Long Departed Southampton Hauliers (Part 1)

Although a Southampton lad, well Fawley to be exact, I don’t personally know anyone on here although I have certainly passed you or ‘flashed’ you in at some time but this is a great thread and I would like to wish everyone on here a HAPPY CHRISTMAS.

Seasons greetings to you as well MrJake…

Now because it’s that time of year when your grandchildren are likely to visit,
put this on the mantle piece to keep them away from the fire… :unamused: :unamused:
Courtesy of Richard Green.

Festive red sandals and white socks!

At least I didn,t wear WHITE socks… :laughing: :laughing:
Have a good day all. :laughing: :laughing:

At least I didn,t wear WHITE socks… :laughing: :laughing:
Have a good day all. :laughing: :laughing:

Happy Christmas and new year mappo and all the other boys

I’ve found a Christmas prezzie for Spit!

I’ve found a Christmas prezzie for Spit!

Cheers mate just my cup of tea

Bit late, but same to you Spit…hope you have a good,n mate.

Just to keep us from the bottom of the page:


Little BEFORE my driving days gazzer, as you well know. :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing:
More MaggieD,s era I would say.

Hi Mikey, thanks for that info, yeh a few of us on here remember Micky
from his euro days driving for Springroad from Fareham.

Hi all

Mick leech is on for Mark Harris who runs Chapples of stubbington and I believe he is now driving a big double drive Mercedes. As they traded in the MAN. Mark sends a lot of work our way and keeps us busy.

Hope you all had a good Christmas :smiley:


And also shelli Keoghan has asked me to put on here about those of you who new Phil his funeral is on the 6th of January at all saints church Denmead at 1.30pm contact her on her email if anyone is going.

Hi Paddy, sorry for late reply, and thanks for the info re Mickey Leech, but
Mikey1964 beat you to it.
Hope you and your family had a good Christmas, considering the tragic year you,ve had.

Now most of the older contributors to this thread should recognise these four.
Photo is another of Richard Greens.

I recognise Brian (Fingers ) Tony but no one else ! :laughing:
Happy New year to you all :laughing:
Regards Jimmer

Brian (Fingers) Young, Nick Vosper (Robert Armstrongs), Matt (Don’t shoot!)M…(Robert Armstrongs)cant remember his surname and can’t be sure on the guy in partial view on the left.

Same as you gazzer, I couldn,t remember the guy on the left.
I have a feeling he was on for Skillbeech…could be wrong though.
Now I know the passing years can numb ones memory, but I thought
old Matt was on for Comptons and I,m pretty sure his son worked there as well.

Matt (Dont shoot) Callaghan.

Gazzer, ime surprised you don’t know any of the passengers in the back ground, HNY all on here Buzzer.

Blimey I missed Matty don’t remember him wearing glasses tho ! :unamused:
R Jimmer

Believe me Buzzer, I did have a close look!!

HNY to all of you my buddies. We’re off out for an all inclusive dinner including as much wine or beer you can drink for 35€ (£27). For those that intend to have a real session it’s an extra 25€ (£20) for a free bar, drink what you like, as much as you like, until you fall over and then…they take you home in the people carrier! TBH I’ll stick with the wine…I can’t drink 25€ worth of spirits after all that wine with my dinner. Shirley is recovering from severe flu so she can’t drink much…I’m sorted!

Take care out there.

Gazzer , you said Matt ,thats what I thought ,I knew him when he worked for Mark Compton.