Quitting smoking

Ive been thinking of offering a guaranteed no smoking plan for £600 a week.

I just move in withy you and follow you round everywhere you go and make sure you dont have a ■■■.

When I stopped I used Zyban and went to one of these no smoking groups that seemed to help a lot talking to others in the same boat.


My brother in law and his wife were both heavy smsokers but went to the doctor to quit.
They were given tablets called CHANTIX and they both say it was dead easy. They have been off the ■■■■ now for over 8 months and neither have had any desire to light up.
Have a word with your GP if you are determined.
Chewing gum helps
Reading a book is also good
Take you laptop and fiddle with that
Or take a pad and pen and write something or drae
Anything to keep your mind and hands occupied.

I’ve started my course of tablets this morning, so lets hoping this works. (BEEN TOLD IT’S GOTTA WORK)

How’s it going?
I stopped in July last year using these tablets after smoking 40 a day for 25 years. They made me have some weird dreams and they just made me feel like crap but I got there in the end. I could quite easily light up at least 10 times a day. :unamused: :unamused:
Aren’t they called Champix?

Life seemed ‘easier’ when I smoked, if you know what I mean.

I have just given up by reading a book, sounds stupid but it works

Allan Carr , Easy Way

Try it, it really works.

I read that and yes it works i stopped for a year,but for some stupid reason started again.Read the book again but this time it never worked . :cry:

I’d just like to say


I went cold turkey on Sunday night, and I’m finding it bloody hard, especially at work :cry: :cry:

Edited to fit within a standard page.LT :wink:

i will give up when i come back for good too expensive here $5 for 200 in iraq

I don’t know about smoking, although I gave up over 30 years ago with no problems when I realised that I didn’t enjoy it, but since my recent operations I have been told to drink lots of water (2 litres/day!) and as a side effect have found that I am not snacking at all.
Even though the food in my French hospital was excellent and more than I would usually eat and I was totally inactive, I lost 4 kgs. in one week :open_mouth: :laughing: .
How does that work except for no snacking?
Now not saying that the same would apply to smoking but maybe something different to do with hands and mouth :unamused: has some relevance?

I’ve just given up after smoking about 40 a day for 35 years. I’ve tried loads of times and failed because I didn’t really want to. This time I have decided I will. Also I have gone onto a Nicotine Inhilator - costs more than ■■■■, but better than having a nurse or doctor being condescending :angry: On day three so far, and not missing them, and not using the inhilator much either. I’d reccomend the inhilator to anyone that misses doing something with their hands as much as needing the nicotine :laughing: :laughing:

Good luck Babe :wink: keep it up. :smiley:

Nice one Gardun, Good luck. :smiley: :smiley:

I’ve just given up after smoking about 40 a day for 35 years. I’ve tried loads of times and failed because I didn’t really want to. This time I have decided I will. Also I have gone onto a Nicotine Inhilator - costs more than ■■■■, but better than having a nurse or doctor being condescending Mad On day three so far, and not missing them, and not using the inhilator much either. I’d reccomend the inhilator to anyone that misses doing something with their hands as much as needing the nicotine Laughing Laughing

nice one :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
i’m still off them myself,since i started this thread.
rarely miss them now.it’s only the very few times that i miss them and it only lasts for seconds.
i thought i would crack up in the truck,but not yet thank God :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:
keep up the good work :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Thanks for the support guys and galls.

Not missing them at all so far
and don’t seem to be getting any withdrawall symtoms :laughing:

Seriously, not a problem although I am a bit more tetchy than usual (could just be time of the month - a week before pay-day). Plus, I haven’t told family or friends yet - since I’m on nights no-one has noticed and I can do without them watching my every move!