Mobile Phone Penalties - have your say

We see every day bad driving,wot erks me is when it is an hgv,these things kill.So I took the questionnaire, and said any hgv driver found to use a phone not on a hand free device, should receive same as car driver,but on second offence should have his vocational licence suspended for 3 to 12 months,we above all should know better

I got captured by plod on my phone-it was a thread on here quite a while ago-I cant complain at all about being done(I did have a genuine reason for answering the call but in hindsite I should have left it for ten minutes until I could call back)

however I was really concerned with being reported to the TC. as it turns out I got the driver awareness course,BUT-i was informed by Herts police when the invitation to take the course was offered,that if I were caught again on the phone in the next FIVE years, I would be referred to the TC and be looking at an automatic vocational ban of 42 days(starting point) ,regardless if I was caught in a private car or lgv. guess what,i haven’t done it since!!!
I will add that the course was the worst ■■■■■■■■ I have ever had to endure…

the biggest problem with mobiles isn’t people making a call,its the smart phone thing of people sending texts/checking their facebook/emails time you’re in traffic check out how many car drivers are doing is simply too easy to do!!

Texting is now the biggest problem now IMO.

Every day I play ’ Pap the horn bingo '. It’s amazing when you are next to some knob at the lights who is texting, how many of them drop their blower in their lap and immediately set off as they look up to then stamp on the brakes.

If you are caught texting at the wheel, it should be 6 points and a decent fine.