Past Present and in Between in Pictures (Part 2)

It’s not a one way street. I assume that they don’t want a build up of traffic.

Pic here Google Maps




The yellow box on the 358 direction sign might be a clue ?.The arrow on the diversion sign doesn’t mean literally.It means keep to the kerb on the approach to turn left.In a similar way that old school French road signs always pointed across the road at 90 degrees for straight ahead.Far more logical than turning right there at literal face value.




Does the yellow box on the sign not indicate “an emergency diversion route”? I don’t think it’s got anything to do with how you turn the corner. Why would you need to be told to “keep to the kerb when turning”? Unless you’re in a long vehicle surely that’s how you would approach any left handed turn.

It’s more likely that they couldn’t be arsed to temporarily cover up the NO RIGHT TURN icon on the big sign. The two contradict each other, which brings us to Spardo’s caveat that the dash-cam should be working!

On another note, isn’t it awful how some operators treated their vehicles in bygone days! The appalling stresses put upon the tyres and axles when driving a heavy vehicle as splayed as this doesn’t bear thinking about. Where’s vosa when you need them?


To add it’s possible that the arrow on the diversion sign isn’t locked by any screws and actually just pivots around a central pin to show left, right, or ahead as required.
Obviously an open invitation to sign vandals.

To add at face value the no right turn order sign trumps the possibly mistaken arrow marking on the diversion sign.Bearing in mind the arrow looks like it’s detachable and adjustable on the diversion sign but needs a screwdriver to do it ?.

Or it’s equally possible that they didn’t have, or see the need for, a diversion sign with a left facing arrow on it.

Obviously the big diversion sign will be clearly visible a lot further back on the approach to the junction than the small yellow box on the 358 direction sign.

And here’s all these dudes with their “stanced” cars thinking they’d invented it.





There’s no express involved going to Afghanistan, but seems such a shame going all that way with such a toddy little trailer. :rofl:

A Wetherspoons… yep that would suit Farage :rofl:

Ah! But in 1964 that was quite a big trailer. It only needed to be big enough for the lithopress machine. Rather them than me!

I thought Commons was already a Weatherspoons in all but name. They’re talking about putting an end to the all-hours booze culture in there.

Hypocrites the only place where you can drink at work but i suppose that’s the reason they make the decisions they do.They can’t be sober.The only time all sides agree is when their pay rise vote comes around.

Maybe you all agree with this then,


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