Need help fifth wheel problems

Thank you all for your comments and suggestions which have been taken on board. I need further information reguarding this equipment hard evidence to put forward, each way at work there is always excuces, a comment made about some faceless desk bound non driver, is true needing brownie points to impress his bosses, has no idea about the equipment but went out and bought it now is ■■■■■■■■ themself incase anything goes wrong and as I forgot to mention these units and fifth wheels are brand new and as I said earlier have only came across one simular many years ago, but our more mature drivers have not seen or heard of this device. Again I thank you all the more info the better and if any of you drivers have used one let me know many thanks

graham just go to the fontain website and down load the manual you company is talking crap dump the manual on the desk and have the warning highlighted

Thank you all for your comments and suggestions which have been taken on board. I need further information reguarding this equipment hard evidence to put forward, each way at work there is always excuces, a comment made about some faceless desk bound non driver, is true needing brownie points to impress his bosses, has no idea about the equipment but went out and bought it now is ■■■■■■■■ themself incase anything goes wrong and as I forgot to mention these units and fifth wheels are brand new and as I said earlier have only came across one simular many years ago, but our more mature drivers have not seen or heard of this device. Again I thank you all the more info the better and if any of you drivers have used one let me know many thanks

Wake up and smell the coffee mate! You’re working for cowboys but guess what? If you have an accident that’s down to this problem and you KILL someone,YOU ARE GOING TO JAIL!

Here are pics from the PDF document. Print Screen and paste to ‘Paint’ then resize and print to take to work. HTH.

Images removed to save bandwidth
If anyone wants a copy PM me

Again I thank you all for your comments and diagrams these are what I need and I am building up a folder to put forward and to get the system to run safely or not at all. Where the oil is concerned for lubercating the slides I already have told them and awaiting my feed back but in the mean time if any of you know the grade, type let me know as this will give me more evidence to put my case.

graham put it this way if its coming undone with a yrailer attach dont move the flippin thig ITS UNSAFE IT THAT SIMPLE !!!

Graham. All the information you should need is here in this thread. Even the complete manufacturers handbook. We have even picked out the pages which highlight Fontaine’s warning not to use this piece of equipment if it moves when it shouldn’t.
From your post, it seems you are still using it.

Building up a folder■■?
Do you want one of us to take you by the hand, lead you into your bosses office and explain to him that this piece of equipment is defective, dangerous and therefore illegal and should not be used, on your behalf■■?
Short of this, I don’t really see what else we can do. You need to take the bull by the horns and do it. You need to do it NOW , today (well first thing in the morning), NOT next week or next month.


Just listen to the advice given…even from the makers themselves…or live to regret it…and have to keep saying…if only…over and over again…

On a similar note…i think its a clever system…or should i say…a lazy mans system…i have had vehicles with manual sliders…and have had to bash the granny out of them to release the pins…in order to slide the ■■■■ thing…even if they have the whole manufacturers grease supply wrapped around it…i`ve had scaffold bars…and heavy hammers…and if they wont move…you aint gonna move them…it wasnt the actual slider…just the pins not moving…and its normally just a case of them not being used for a very long time…in my case…about 4 years…for having been permanently coupled to a tank container trailer…(30 foot)…was told to go and get a 40 ft curtainsider…lost that job anyway…cos of the problems and had to get it into a workshop…

My Advice:
Repair it or change it to a mechanical kind of activation

well I thought I would let you know what has now happend, I have approached the persons responsible and put my concerns and what I have recieved from you good buddies, I have informed them that they have been using the wrong grease this is now sorted, extra visual aid has been added drivers are now being told and retrained if they want to. Some will not use the mechanisum and will leave it in the locking position, otheres will use it. Upto now no more incidents, hopefully all the bugs ironed out. I would like to thank you all for your help, in getting me what I needed and I will keep you all updated. Again many thanks

Thank goodness for that.