Non Drivers; Do You Miss It?

Even though I’d only been driving class-1 for a year, I don’t miss the low pay for long hours and it was just plain boring.

So glad I went the mobile crane route, much more interesting work, no messing around with the tacho or WTD, plus I’m taking home on average £800 a week after tax even just as a trainee. Double pay all weekend.

I too don’t miss it. I’ve been retired 18 months now and although I like to keep up todate with things and all that’s new, I never want to get behind the wheel again. I need 21 hours for my next CPC and when I finished, I did intend to get them “just in case” but I’m not going to bother now.
The roads are just too busy for me to enjoy driving so other than going on our holidays in our motorhome, I never venture on the motorways. Even when I have to, it’s a necessary evil, a means to an end.

Sad but true, a lot of Brits running Euro work were less than honest and upright citizens. I found a lot of camaraderie from the better drivers of all nationalities, but avoided some of the Brit hangouts. “The Pub” Bourg en Bresse, “Freds” Madrid were best left alone for sure.
I`m not averse to a glass or two, but opening a bottle as soon as the handbrake goes on, and recapping it shortly before turning the key again, is not for me. Weekends devoted to going “on the ■■■■” seemed like a lost opportunity.
Younger drivers of most nationalities seem to be less boozy than many of us older ones, so that seems good to me.

Anyway time for my elevenses carajillo.