Job done and driver shortage

No such thing as a driver shortage, a friend of my dads had a text from an agency saying they were screaming out for class 1 & 2 drivers and if they knew anyone to pass them on…i gave the agency a ring to be told im too young :laughing: So they couldn’t of been that desperate!

I reckon this shortage like every other shortage they reckoned there would be is a myth. To the op enjoy your early retirement well earned Imo.


Jonny :sunglasses:


Good luck, Sashmash!
I was chatting to a driver who was retiring two weeks after that and was amazed at his encyclopaedic knowledge of roads around the UK and the continent. And his forgiving attitude towards the newbie he was chatting to. Can’t help thinking you’re another huge loss to the industry after reading what others have said. I’d love to think you’d consider being taken on as a mentor by a forward-thinking company somewhere at a respectful price.
I hope you enjoy whatever you end up doing :smiley:

Good luck, Sashmash!
I was chatting to a driver who was retiring two weeks after that and was amazed at his encyclopaedic knowledge of roads around the UK and the continent. And his forgiving attitude towards the newbie he was chatting to. Can’t help thinking you’re another huge loss to the industry after reading what others have said. I’d love to think you’d consider being taken on as a mentor by a forward-thinking company somewhere at a respectful price.
I hope you enjoy whatever you end up doing :smiley:

Good point…It’s unreal the amount of knowledge that ‘old school’ drivers have & it’s always taken for granted by everyone - sometimes even themselves. Regarding geographical knowledge, work ethics, honesty, communication skills, reliability plus many more professional qualities - these are fast-disappearing on most of the younger generation who sometimes don’t want to start early, don’t want to speak properly to people (customers), don’t want nights out, don’t have a clue where in the UK they are unless their Sat-Nav is plugged in and don’t have the ‘old school’ knowledge & experience.
I must stress not all youngsters are like this, indeed some-not many, still have transport ‘in their blood’. But looking at this thread & relating it to the upcoming, imminent problems I think the industry will be in a spot of bother!!!

i bÄ™dzie prowadzić swój samochód do £ 2.50 za godzinÄ™, a niektóre Å‚adne ciastka

i bÄ™dzie prowadzić swój samochód do £ 2.50 za godzinÄ™, a niektóre Å‚adne ciastka

Just used google translate on the previous post from thetastytrucker which came up with this:-
and will lead your car to £ 2.50 per hour, and some nice cakes
:question: :exclamation: :neutral_face: :open_mouth: :confused:


i bÄ™dzie prowadzić swój samochód do £ 2.50 za godzinÄ™, a niektóre Å‚adne ciastka

Just used google translate on the previous post from thetastytrucker which came up with this:-
and will lead your car to £ 2.50 per hour, and some nice cakes
:question: :exclamation: :neutral_face: :open_mouth: :confused:

Cake heftily said he whilst circumistaing the wrongly did job at £2.50 gratis.



i bÄ™dzie prowadzić swój samochód do £ 2.50 za godzinÄ™, a niektóre Å‚adne ciastka

Just used google translate on the previous post from thetastytrucker which came up with this:-
and will lead your car to £ 2.50 per hour, and some nice cakes
:question: :exclamation: :neutral_face: :open_mouth: :confused:

This might not help

even though I now have my card I do believe employers have it covered, so I don’t believe there will be a driver shortage,they know full well that they cannot employ any driver without a DCPC after September so my guess is they have already put plans into place to cover the problem,but I am also a pessimist who allways thinks the worst,just have to wait and see

That Google translate is strange because i spelt :: i will drive your truck for £2.50 and some nice biscuits which gave me
i bÄ™dzie prowadzić swój samochód za £ 2.50 i jakieÅ› fajne ciastka

but if you reverse translate you get :: and will lead your car to £ 2.50 per hour, and some nice cakes

Everybody is screaming out for drivers up here and not just the big players. 6 months ago people were banned for the most petty reasons. Now its almost impossible to get banned which is bringing standards down. Rates are going up and next month will make problems worse. I haven’t finished my DCPC yet but i will do in just over a week. My phone will melt in about 6 weeks but i am working on a contract now for 5 x 15 hour double manned shifts which i have been headhunted for along with one of my best mates :smiley:

That Google translate is strange because i spelt :: i will drive your truck for £2.50 and some nice biscuits which gave me
constipation in my heated seat. ? I really need to get a grade C pass in this language bouncy bouncy. :wink:
It will lead me both you is I to 10cc per night pus national insolence constipations. :neutral_face:

Why would anyone want to do 15 hr shifts ?

Why would anyone want to do 15 hr shifts ?

Because if you do two of them with a reduced daily rest at a rate of nearly £20 per hour, then you only have to waste two days of your life keeping somebody else happy and not the usual 5/6 :sunglasses:

Why would anyone want to do 15 hr shifts ?

I’ve met a driver once who does 3x15s straight then 4 days off.


Why would anyone want to do 15 hr shifts ?

I’ve met a driver once who does 3x15s straight then 4 days off.

I didn’t know we’d met? :open_mouth:

Why would anyone want to do 15 hr shifts ?


I like to have 15 off

I didn’t know we’d met? :open_mouth:

Me too, small ol’ world innit:)

Enjoy your retirement. I gave it up over a year ago and haven’t missed it at all. Totally different career now and if I ever feel a thought of maybe doing a bit back in a truck I just come on here, read a few threads and those feelings are gone. :wink: :smiley:

‘…i bÄ™dzie prowadzić swój samochód do £ 2.50 za godzinÄ™, a niektóre Å‚adne ciastka…’

Oh please :unamused:

…Or on second thoughts, take me to the land of this speech, house me & treat my illnesses and pay me so that I can transfer the bish-bosh into my lazy Englishman’s bank account to be shared with my inbred family :wink:

‘…In its present form the DCPC should be binned…’


It’ll be binned in 2019… :wink: