenly appeared from nowhere.I just stated that God created them

Robroy,the nodding donkey didnt ask me a question as such.He just implied that the Bible indicates that the dinasours suddenly appeared from nowhere.I just stated that God created them.

Of course the Bible indicates that they “appeared suddenly from nowhere”. Everything in your story book “suddenly appears out of nowhere”.

I asked you thoughts, on the timeline of the apparition of both the dinosaur and man.

But as a creationist, you believe that everything “appeared suddenly” 6500 years ago.

I believe the dinasours were created byt then destroyed by the flood.I dont believe they were here 75 million years ago.Nor man,2 million.

A quote from the article you link to.

There is much we don’t know about dinosaurs, but the evidence fits the Biblical model well. Evolutionists, however, have difficulty explaining away dragon legends, cave drawings, and even modern “sightings.” Furthermore, they can’t explain either their demise or their evolution. The “just-so” stories they tell are inferior to a reconstruction of the past based on the Bible.

Great. Science is wrong, because they can’t “explain” how dinosaurs got extinct. But you are right, because it says so in a 2000 year old book…

Now, how about our business?

I believe the dinasours were created byt then destroyed by the flood.I dont believe they were here 75 million years ago.Nor man,2 million.

:laughing: Ok,.so you don’t BELIEVE in irrefutable fact that has been proven by experts, but you BELIEVE in a whole mass of other stuff that equates to fairy stories.

When I go to do my degree in paleontology remind me not to do my research and study on the website that you provided…because I would sure as hell fail it. :laughing:

Robroy,I did address the issue that Zac raised about those who were born before Christ.There is no automatic right to be let off with the punishment due to their sins.But we do believe their punishment will be less.The hottest place in hell is for those who have the light but reject it,like those born in a Christian envoirement.There are Bible verses to back this up but you told me not to quote.
Yes,God made the dinosours.You re not suggesti g they just appeared from nowhere…

It is written that “Those who don’t know Christ - will be judged by their deeds” then the obvious interpretation of that is that “don’t know” is “Ignorance” rather than “rejection” - don’t you think?

For example, a third-worlder in some remote location outside of mainstream civilization - doesn’t get damned if they then perish in an earthquake, but some ex-choirboy who made the conscious decision to reject “Religion” outright - can only look forward to “nothingness” if they are right, or “eternal damnation” if they got it wrong, after all…

Now ask yourselves all - Which side gains the most by “putting people off mainstream religion - by (for example) the systemic adminstration of a sore bum to all youngsters involved”… Hmm?

A lot of “Organized Religion” today is nothing more than politiking between good and evil, God and Satan if you will.

There isn’t actually a consistent association between “Left and RIght” here, as say, 40 years ago - the Left was associated with Russia and China, and the Right with the Western powers… My how THAT worm has turned!

If you think of “Humanity” as nothing more than the betting chips in some grand game of poker between good and evil… The game is as much about “Bluffing your opponent to quit whilst actually winning” than anything else… It is absurd to think that people would actually choose Evil over Good, but if you make ‘Good’ a pain-in-the-arse to keep up with, and ‘Evil’ an easy way forward - then it becomes a lot easier to understand.