My moan

Hey Adams what truck you drive?? ANyone else done a trip in it since May until now?? If they have, and depending on what truck you have, maybe someones decided to do a 1 hitter somwhere and used there magnetized friend hence the broken seal?? Something you wouldnt know about unless you were under there looking and somewhere where Vosa Mechs look at straight away these days.

PS:- What company you driving for?

Hey Adams what truck you drive?? ANyone else done a trip in it since May until now?? If they have, and depending on what truck you have, maybe someones decided to do a 1 hitter somwhere and used there magnetized friend hence the broken seal?? Something you wouldnt know about unless you were under there looking and somewhere where Vosa Mechs look at straight away these days.

PS:- What company you driving for?

Sticking a magnet near the gearbox will not break the seal, the seal would be broken by a mechanic putting a new clutch in, replacing a gearbox or just been hamfisted doing an inspection or service, but a mechanic would also know that the tachograph pickup must be sealed.

A broken seal is akin to Arfur Daly clockin that motor :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey Adams what truck you drive?? ANyone else done a trip in it since May until now?? If they have, and depending on what truck you have, maybe someones decided to do a 1 hitter somwhere and used there magnetized friend hence the broken seal?? Something you wouldnt know about unless you were under there looking and somewhere where Vosa Mechs look at straight away these days.

PS:- What company you driving for?

A Moldovian Driver had it back in Ireland 24/7 is his nickname, They swapped lorries with him and hes got my old R420 and Ive got this old 124 its ok just a magnet for vosa.

I work for Hendricks from Dublin

As the driver, rightly or wrongly you are responsible for anything and everything with a truck whilst its in your control (it is effectively yours), the company would at most be responsible for use, cause or permit offences.


Hey Adams what truck you drive?? ANyone else done a trip in it since May until now?? If they have, and depending on what truck you have, maybe someones decided to do a 1 hitter somwhere and used there magnetized friend hence the broken seal?? Something you wouldnt know about unless you were under there looking and somewhere where Vosa Mechs look at straight away these days.

PS:- What company you driving for?

A Moldovian Driver had it back in Ireland 24/7 is his nickname, They swapped lorries with him and hes got my old R420 and Ive got this old 124 its ok just a magnet for vosa.

I work for Hendricks from Dublin

u got a red an white 4 series now k ? just so i can keep my eyes open 4 ya in an around the docks when am with my dad or when am back working !!!


IF ZEY does not payz you will be in thez gas chamber

That dont seem right,nit picking again by vosa,they are short of money with UK Bust.PLC.Is it down to the mechanic to check things like that,what next,drivers doing a clutch and engine rebuild at the road side.What driver would don a boiler suit and climb under every ■■■■ and cranny. :question:

ah, back to the good old proper trucking days eh? When there was camaradery and VOSA (as such), digital tachos, WTD, speed camera, cops in trucks, hadn’t even been thought of.

globby 480:

IF ZEY does not payz you will be in thez gas chamber

quality :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

As the driver, rightly or wrongly you are responsible for anything and everything with a truck whilst its in your control (it is effectively yours), the company would at most be responsible for use, cause or permit offences.

That is understandable to an extent but ffs it was a seal under the ■■■■■ unit :unamused:
If I get fined by this dicks I will swing for them especially if they treat me as they apparently have to some on here. Ive been pulled a few times by the and always been nice and been treated nice never had a problem, but if I did I dont have the temper to put up with it and may well find myself in a court room with an assault charge. ■■■■■■■ plebs :imp: