Moto vouchers

Now don’t be going crazy now Moto /BP it’s not as if your hard up for the money, suppose every little bit for the driver is a v v small win

‘‘Rewarding our HGV community’’ :unamused:
What a load of ■■■■■■■■…and 25p ffs.
A free cup of Costa on every fill up over 100 litres would be little enough, but maybe not an insult as this is.
Or if they really want to ‘‘reward’’ us bring the extortionate parking charges down, and serve some decent food. :smiling_imp:
Tossers . :smiling_imp:

‘‘Rewarding our HGV community’’ :unamused:
What a load of ■■■■■■■■…and 25p ffs.
A free cup of Costa on every fill up over 100 litres would be little enough, but maybe not an insult as this is.
Or if they really want to ‘‘reward’’ us bring the extortionate parking charges down, and serve some decent food. :smiling_imp:
Tossers . :smiling_imp:

Wheres the like button for comments :smiley:

‘‘Rewarding our HGV community’’ :unamused:
What a load of ■■■■■■■■…and 25p ffs.
A free cup of Costa on every fill up over 100 litres would be little enough, but maybe not an insult as this is.
Or if they really want to ‘‘reward’’ us bring the extortionate parking charges down, and serve some decent food. :smiling_imp:
Tossers . :smiling_imp:

It’s not like you to hold back Rob, say what you think! :astonished:

So they withdrew them a couple of months back, and have now reinstated them at 50% there previous value, oh we are so valued by MOTO
They know what they can do with them as I won’t be fuelling at their sites

As I said at the time that they withdrew the vouchers I would never fill up at one of their sites again. I still refuse to do so. I “only” put around 500litres per week in on BP so me taking my custom elsewhere is hardly earth shattering, but imagine if a thousand, two thousand, three thousand of us did the same!

Luckily for me, I don’t have the pleasure of using MOTO sites as I hate their ethos, but on the other side of the coin, I use one of their sites a week (Trowell North) as Greggs is open when I pass around 5am on a Thursday, and I can get a bacon sarnie and a coffee, other than that, I avoid motorway services per say, like a dose of clap, and I certainly won’t fuel up at one. Because of the fact I do set runs 5 days per week, with 4 of them being day runs, I only do one night out, and stay at Branson Cross near Redditch, so avoid the smell of stinking ■■■■, and other things related. The only other time I MAY frequent a MOTO, is when Costa have the free coffee on.

Back in the 80s my dad used to get £1 with every 100 litres at Granada, and those were the days £2 or £3 would get you a whole fried breakfast!

35 years later it’s 25p per 100l. That’s about two fill-ups for a cold Greggs sausage roll.

Back in the 80s my dad used to get £1 with every 100 litres at Granada, and those were the days £2 or £3 would get you a whole fried breakfast!

35 years later it’s 25p per 100l. That’s about two fill-ups for a cold Greggs sausage roll.

I remember those.I used the vouchers to feed my family when travelling about in my car.


Back in the 80s my dad used to get £1 with every 100 litres at Granada, and those were the days £2 or £3 would get you a whole fried breakfast!

35 years later it’s 25p per 100l. That’s about two fill-ups for a cold Greggs sausage roll.

I remember those.I used the vouchers to feed my family when travelling about in my car.

My dad used to save them up all year, and we’d eat a lot of breakfasts through the summer holidays. He’d have at least £100 worth, often more.

Green Shield Stamps…

I remember sticking them into the books and then after about 10 years of collecting, my mum went out and got a food mixer.

So they withdrew them a couple of months back, and have now reinstated them at 50% there previous value, oh we are so valued by MOTO
They know what they can do with them as I won’t be fuelling at their sites

Also the voucher is now only valid for one month instead of 3 on the old scheme.

Green Shield Stamps…

I remember sticking them into the books and then after about 10 years of collecting, my mum went out and got a food mixer.

I remember reading about a bloke who was up before the bench for sticking Green Shield stamps into his National Insurance card.

The Magistrate gave him six months and an electric kettle. :stuck_out_tongue:

Henrys cat:

So they withdrew them a couple of months back, and have now reinstated them at 50% there previous value, oh we are so valued by MOTO
They know what they can do with them as I won’t be fuelling at their sites

Also the voucher is now only valid for one month instead of 3 on the old scheme.

Out and out Conners MOTO it’s not a perk it’s an insult

On the old scheme 150 litres would get you 75p. But if it’s now 25p for 100 litres, then would 150 litres give you 32.5p? I doubt it. You probably need to put in denominations of 100 litres, earning 25p for each 100.

Realistically then, how much would an average driver collect in a month? £2, £3, £5? That’s a Greggs steak slice or two… for bringing thousands of pounds of revenue each month. No thanks.

I remember not so long ago collecting a couple hundred quid of Nectar points each year, until they stopped giving them with bunker fuel. Those Nectar cards were quite a good perk. I’d get a few weeks shopping in Sainsburys each year which didn’t feel insignificant to me.

Few years ago used. Do rigid driving using UK fuels card if I remember rightly.
Anyhow used be able use it at Esso and Tesco’s so always used fill up there tank full a day and collect club card points .used get roughly £20/£30 a time on vouchers
How I miss them days of ponts even shell points at times
Free coffe at Jct 38 m 6 .
When/ did it all start going wrong

When/ did it all start going wrong

I don’t…

Think The Wild Bean free coffee with stamps fiasco helped. Literally every driver walking through the door with full cards. I’ve never seen so many arguments.


When/ did it all start going wrong

I don’t…

Think The Wild Bean free coffee with stamps fiasco helped. Literally every driver walking through the door with full cards. I’ve never seen so many arguments.

WBC that’ll be that Robroy he’s got a lot to answer for no wonder he doesn’t frequent motorway services is there something he’s not telling us ?


When/ did it all start going wrong

I don’t…

Think The Wild Bean free coffee with stamps fiasco helped. Literally every driver walking through the door with full cards. I’ve never seen so many arguments.

Have I missed out on something here, I dont usually use Wild Bean.
What’s all that about?
Not drivers blagging free coffee?..the nerve of some eh :unamused:

The gas man:
Now don’t be going crazy now Moto /BP it’s not as if your hard up for the money, suppose every little bit for the driver is a v v small win

Just had to be a black dude didn’t it?