Question for the trampers

I’ve spent many years tramping too. I quite like working on my own, I love driving and doing the distance work getting to see different places and people and it’s great to get out and do a bit of exploring if you do get a chance. I definately prefer the European work to the UK although from my experience the euro work has become less and less over the years. I’ve tried night work too but for me it was a case of work-home-dinner-bed, feeling like a zombie and never seeing the family anyway.

You definately need the right mindset to do the work, I’m usually away from home for two weeks, I never know how long a working day might be (…legal of course) and only get two or three days at home when I get back. I’ve seen drivers new to the work quit after (…or sometimes before) their first week.

I’d think long and hard if you’re in a relationship, married, kids, etc… I ended up like most of the other lads I’ve worked with…seperated!!! Where I live there never has been much other work about where I could take home the wages I’d earn so my ex-mrs always said she was okay with me working away, but in the end she’d had enough.

But the job’s what you make it !!! If I’m parked up for my 24hours I’ll have a wander into the town too. Technology makes life a little better these days, I use ‘skype’ to talk to my kids and the laptop for internet, catching up on news, watching dvd’s, burning music onto cd’s, etc…, I like to keep the truck spotless, I do my own cooking and try to eat as healthy as I can and always get a decent sleep, even on fridge work :laughing:

At the end of a day…you choose what you want to do, shower pub meal talk with other drivers, or stay in your cab and watch tv…dvd, some drivers take there wives or partners if they dont have kids…the jobs what you make it…as other ops have said theres no fixed hours meal times etc…but your 9 or 11 off is your time…give it a go if it isnt for you go back on days…or nights…good luck with your decision… :sunglasses:

I really enjoyed it. Did five years more or less non-stop, I didn’t take foreign holidays because I was being paid to drive all over the place seeing new things all the time! I think an open mind and a willingness to take things as they come are two very important things. I didn’t miss anything that I didn’t want to weddings or birthdays for example, if I needed time off my various employers understood because it was unusual for me to want or need it.

I was quite happy to spend weekends or rest periods in different places and have guys come and turn me, get weekended in Calais? No problem, have a walk, look around, dinner, a good drink and chill out on Sunday. I say Calais because to most people it’s the most boring place in the world if all you see is the inspection sheds and the smelly factory. Take time to look around and you sometimes find some fascinating stuff, not to mention people. Other parking places are available :laughing:

As someone else said, don’t turn up with terms and conditions - he was absolutely right, it’s a quick way to heartache. One of the main reasons I avoided people who spoke English as their first langauge as much as I possibly could, is that an awful lot of them are like that (in my experience). They usually get drunk, start moaning and then start on the locals. Sitting in a bar in Germany with a guy who won’t shut up about the war is a deeply unpleasant experience. Guess what, you’re sitting with him so it’s up to you to sort him out or simply walk away. Always walk away!

If you can, try and get a gig doing Europe or beyond. The UK gets very small very quickly.

You have got it spot on scanner,i did the tramping job for 34yrs home and abroad[ret now]loved it rough and smooth but I was brought up by the old school drivers.
regards dave.

I did tramping / roaming for 12 years loved it I had a fold up bike when I was up Scotland in the sticks and parked up early I’d go out on me bike and have a good look around I only left the company because I got a yard shunting job which I’ve been doing for the past 10 years I still miss the road so 5 years ago I brought a old Seddon Atkinson 401 which I’ve totally restored so I go out and about to shows and road runs

Only way to know is try it.I fell into tramping cos I hated my night shift Rota was offered tramping n thought y not I never c the family anyway after the first week I never looked back
I could be eating fish n chips on Brighton beach one night n enjoying the view in the Scots highlands the next
I have a better family life than ever because of my job we can choose to what we want at weekend’s
Once.u get your.own motor.n kit it out nice n cosy it’s a good life
And after a week away you learn to enjoy your own bed and family much more

thanks for all the replies i think im gonna give it a try, I have nothing to lose no wife or kids and I live at home so it seems like it would suit me. @cav551 the answer to all your questions is no I would say apart from the one about making enough profit to stay in business to which I will say that I have been asked by the boss to stay for a while because he told me alot of lads have left after a few months as its fairly tough and theres a lot of pressure on you to get all your drops and collections done before the places close so theres a job there for me as long as I need but its not what I got into this industry for, I think it would suit someone better who wanted to be guaranteed home every night and weekend.

thanks for all the replies i think im gonna give it a try, I have nothing to lose no wife or kids and I live at home so it seems like it would suit me. @cav551 the answer to all your questions is no I would say apart from the one about making enough profit to stay in business to which I will say that I have been asked by the boss to stay for a while because he told me alot of lads have left after a few months as its fairly tough and theres a lot of pressure on you to get all your drops and collections done before the places close so theres a job there for me as long as I need but its not what I got into this industry for, I think it would suit someone better who wanted to be guaranteed home every night and weekend.

Good on you. Give it a go, you have nothing to lose and everything to experience :slight_smile:

To me there is only ever one answer to this type of question, give it a go. It’s the only way to find out if you are cut out for it. Sometimes it will be great, sometimes it will be crap, most of the time it will be normal, just like life really. Enjoy.

I finished my first week away on Friday mate and I got home just before 9PM, Left Monday 5AM, Saw them on Skype once and spoke on the phone to my children (9, 3 and 5 months) and their mummy. It’s hard because we just split up and I love my children to bits, When I’m at work I don’t have much time to think about them as I’m busy concentrating either on the road of with my crane.
I missed them so much by Wednesday I thought about telling them that I can’t do it but I done my first week, I recon it will get easier but I don’t think I’ll stick it out for more then a couple of years at most, It’s very good money what I’m doing but I’m missing my children grow up and that’s priceless to me (But money does help!!)

I’ve been asked many times over the years what its like. Remember that whats called tramping today is what we all used to do once over.

My answer first and foremost has been you have to be happy with your own company.

Retro rob:
Tramping isn’t a job, its a way of life, you’ll either love it or hate it!

Absolutely spot on. I hated it, only managed 3 months. I was on for Stobarts so it was easy work but I just missed my wife and kids too much and decided I didn’t want to miss them growing up.

I finished my first week away on Friday mate and I got home just before 9PM, Left Monday 5AM, Saw them on Skype once and spoke on the phone to my children (9, 3 and 5 months) and their mummy. It’s hard because we just split up and I love my children to bits, When I’m at work I don’t have much time to think about them as I’m busy concentrating either on the road of with my crane.
I missed them so much by Wednesday I thought about telling them that I can’t do it but I done my first week, I recon it will get easier but I don’t think I’ll stick it out for more then a couple of years at most, It’s very good money what I’m doing but I’m missing my children grow up and that’s priceless to me (But money does help!!)

I know exactly how you feel. I was completely the same. Hated not seeing the kids and wife and just being at home. It really wasn’t for me and never will be!

I’ve just got a Full Time start. Much more my type of job. I’d rather be a trolley dolly with a routine and home every day. Each to their own I guess.

I tramped for for over 30yrs starting off on what would be a 7.5 tonner now ( the weight classes were different then) to a 16 tonner then an artic I used to love the long distance and the job taken me all over the UK & mainland Europe ,but be warned it can also have a devastating effect on home life ,in a way its a very selfish way of life and it is a way of life make no mistake !! I often reflect its a job for loners & misfits ( dont know which I am :laughing: ) but I did love the job in a way i still do & only finished & went on days because I found it turning into drudgery & wanted to spend a few years before i retired with the missus , what brought that home was I went home to an empty house ( the wife was in work) & I realised that for her this is what it was like every night while I was away, sorry to sound negative but if you think your personal life will stand it give it a go , the only thing is it make take 30 yrs for the novelty to wear off :wink:

Tramping throughout Europe and beyond is the best job in the world as far as i’m concerned. The important thing is to be fully kitted out, Plenty of clean clothes and decent food. If you take crap food with you, You’ll end up feeling like crap.
I could be away for several weeks and it dosn’t bother me, When i get home i’ll be there for anything from a day to four days. taking the wife on shorter trips that can be done in a week or so is great, i’ll also take the kids from time to time.

Some drivers arn’t happy whatever they do, They want to be home every friday, They won’t do this, They won’t do that. They should realise the job isn’t for them and move on.

thanks for all the replies i think im gonna give it a try, I have nothing to lose no wife or kids and I live at home so it seems like it would suit me. @cav551 the answer to all your questions is no I would say apart from the one about making enough profit to stay in business to which I will say that I have been asked by the boss to stay for a while because he told me alot of lads have left after a few months as its fairly tough and theres a lot of pressure on you to get all your drops and collections done before the places close so theres a job there for me as long as I need but its not what I got into this industry for, I think it would suit som eone better who wanted to be guaranteed home every night and weekend.

Give it ago mate your idea for it being single get out and about see things and broaden horizons I’ve tramped about UK euro 22yrs and would not do anything else im married 2 girls 14+7 i do miss them but could not imagine being home every night going same places every day give it a go mate

I start my first tramping job tomorrow, and is also my first proper class 1 job since passing my test 6 years ago. It certainly wasn’t my first choice because I’ve got a wife and young kids, but I need to pay the bills! As a husband and father it’s my duty to provide for them and I will do whatever it takes. My last job was a lovely little number in a rigid with only 2 nights out a week but it was long hours and rarely got to see the kids until the weekend anyway. Alas, the company went pop and took 350 people with them. That was back in October, up until now I have had to use my mortgage protection insurance which is coming to an end and I couldn’t wait any longer for the ‘perfect’ job for me to come up. Obviously my wife and I have had very lengthy discussions about me being away all week, but as someone else said, with technology now, I’d probably get to speak to them more often with this job than any other! I’m willing to give it a good go and see how things pan out. I may love it, I may hate. I won’t know until I try it. I will keep you updated though.

to be fair as far as your familly goes if your relationship is sound it wont make any odds as you say you have to do what you have to do its that simple really ,i ve lost count of the times i ring the wife at the last min and say i wont be home she accepts it as do i , i do it for the right reasons morgage ect ect ect


Most definitely a job for loners, or “people who like their own company.” I don’t like working in a building with folk talking ■■■■■■■■ all day. Hence the reason I became a driver in the first place. The current Mrs BV1 says that it’s a single mans job, but she knew this when we met. She moans when the long runs come in, but after a few days she’s chilled and starts to look forward to the homecoming. Also the pay packet helps too! :sunglasses: Give it a go…It ain’t for everyone. I personally love it.

I remember a friend of mine was worrying a bout being away once and the effect on his daughter. He asked my advise because we’ve been friends since school and he knew my Dad was away for a lot of my childhood. My answer was that like with anything in life its about quality ont quantity. We may have only seen Dad at weekends but we had a great time and we looked forward to it. He was a better Dad in the few days we did see him than most who are there all week. Consequently all of us consider Dad as much a friend as a father, even through my teenage years when I used to go with him on spins all over Europe. My Mum even used to joke that ‘if it wasn’t for your father being away all the time we’d have divorced years ago’! As it is they’ve been married 40 years (Dad is 59 Mum 60!) are happier together than ever and he’s home every night now.

I suppose my rambling point that you don’t always miss kids growing up. Doing day work would have made my Dad miserable, and I’d rather have a happy Dad who’s enjoying life that I see a handful of days each month and has the drive to take us on fun days out than a miserable one who’s in a job he hates just so he can be home which ultimately leads to us not wanting him there anyway! Everyone is different but its something to consider.