Impatient barstewards

Last year when that Downtons lorry caught fire near Catthorpe I was coming from the A14 up on to the M6 and there was a car reversing round the corner to avoid the queue.

It was a good queue, took me an hour to get to J1 but still, no excuse for that. Are traffic jams really the end of the world. Dunno why people stress over them so much.

Correct! An attempt to blame it on others I suppose.

And because the public in general act like sheep and follow others.
I bet most of the drivers in the video wouldn’t have done it had they not seen others in front do it first.

Sadly none of those drivers shown on the video will face prosecution - for the simple reason that their number plates cannot be read.

Sadly none of those drivers shown on the video will face prosecution - for the simple reason that their number plates cannot be read.

Apart from the coach driver, of course, since the the operator can hardly deny it was their vehicle or not identify who was driving it at that place and time, unless they want to find themselves explaining to the TC why they should have an O-licence.
I expect the police have already been in contact with the company prior to publishing the video, hence why the driver has already “resigned”.

My information comes from a source very close to the incident in question. None of the drivers shown on that video will face prosecution.

Can just see a PRM Logistics wagon starting to turn at the start, then cuts to the tail end going down the slip road. Wonder if they’ve been caught?

Bloomin cctv hero cam operator needs sodomising. Nowt wrong with a bit of creative driving to avoid a hold up.

Sheep mentality at its best though, cant even perform an illegal manouvre these days without it appearing on facetube.
Ive done worse. :blush:

Seen it last week on the A12 near Chelmsford around midnight, started with a taxi driver, then the sheep started following in their cars and vans.

Eventually a load of trucks started pulling u-turns, that as until one tried to reverse up, only to reverse straight into a BMW who’d decided to do a three-point so he could drive the wrong way up the sliproad.

Ah the age old lemmings theory,he did it so it must be ok…

Maybe a bit of a generalisation, but to me it appears that people believe their journey is far more important than the person next to them, and people just don’t give a [zb] about most things anymore.

There seems to be a ’ desperation ’ to get everywhere instantly. More evidence of our ever increasing self absorbed society.

Maybe a bit of a generalisation, but to me it appears that people believe their journey is far more important than the person next to them, and people just don’t give a [zb] about most things anymore.

There seems to be a ’ desperation ’ to get everywhere instantly. More evidence of our ever increasing self absorbed society.

See you can talk sense if you really try. :laughing:

Oh and I hate the sheep mentality. Do they not have a brain of their own. :unamused: