Refugee Killed Under Truck In Banbury

Turkey have got a lot to answer for.

They’ve scrounged billions off the rest of us in the EU - all because NATO licks it’s chops over the idea of “expanding” to include Borgia-run states like Turkey and West Ukraine.

They attack their own people already, ask us for billions to “do something not involving the same”, pretend that it’s Syria/Kurds/Russians that are committing atrocities rather than them,

  • and of course are sending unchecked people over here by the thousands, some of whom will be Terrorist infiltrators. If that were not true, we’d see a lot more women and children among the “Refugees”.

God help us if we vote to stay in the EU - and the floodgates open by Turkey being granted full EU membership…
We might as well all paint targets on our chests with “Stab Here” written in all middle-eastern languages for diversity reasons… :frowning:

Our pampered middle classes are all set to vote “Remain” in June - not giving a monkeys that we’ll ALL be shafted by their short-sighted “I’m alright Jack” attitude to their own country.

The price for “Remain” is STILL 1/2 on at the betting exchanges, with “Brexit” priced at 2-1 against.
This continues to imply a ratio of around 66% voting “Remain”, 34% “Brexit” - although if one factors the expected one-in-three voters who don’t care who wins and screws them (like the proverbial ■■■■■■ on a bank holiday weekend in Portsmouth) the real implied voting is around the 35% “Remain”, 32% “Brexit”, and 33% “can’t be arsed to vote”. :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

This needs to change - and soon. I can’t believe even the chattering classes are so dumb that they’d want to see what we’ve had these past two years in particular - continuing forever, and getting even worse before long, a steep decline into chaos on the cards soon after a “Remain” vote goes through, and we’re obliged to take them all following the EU’s next edict…

“He’d been in Dunkirk a long time - maybe he decided to go on his own. All Mohammed was trying to do was to find a better life and he felt this was his only option”.

Plenty of people want a better life, but they don’t pay money to smugglers and then climb under trucks to get where they want to be. His other option was to stay put and fight instead of leaving it to someone else. We watch the news here and see videos on the web where there are nothing but men of fighting age, why are they not fighting for their country. I recently saw seven men of obvious arab appearance, all with shoes on with one woman who had no shoes and three children, two of which she was carrying, simply because that’s the way they live. Then people wonder why they’re not wanted.

We all have opinions Rikki, don’t tell us we should keep them to ourselves. That’s how things go from bad to worse, because no one says anything without getting vilified. I don’t agree with the far right, bordering on fascism, but something needs doing and it’s high time Europe took a leaf out of our Governments book.

It’s a bit much when we have to admit that those of the ex-EU (and therefore “illegal”) immigrants that have “no terror connection” - are in fact the equivalent of “National Service Draft Dodgers” in their countries of origion.
I bet there won’t be many of them signing up for the British Regulars - so they can go back and get some “payback” vs the ISIS that have driven them from their homes…

Meanwhile, Turkey continues to trade with ISIS, make incursions into Syria where Kurds and Non-ISIS Syrians are both fair game to them.
Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia and Israel (thought to be funding ISIS via intermediaries) - continue to take in NO refugees, probably for religious reasons.

Bombs going off in Turkey - are being blamed upon the Kurds. Strange how the Kurds are being relentlessly attacked in the Eastern part of the country, and across the border in Syria - whilst it doesn’t occur to anyone that surely ISIS should be the enemy of Turkey here?

Turkey don’t want to lose the eastern part of their own holdings as part of a “World Peace” style solution - that much is clear.
They’d rather ally with ISIS against the Kurds than Ally with anyone else against ISIS - any day. :angry:

Putin could make a bold move, and annex the eastern region of Turkey (an act of war vs Nato in theory) - but if he gave it immediately to the Kurds - who are supposed top be allied with with America - then who can say that his action is “Aggressive”? The Turkish government would have steam coming out of their ears, and what can they do, should NATO not obligingly declare WWIII upon Russia?

Russia is still looking for some Payback for the death of their Pilot, whom in the wrong airspace or not - should NOT have been attacked by a NATO member just for the sake of it. :bulb:

Hardly any news is getting out of the region - since all reports make Turkey, Nato, and the West look bad, whilst making Assad, the Russians, and the Kurds - look like heroes…
Best there is a complete news blackout on such reports then - as engineered by Turkey again. :unamused:

Winseer, you are a bit paranoid about Turkey getting EU membership, its not gonna happen.
Do you know who is pushing strongly for Turkey to be accepted…cough British government cough!

Who cares ■■ Nothing to see here, time to move on…

“He’d been in Dunkirk a long time - maybe he decided to go on his own. All Mohammed was trying to do was to find a better life and he felt this was his only option”.

We watch the news here and see videos on the web where there are nothing but men of fighting age, why are they not fighting for their country.

He was kurdish, as you’d know if you’d read the thread. If you think kurds have their own country you are too thick to be in charge of a motor vehicle.


“He’d been in Dunkirk a long time - maybe he decided to go on his own. All Mohammed was trying to do was to find a better life and he felt this was his only option”.

We watch the news here and see videos on the web where there are nothing but men of fighting age, why are they not fighting for their country.

He was kurdish, as you’d know if you’d read the thread. If you think kurds have their own country you are too thick to be in charge of a motor vehicle.

There are plenty of Kurds fighting to try to achieve the goal of them getting their own country so he could have chose that option, at the end of the day he put himself in harms way and so no one else is to blame for his death except him. Guessing you haven’t been through Calais recently and seen what goes on there. Three weeks ago one of our lorry’s was hit by a brick fractured cheek bones for the driver don’t see that getting reported, where these people are concerned sympathy was soon lost once they started attacking drivers


“He’d been in Dunkirk a long time - maybe he decided to go on his own. All Mohammed was trying to do was to find a better life and he felt this was his only option”.

We watch the news here and see videos on the web where there are nothing but men of fighting age, why are they not fighting for their country.

He was kurdish, as you’d know if you’d read the thread. If you think kurds have their own country you are too thick to be in charge of a motor vehicle.

and if you don’t think hoards of men of a fighting age marching across europe as a danger then you are too thick to ride a bicycle. Quicker we get Brexit voted in and our borders secured the better.



“He’d been in Dunkirk a long time - maybe he decided to go on his own. All Mohammed was trying to do was to find a better life and he felt this was his only option”.

We watch the news here and see videos on the web where there are nothing but men of fighting age, why are they not fighting for their country.

He was kurdish, as you’d know if you’d read the thread. If you think kurds have their own country you are too thick to be in charge of a motor vehicle.

There are plenty of Kurds fighting to try to achieve the goal of them getting their own country so he could have chose that option, at the end of the day he put himself in harms way and so no one else is to blame for his death except him. Guessing you haven’t been through Calais recently and seen what goes on there. Three weeks ago one of our lorry’s was hit by a brick fractured cheek bones for the driver don’t see that getting reported, where these people are concerned sympathy was soon lost once they started attacking drivers

Because it doesn’t fit the BBC and other media’s agenda, And that one sided propaganda,About them all only being peace loving good people who have nothing, ya da ya da , needs to end , I’m sick of it, it boils my ■■■■ IMO creates even more hate

Take no notice of rs66, he’s probably shacked up with bking and being serviced. :laughing:

Winseer, you are a bit paranoid about Turkey getting EU membership, its not gonna happen.
Do you know who is pushing strongly for Turkey to be accepted…cough British government cough!

… But the British Government are well on course to get the “Remain” vote through - which might be what Cameron thinks he wants for himself, but in truth he’s being played by the Euromanderins to sell the entire UK out… Letting Turkey then have full membership once we’ve locked on our own manacles - will be just in time for the grand floodgate opening ceremony that will involve Planes being brought down by Drones at places like Mertyl Avenue, Taxi drivers attacking anyone who looks at them funnily, and a few Mosques that have not got on board with the New Eastern Order being torched, and having it blamed upon the powerless EDL or somesuch.

My heart… it bleeds.