If You Could Vote Again (Brexit)

The last time I looked, China has a serious problem with Agriculture. There just isn’t enough of a water supply to water crops there, meaning that China will be depdendent upon imported food supplies forever. This makes China more vulnerable to a “Food Embargo” than Britain or the West is to Russian Nukes!

In short, if we stop selling food to China, then they’ll starve, whilst we just flog it somewhere else on Earth, just not the EU anymore, if they want to continue this self-defeating hardball.
Trump’s more aggressive stance vs China on trade - isn’t necessarily the wrong thing to do, with that in mind. We don’t worry about China “Expanding” like we seem to do with Russia, so I would suggest that in future more rather than less trade is going to happen between the UK and China as a result.

Oh wait the type of ‘trade’ with China which you’re describing has the potential of being the same type of ‘trade’ which saw Irish people starve because the potato crop failed while they exported beef.Or African nations exporting food while Africans starve.It’s also obvious that creating a Chinese dependency on Brit food stocks just adds to the chances that they’ll eventually just decide to take it off us.Not to mention the stupidity of doing that when we’ve got going on 70 million people here to feed of our own.Which probably explains why China seems so keen on concentrating on its conventional military capability rather than nukes.IE nuke the West China starves.Selling us out completely to China’s obvious parasitic motives in that regard instead of the EU’s is the one thing which would make me change my vote from leave to remain.I could also see China being a bigger threat to Europe than Russia in that regard being driven by the desperate motive of a massive population which it can’t possibly feed.IE that’s not a business opportunity that’s a bleedin massive threat to us. :unamused:



As for the bs that we aren’t producing stuff that they want to buy great that doesn’t exactly fit the script that we need their market nor open ours to them does it.While they certainly need ours more than we need theirs especially Germany.On that note how does replacing Mercs and BMW’s with Jaguars in the domestic market,by hitting the Germans at least as much as they decide to hit us,for example,fit the script of low paid Brit workers and less jobs ?.While if you’re so worried about everyone loses in a trade war then why is it the EU that wants to start it for the crime of secession not us.

If the EU wants and needs our goods so desperately then why do we have a trade deficit ?
On WTO rules we would be in direct competition with China and India etc. as suppliers to the EU. Our goods will no longer be tax free, but be taxed equally to their products. What will happen to our trade then? How can we reduce our prices? Ask our current leaders and they talk of “de-regulation and competitiveness”. Yep, competition: The Race To The Bottom regards pay and conditions!


Exactly what evidence are you relying on to show that EU membership protects us from cheap Chinese imports.When as a member state the shops are flooded with the crap to the point where I don’t even get the choice on the shelf to buy Brit manufactured products when I want them.On that note we are still at least under WTO rules in the case of non EU trade either way.

How do you turn a trade deficit situation into a supposed position of weakness for us assuming the EU wants to kick off a trade war with us.As opposed to a position of strength.IE we have no large market with the EU to lose but we have a massive domestic market which they overly exploit and are dependent on and which we’d be better off taking back from them.Rather than the situation as it stands of us paying and letting them rule us for the privilege of importing their stuff while they buy zb all from us.

Why are you trying to pretend that it’s the UK not the EU which intends to kick off that trade war for the crime of secession.


We know that foreign food producers have a large share of our domestic market.That isn’t the same thing as saying that we’re ‘dependent’ on it.IE do you really think that Brit farmers would be moaning about too much imported food if they couldn’t then meet the demand.

Using land that is less than optimal to produce food is possible, but will obviously cost more. Farmers aren`t simply sitting on productive land. And farmers are farmers, they are like lorry drivers, they enjoy a good moan! Also individual farmers may moan about prices being too low, we the consumers tend not to moan about low prices.

Then you’re trying to say that our trade ‘deficit’ with the EU puts ‘us’ in the weaker position than them in a trade war.Which is total bs when by definition that means ‘our’ market is worth more to ‘them’ than ‘theirs’ is to ‘us’.So as I said we sell a few less Jaguars there but they sell far less BMW’s and Mercs here with Jaguar for example then filling the resulting vacuum.You can then apply that to numerous other types of German imports.

acea.be/statistics/article/m … u-partners
80% of the UK’s car production is exported, of which 54% goes to EU member states. In 2017, the United Kingdom produced 1.75 million motor vehicles, exporting 800,000 of these within the European Union
The other way around, the EU countries represent 82% of the UK’s motor vehicle import volume, worth €38 billion. The 27 other EU member states (EU27) produced 19.69 million motor vehicles in 2017 and exported 2.3 million (11.7%) of these to the United Kingdom.
If we enter a trade war (unlikely I hope) or an imposed tariff situation 52% of our car exports would be taxed. 11.7% of their exports would be taxed. We would both loose out, but our trade balance would probably suffer the worst.

Then you contradict yourself by saying that we are all supposedly happily going along in a ‘free trade area’ why do we have to hit each other.Oh wait I thought your argument was that this so called ‘free trade area’ comes with the strings attached of being an EU member state subject to EU Federal rule.So it’s not a ‘free trade area’ at all.It’s the blackmail of sovereignty and cash in exchange for trade let alone that trade all being in the EU’s ( Germany’s ) favour not ours.Anyone daring to secede from the Federation is then subject to trade sanctions imposed ‘by the EU’.

As members of the EU club we pay our fees, of course.
As members of a club we are free to come and go as we wish, but only so long as we pay membership. The club has rules of course, and as members we helped make those rules. Outside the club we will have no further say in those rules.
You surely know that there is “no such thing as a free lunch”?
The EU is quite possibly a better deal than any alternatives. I can`t see Mr Trump offering us a “free lunch” or anyone else for that matter.
“Blackmail … daring to secede”!
If we stop paying dues into a club do we accuse them of “blackmail” if they point out that we can no longer use the facilities?

Yes it’s blackmail when I joined a ‘club’ ( market ) on the basis of a trading relationship only among the members not the club taking over the ownership of my house.Nor the club saying that my membership fee will be higher than others so that I subsidise their living standards and income level.Nor when the trading relationship in question means that certain club members rig the market so that I sell less in that market than they do.On the basis of we’re all supposedly one big happy market place but Germany’s market stall is considered as a preferred member so they get a bigger pitch and have the right to poach my previous regular customers and takeover my suppliers for their own gain. :unamused:


The last time I looked, China has a serious problem with Agriculture. There just isn’t enough of a water supply to water crops there, meaning that China will be depdendent upon imported food supplies forever. This makes China more vulnerable to a “Food Embargo” than Britain or the West is to Russian Nukes!

In short, if we stop selling food to China, then they’ll starve, whilst we just flog it somewhere else on Earth, just not the EU anymore, if they want to continue this self-defeating hardball.
Trump’s more aggressive stance vs China on trade - isn’t necessarily the wrong thing to do, with that in mind. We don’t worry about China “Expanding” like we seem to do with Russia, so I would suggest that in future more rather than less trade is going to happen between the UK and China as a result.

Oh wait the type of ‘trade’ with China which you’re describing has the potential of being the same type of ‘trade’ which saw Irish people starve because the potato crop failed while they exported beef.Or African nations exporting food while Africans starve.It’s also obvious that creating a Chinese dependency on Brit food stocks just adds to the chances that they’ll eventually just decide to take it off us.Not to mention the stupidity of doing that when we’ve got going on 70 million people here to feed of our own.Which probably explains why China seems so keen on concentrating on its conventional military capability rather than nukes.IE nuke the West China starves.Selling us out completely to China’s obvious parasitic motives in that regard instead of the EU’s is the one thing which would make me change my vote from leave to remain.I could also see China being a bigger threat to Europe than Russia in that regard being driven by the desperate motive of a massive population which it can’t possibly feed.IE that’s not a business opportunity that’s a bleedin massive threat to us. :unamused:

Actually, no. Your hat seems to have acquired a bit more of a Left tilt to it than usual today. :unamused:
Africa has an abundance of food, but a dearth of governments of the Right to keep everything working properly.
Is Zimbabwe better than Rhodesia was? Is ANC-run South Africa better than the bread basket that same state was in the early 1980’s?

In any case, I’m not talking about using “Foodboat Diplomacy” here. I was talking about China’s reluctance to go to war with ANY other world power - because of how easy it would be brought to it’s knees by those vital food inflows ceasing on day one of such a “Embargo to start” War. “The beast is awake, but the cage remains closed” then. The Chinese ain’t going anywhere to far-flung-out aggressively, because they dare not.

As for comparing the different systems, we see that the EU is best for running weak-economy countries by the strongest profitable economy in charge, the British Empire was good for a massive naval presence around the globe, and the former 1st and 3rd empires - good for conquering all that new land in the first place. NOT good for “holding onto it” though. The Greek system fared better, but ultimately failed, from a dearth of “A few good men”…

China’s system? - will work all the time the population of the Earth is expanding, with nowhere else to go but downwards toward serfdom and poverty.
Expanding into space - would be the logical way to proceed here, and indeed China has it’s own space programme. It’s not going to turn on the rest of the world - because it would put those vital food links at risk, with a catastrophic result akin to the black death, in terms of what it would do to the population of this planet.

We’re not at risk from China. We’re not at risk from Russia. We ARE at risk of further enforced patriation of peoples who have no intention of joining US, but would rather we join them.
The Atheists of this country might be laughing right now, at how us more faith-inclined people sweat and fear over such an incursion - but the time will come when the big Atheist-Secular faction get turned upon by their former “Allies”. By that point of course - it will be too late for all of us not prepared to fight our way out of the pit we find ourselves in. :frowning:


Oh wait the type of ‘trade’ with China which you’re describing has the potential of being the same type of ‘trade’ which saw Irish people starve because the potato crop failed while they exported beef.Or African nations exporting food while Africans starve.It’s also obvious that creating a Chinese dependency on Brit food stocks just adds to the chances that they’ll eventually just decide to take it off us.Not to mention the stupidity of doing that when we’ve got going on 70 million people here to feed of our own.Which probably explains why China seems so keen on concentrating on its conventional military capability rather than nukes.IE nuke the West China starves.Selling us out completely to China’s obvious parasitic motives in that regard instead of the EU’s is the one thing which would make me change my vote from leave to remain.I could also see China being a bigger threat to Europe than Russia in that regard being driven by the desperate motive of a massive population which it can’t possibly feed.IE that’s not a business opportunity that’s a bleedin massive threat to us. :unamused:

Actually, no. Your hat seems to have acquired a bit more of a Left tilt to it than usual today. :unamused:
Africa has an abundance of food, but a dearth of governments of the Right to keep everything working properly.
Is Zimbabwe better than Rhodesia was? Is ANC-run South Africa better than the bread basket that same state was in the early 1980’s?

In any case, I’m not talking about using “Foodboat Diplomacy” here. I was talking about China’s reluctance to go to war with ANY other world power - because of how easy it would be brought to it’s knees by those vital food inflows ceasing on day one of such a “Embargo to start” War. “The beast is awake, but the cage remains closed” then. The Chinese ain’t going anywhere to far-flung-out aggressively, because they dare not.

As for comparing the different systems, we see that the EU is best for running weak-economy countries by the strongest profitable economy in charge, the British Empire was good for a massive naval presence around the globe, and the former 1st and 3rd empires - good for conquering all that new land in the first place. NOT good for “holding onto it” though. The Greek system fared better, but ultimately failed, from a dearth of “A few good men”…

China’s system? - will work all the time the population of the Earth is expanding, with nowhere else to go but downwards toward serfdom and poverty.
Expanding into space - would be the logical way to proceed here, and indeed China has it’s own space programme. It’s not going to turn on the rest of the world - because it would put those vital food links at risk, with a catastrophic result akin to the black death, in terms of what it would do to the population of this planet.

We’re not at risk from China.

Great that’s the second time that an unarguably Nationalist outlook has been described as ‘left’ which is fine by me. :wink:

Don’t see how the comparison of Rhodesia v Zimbabwe has any relevance to the issue of exporting ‘African’ food while ‘African’s’ starve.Rhodesia being a more legitimate African state than the PC renamed Zimbabwe in my eyes.Which includes the ‘racist’ view that ethnic Europeans could run Africa and farm Africa better than the indigenous African population could/can.So that’s my so called right wing box ticked again.That still doesn’t justify exporting Africa’s food resources while Africans starve regardless though and if that’s left then that just proves the irrelevance of the left and right descriptors. :confused:

As for your China scenario,what stops China invading us and then working our farms and taking our food supplies at gun point going by the present growth in their military capability.Nuking the Chinese homeland isn’t exactly going to work out well for us at that point in that case.

While even at best as I said exposing our food resources to the insatiable massive demands of China combined with our own needs is a recipe for disaster when you inevitably find out that you can’t meet them both.At which point see above.In addition to putting yet more Brits out of work to provide China with the means to pay us for such food resources.Just like the lose lose situation of depleting our oil reserves to provide Germany with oil supplies resulting in Brits being put out of work to provide Germany with the industry and market to ‘pay’ us for it.With the difference in this case being if we have the sense to change our minds the Chinese military will probably be coming to give us an offer we can’t refuse.IE the last thing we need is to exacerbate that potential situation by actually inviting China to build a dependence on British food resources.

Rhodesia being a more legitimate African state than the PC renamed Zimbabwe in my eyes.Which includes the ‘racist’ view that ethnic Europeans could run Africa and farm Africa better than the indigenous African population could/can.

They couldn’t run Africa though, could they, without alienating the majority and triggering a wave of bloody civil wars and revolutions in every single country? And with the whites having spent years throwing blacks out of windows or injecting them with paralytics and throwing them out of helicopters into the sea, wonder why the “war veterans” aren’t too concerned about shooting them and confiscating their property.

The reason South Africa is still in one piece is because the whites (some of whom in South Africa had been settled in the country for centuries, unlike Rhodesia where most had only been there a decade or two) finally got the message that there was nowhere else to fall back to, put their sense of entitlement aside, and jettisoned apartheid - which they could have done, peacefully, in the first place.

The fact that whites are still the better farmers is to be expected, because they are better educated and more experienced, but the idea that you expect as a white person to live like a class of royalty forever more has thankfully been dislodged. The mentality of entitlement, based on the colour of your skin, has gone.


Rhodesia being a more legitimate African state than the PC renamed Zimbabwe in my eyes.Which includes the ‘racist’ view that ethnic Europeans could run Africa and farm Africa better than the indigenous African population could/can.

The fact that whites are still the better farmers is to be expected, because they are better educated and more experienced, but the idea that you expect as a white person to live like a class of royalty forever more has thankfully been dislodged. The mentality of entitlement, based on the colour of your skin, has gone.

No I really do think that ethnic Europeans are generally superior in terms of know how and making the best use of machinery.Whether it’s the illiterate farm hand or the rich farm owner.The difference between a Nationalist v an uncaring Tory or a vicious ■■■■ being that while I recognise that superiority I’d want to use that superiority to help those among my ethnic African neighbours not hurt them.Just as I actually believe Powell’s so called ‘racist’ ideas that if we import enough of the third world ethnic groups here then we become the third world ourselves and then we can’t help anyone even if we want to.

Racism doesn’t come into this.

The Right’s way of handling an ethnic - would be to educate them, and indoctrinate them into the British way of life. Right would have to be Nationalist in this pattern of course, and indeed we see most people consider anyone “Nationalist” automatically be considered “Of the Right”, hence why Hitler, for example - is always described as a Right-Wing extremist, rather than a Left-wing one.
If Hitler had been Right Wing, he would NOT have been allied to the Ottoman Empire, but would instead have made heavy overtures to the BRITISH Empire to be Germany’s main allies - the moment the Treaty of Versailles was torn up by him! If America & Britain could force a special relationship after the low-ebb of the American Revolution - then why couldn’t Hitler do the same thing with former WWI enemies - the British Empire? Nope. He got (or rather “stayed”) in bed with the Ottomans instead, and as we all know - some of the very worst atrocities of the two world wars - were perpetuated BY the Ottomans as nothing short of “Ethnic Cleansing”, I’m thinking of the Black Sea nations here.
Today, we have clear-and-present Nutcase Recip Erdogan acting rather Hitler-like in the region. Does that make him Far Left or Far Right?
Discuss. :smiling_imp:



Rhodesia being a more legitimate African state than the PC renamed Zimbabwe in my eyes.Which includes the ‘racist’ view that ethnic Europeans could run Africa and farm Africa better than the indigenous African population could/can.

The fact that whites are still the better farmers is to be expected, because they are better educated and more experienced, but the idea that you expect as a white person to live like a class of royalty forever more has thankfully been dislodged. The mentality of entitlement, based on the colour of your skin, has gone.

No I really do think that ethnic Europeans are generally superior in terms of know how and making the best use of machinery.Whether it’s the illiterate farm hand or the rich farm owner.

There’s no clear evidence of that. The Boers’ migration to South Africa predates both machinery and literacy. What white migrants from European societies always had is cultural, worked experience running farms. That is, in the history of European society, many more people had accumulated experience managing farms, not merely as farm hands but as communities of heritable landholders. The blacks haven’t been involved in agriculture before, and of course the policies of apartheid were designed to prevent going forward.

Later migrants from Europe (partlcularly in the early and mid 20th) were skilled and trained people more generally (coming as they did from a developed industrial society), both to provide more skilled labour for a developing economy, and to provide more ballast for the white population. There are many in the white working class who have no particular gumption for either farming or management generally, but of course whites who migrated tended to be higher skilled than the norm - no mere farm hand in Britain migrated to Southern Africa unless he had the confidence and aspiration to run a farm, because if he went to be a mere farm hand then he’d have had to accept black wages.

The real losers in Southern Africa have not been whites generally (notwithstanding the political aggravation they caused), but the rump layer of whites who were really lesser naturally skilled and competent than many blacks, but who had a sense of entitlement and were neither willing to accept the going rate for their skills in an open market, nor argue for socialism and fairness for all. That’s why many blacks curse Nelson Mandela, because although there are now rich blacks and middle class blacks, the reality for most people is that they’re still living in the dirt - no longer because of the colour of their skin, but simply because of their class position in a capitalist society.

It’s the same in America, where they’ve had a black president (who has proved to be one of the better ones for a very long time, in his competence as a politician), and although America has a serious hangover from racism and there are too many pockets of racial prejudice, the reality is that the main problem for blacks in America today is simply that they are poor, and most of the prejudices are sustained from the fact that they are associated (correctly, if unfortunately) with being poor and being from poor communities.

The difference between a Nationalist v an uncaring Tory or a vicious ■■■■ being that while I recognise that superiority I’d want to use that superiority to help those among my ethnic African neighbours not hurt them.Just as I actually believe Powell’s so called ‘racist’ ideas that if we import enough of the third world ethnic groups here then we become the third world ourselves and then we can’t help anyone even if we want to.

And that was the key problem with apartheid, that whether you think the whites’ superiority is due to their breeding or their rearing, everyone could see that the policy was not benevolent but was designed to suppress the development even of those blacks who were capable of better as individuals, and to maintain their communities as an underclass.

As for Powell, his arguments were nonsense. The real connection between migration and “becoming the third world”, is that migration is used disproportionately to create inequalities and sustain poverty wages. Even when the economy is overheating and needs to draw in labour (as it did in the 50s and 60s), they never draw in an equal proportion of doctors and nurses to the proportion of unskilled workers - they always draw in more of the latter (proportionally, compared to their existing proportions in the economy), as a dose of discipline on the settled working class and to control or force down working class wages, compared to the wages of professionals and the profits of businessmen. Enoch Powell actually argued for such policies in the 50s - it was only afterwards that he stepped up the rhetoric against it, once there was a clear working class reaction against it and political capital to be made from opposing the very policies that he had previously supported.

Not unlike the Tory party today, who have been promising to control immigration endlessly, and have actually done nothing about it - even the income thresholds for non-EEA migrants, are set at £18k a year, which is nowhere near even the median wage, let alone the level you’d expect in genuine “shortage occupations”. It’s the sort of wage you’d probably be getting as a toilet cleaner in London, not because toilet cleaners are well-paid but because of the cost of living there, including rents and shop prices.

Those who stood against Apartheid would have done better to convince their government of the day to improve the “infrastructure of integration”, such as state schools that actually bothered to to educate the native masses, for example.

Keeping people “Ignorant” or “indoctrinating” people - could be construed to be as bad as each other, meanwhile.

When Cecil Rhodes exclaimed “You are an Englishman, and have subsequently drawn the greatest prize in the lottery of life.” - that wasn’t meant as a Racist Jibe, - far from it. Citizens of the Empire should have been aspiring to be more British, rather than moaning about colonialism, and pushing for an independence that to this day - they’ve proven they were not fit to have, more often than not.

In a system where the Right dominate, such as the Empire - it’s all too easy to point to the malcontents as being some sign of “imperfection” within that particular political system. Truth is though, that because of Freedom of Speech these malcontents got voiced ideas that the reverse situation just would not involve. Eg. in a Orwellian Hard Left system - to speak in a malcontent fashion would doubtless be classed as a “thought crime” and to even discuss such matters in private would be to label oneself as “Dissident”.

I don’t accept arguments like “9/11 happened because Right-Wing Saudi Arabia created Osama Bin Laden, therefore the Right are truly responsible for all the social sins on planet Earth.”

You don’t hear many sob stories from those countries where “resistance” doesn’t rise up to cause those problems.
Divisions will always create more strife than acceptence.
I didn’t take to the streets when Blair became “Not my Prime Minister” in 1997…

In the end, only people can hurt people, and if it takes merely a political disagreement to turn a once-peaceful citizen into a rampaging murderer - then I suggest that the Left will always have more blood on it’s hands in historical terms, than the Right. :bulb:



The difference between a Nationalist v an uncaring Tory or a vicious ■■■■ being that while I recognise that superiority I’d want to use that superiority to help those among my ethnic African neighbours not hurt them.Just as I actually believe Powell’s so called ‘racist’ ideas that if we import enough of the third world ethnic groups here then we become the third world ourselves and then we can’t help anyone even if we want to.

And that was the key problem with apartheid, that whether you think the whites’ superiority is due to their breeding or their rearing, everyone could see that the policy was not benevolent but was designed to suppress the development even of those blacks who were capable of better as individuals, and to maintain their communities as an underclass.

As for Powell, his arguments were nonsense. The real connection between migration and “becoming the third world”, is that migration is used disproportionately to create inequalities and sustain poverty wages.

Firstly I’ve got no problem with so called aparthied ( anti integrationist ).Any attempt to argue the opposite would logically mean making ‘white flight’ and a preference to live among our own ethnic culture in our ‘own’ areas a race hate crime,for example.

That all gets corrupted by Socialists whether they be Nazis or their other opposing Socialist factions for their own ends.IE yes our own culture is technologically superior and more capable and no I don’t want to live among the resulting third world cultures,gets turned by Socialists either into they are inferior so let’s harm them,by the former Socialist faction.

Or you will and must integrate and you mustn’t tell it like it is.Let alone the reverse racist idea that it’s ok for them to want to be ruled along their own ethnic lines or want to live among their own in their own areas,but if we want that then we’re supposedly racist and opportunistically using the former faction’s motives as leverage to help their bs case,in the case of the latter Socialist faction.

So no while Powell might have been part of the problem to start with he’d obviously seen the error of his ways and was spot on with his supposed anti immigration ( more like there are limits to our welcome and capacity to accept it without turning our own place into the type of zb holes that the third world immigrant groups are running away from ) position.Let alone the inevitable point when we end up the ethnic minority in our own country with all the same implications as Rhodesia and South Africa went through as part of that.While that can also apply even in the case of European immigration as the case of the US government’s 1924 immigration act which was first and foremost about limiting Italian and Slavic immigration all correctly based on similar reasoning as Powell was rightly applying to African and I’d guess by implication also Asian immigration here.

On that note while not agreeing with the situation of Africa exporting African food while Africans starve.It’s also fair to point out the old saying God helps those who help themselves in the case of telling the third world ethnic groups to get on with it and start looking after themselves by their own efforts and not keep playing the victim card.

Those who stood against Apartheid would have done better to convince their government of the day to improve the “infrastructure of integration”, such as state schools that actually bothered to to educate the native masses, for example.

The blacks did make peaceful moves for reform in the early days. It was the whites that reacted with the mailed fist.

Keeping people “Ignorant” or “indoctrinating” people - could be construed to be as bad as each other, meanwhile.

When Cecil Rhodes exclaimed “You are an Englishman, and have subsequently drawn the greatest prize in the lottery of life.” - that wasn’t meant as a Racist Jibe, - far from it. Citizens of the Empire should have been aspiring to be more British, rather than moaning about colonialism, and pushing for an independence that to this day - they’ve proven they were not fit to have, more often than not.

It was the Smith government that declared independence in Rhodesia, as a reaction against the British policy of democracy there! And South Africa had a complex history of rebelling against British rule. It can’t be overstated how malign and self-entitled the white minority were in Southern Africa.

In a system where the Right dominate, such as the Empire - it’s all too easy to point to the malcontents as being some sign of “imperfection” within that particular political system. Truth is though, that because of Freedom of Speech these malcontents got voiced ideas that the reverse situation just would not involve. Eg. in a Orwellian Hard Left system - to speak in a malcontent fashion would doubtless be classed as a “thought crime” and to even discuss such matters in private would be to label oneself as “Dissident”.

I don’t accept arguments like “9/11 happened because Right-Wing Saudi Arabia created Osama Bin Laden, therefore the Right are truly responsible for all the social sins on planet Earth.”

I thought the agreed-on facts were that 9/11 happened because the CIA funded Bin Laden’s extremist mujahideen in the 1980s and 90s, in order to destroy the Russian-backed (and Western-looking) Najibullah regime.

Russia should have been removed as the West’s Bogeyman when the Soviet Union broke up, under similar circumstances to the British Empire, if you think about it. “Couldn’t do anything to keep the far-flung larger possessions content”. Kiev never forgave Mother Russia it seems, for Chernobyl. It’s worth pointing out however, that the Liberal Left West of Ukraine, not content with winning power from the Russian-leaning East, now want to take the whole country into the EU, rather than just carving it up, like former Czechoslovakia did.

The EU need to stop aggressively putting the boot into Russia over Russia’s former possessions. Not all of them have a passionate hatred for the old motherland in the far majority in those ex-soviet states. A lot of what we get told about what the actual people of these places want - is bigged-up something rotten to the pleased ears of what would now be called the Eurocrats, Liberal Elites, Globalists, and of course NATO. It’s a dangerous game, because if we’re not careful - the EU will end up making the same mistake as Hitler made regarding the British Empire.

In short, we should keep the eye on the ball that was, is, and continues to be - militant Islam, and the “War on Terror” which seems to have stalled.
Picking a fight with Russia based on Putin’s unwillingness to confront the West in a military fashion - seems to be set to drive up energy prices at one end, whilst reducing our world security/peace in a reckless fashion - at worst. We’re effectively opening up a 2nd cold war - but this time on TWO fronts, one vs ex-Soviet influences, and the other vs Militant (and political) Immigration, along with all the knock-on effects.
Notice how our politicians and media have been VERY careful when speaking of “Immigrants” - not to seperate “Working, Tax-paying, Girl-bringing EE’s” from "Benefit-claiming, Girl-abusing, No girl-bringing Fake immigrants, all too often of criminal background, judging by the way they destroy their own former identities…

Now the EU has decicided to move against Russia, and re-kindle another cold war - we’ll probably see a lot less EE’s coming over here, and a good few going home as well. The influx from Sub-Mediterranean locations - continues to flow though, and the crunch is likely to come within our lifetimes, with no one left to pay the taxes required to let all this flotsam go to the front of the queues for NHS treatments at very least, banging down our door for “Respect” at worse.

Turkey seems to have fouled it’s own nest for now - but the inflows have barely broken stride, coming more from the African coast rather than via Anatolia these days.
As for Amber bloody Rudd yesterday… NO committment to get down the numbers of these likely-to-become enemy soldiers already infiltrating our society, in due course.
It’s not “Reducing the number of EU citizen immigrants” that needs to be done already!
Citizens actually born in the EU wanting to come over here - represent only a small number of the influx we get, oddly enough. :neutral_face:

It was the Smith government that declared independence in Rhodesia, as a reaction against the British policy of democracy there! And South Africa had a complex history of rebelling against British rule. It can’t be overstated how malign and self-entitled the white minority were in Southern Africa.

I thought the agreed-on facts were that 9/11 happened because the CIA funded Bin Laden’s extremist mujahideen in the 1980s and 90s, in order to destroy the Russian-backed (and Western-looking) Najibullah regime.

Oh wait.It was all so much better when Zanu PF and ZAPU kicked out the Smith regime.As opposed to the ethnic African population recognising the good bits about so called ‘white’ rule and just campaigning to rightly stop being treated like zb by ethic Europeans in their own country.Also why the double standards in that we aren’t allowed to base the entitlement to govern on ethnic origin here so why is it suddenly ok to do so in the case of Rhodesia.IE your argument in favour of Mugabe over Smith is no different to saying that Obama or Kahn shouldn’t be allowed to hold office in a ‘white’ majority country because of their ethnicity.On that note the definition of apartheid means that Smith and Mugabe would/should have been as relevant as each other in representing their own seperate ethnic groups in their own areas.Instead of which that somehow got corrupted into a winner takes/rules all racist power struggle.With all too predictable results.

As for 9/11.No a bunker busting missile attack,possibly as a warning by China to tow the Globalist line and the US deciding that it was better to make up a cover story than go to war,makes more sense.Than the Saudis in whatever form attacking America using untrained pilots to fly some lightly constructed aluminium cans in the form of 757/767’s at an impossible speed and height through structural steel holding up a skyscraper and the walls of the Pentagon like a knife through butter.

The simple thing to ask yourself is "Are you better off, or worse off from your own/the govenment’s actions these past 50 years?

Have you actually ever known prosperity, as if you have NOT - then how can you know when one “downturn” in your life began, rose out of, and then plummted into another almost seamlessly?

I had the misfortune of training to be a scientist/engineer at a time when such qualifications were being thrown on the scrapheap.

Today, we’re seeing the same things with our freshly graduated student’s fistfull of worthless paper scrolls…
They might as well be “Can use toilet paper” and “Can play chopsticks on a piano” for all they are worth.

A decent C&G apprecticeship has got to be worth ten times more than a degree in Economics, History, Business Studies, or even that old useless chestnut - Art History - surely?

The first upturn in my life - was getting my first full time job where I was paid the same as the geezer working next to me.
The second upturn in my life - was getting my second full time job where I was paid the same as the geezer working next to me.

Meanings are in people - not words.

My first downturn was trying to pay off all my debts, not realizing that I could walk away from the lot. Having paid them all off, I prompty got told “Now ■■■■ off, you cannot borrow for six years, and cannot get a mortgage for 12”. So much for “doing the right thing.”
My second downturn - didn’t ever happen, because I learned how to avoid it from my first experience. :stuck_out_tongue:

You can’t have a winning streak, unless you let yourself have one.
You cannot win if you don’t have some skin in the game.
You CAN lose, even if you thought you were not playing.
Someone can rob you, even though you thought you had nothing to take.
You can climb out of austerity, and it costs nothing to do so.
You don’t need to kill your wife and kids, just because someone said “you must pay back your debts like a Lannister”.

Lifestyle has never been more atuned to “profitable living” than it has become now.

If you don’t want to be poor, then don’t do the things poor people do.
If you want to be rich, then find out what rich people do that doesn’t actually involve a fistfull of cash - and emulate that lifestyle.
If you want to live to 100 - then don’t adopt suicidally reckless behavior. Risk numbered bits of paper instead of your life and limb.
If you don’t want to have kids - don’t get married.
If you don’t want to have more kids - don’t get divorced.


It was the Smith government that declared independence in Rhodesia, as a reaction against the British policy of democracy there! And South Africa had a complex history of rebelling against British rule. It can’t be overstated how malign and self-entitled the white minority were in Southern Africa.

I thought the agreed-on facts were that 9/11 happened because the CIA funded Bin Laden’s extremist mujahideen in the 1980s and 90s, in order to destroy the Russian-backed (and Western-looking) Najibullah regime.

Oh wait.It was all so much better when Zanu PF and ZAPU kicked out the Smith regime.As opposed to the ethnic African population recognising the good bits about so called ‘white’ rule and just campaigning to rightly stop being treated like zb by ethic Europeans in their own country.

Apartheid at that time could not be changed, it had to be smashed. It was precisely because it was smashed in Rhodesia, that the whites in South Africa became willing to change.

Also why the double standards in that we aren’t allowed to base the entitlement to govern on ethnic origin here so why is it suddenly ok to do so in the case of Rhodesia.

But the entitlement to govern is not based on ethnic origin. Even Zimbabwe still has white parliamentarians, but the majority of people in government are black, because the majority itself is black.

IE your argument in favour of Mugabe over Smith is no different to saying that Obama or Kahn shouldn’t be allowed to hold office in a ‘white’ majority country because of their ethnicity.

I never said whites should not be allowed to govern in Africa. The policy of apartheid was that blacks were not allowed to govern.

On that note the definition of apartheid means that Smith and Mugabe would/should have been as relevant as each other in representing their own seperate ethnic groups in their own areas.Instead of which that somehow got corrupted into a winner takes/rules all racist power struggle.With all too predictable results.

Yes, and that was the all the doing of the white minority! It was the whites who turned it into a racist power struggle. Smith’s UDI was designed to keep it as an openly racist power struggle, when the British government was trying to push democratic reforms in the 50s and 60s and was telling them to wind it down and implement reforms.

As for 9/11.No a bunker busting missile attack,possibly as a warning by China to tow the Globalist line and the US deciding that it was better to make up a cover story than go to war,makes more sense.Than the Saudis in whatever form attacking America using untrained pilots to fly some lightly constructed aluminium cans in the form of 757/767’s at an impossible speed and height through structural steel holding up a skyscraper and the walls of the Pentagon like a knife through butter.

Or, like the Skripal poisoning, the perpetrators probably had a different agenda from the politicians and vested interests who then exploited it.



It was the Smith government that declared independence in Rhodesia, as a reaction against the British policy of democracy there! And South Africa had a complex history of rebelling against British rule. It can’t be overstated how malign and self-entitled the white minority were in Southern Africa.

I thought the agreed-on facts were that 9/11 happened because the CIA funded Bin Laden’s extremist mujahideen in the 1980s and 90s, in order to destroy the Russian-backed (and Western-looking) Najibullah regime.

Oh wait.It was all so much better when Zanu PF and ZAPU kicked out the Smith regime.As opposed to the ethnic African population recognising the good bits about so called ‘white’ rule and just campaigning to rightly stop being treated like zb by ethic Europeans in their own country.

Apartheid at that time could not be changed, it had to be smashed. It was precisely because it was smashed in Rhodesia, that the whites in South Africa became willing to change.

Also why the double standards in that we aren’t allowed to base the entitlement to govern on ethnic origin here so why is it suddenly ok to do so in the case of Rhodesia.

But the entitlement to govern is not based on ethnic origin. Even Zimbabwe still has white parliamentarians, but the majority of people in government are black, because the majority itself is black.

IE your argument in favour of Mugabe over Smith is no different to saying that Obama or Kahn shouldn’t be allowed to hold office in a ‘white’ majority country because of their ethnicity.

I never said whites should not be allowed to govern in Africa. The policy of apartheid was that blacks were not allowed to govern.

On that note the definition of apartheid means that Smith and Mugabe would/should have been as relevant as each other in representing their own seperate ethnic groups in their own areas.Instead of which that somehow got corrupted into a winner takes/rules all racist power struggle.With all too predictable results.

Yes, and that was the all the doing of the white minority! It was the whites who turned it into a racist power struggle. Smith’s UDI was designed to keep it as an openly racist power struggle, when the British government was trying to push democratic reforms in the 50s and 60s and was telling them to wind it down and implement reforms.

So you’re saying that it’s ok to vote on the basis of ethnicity not policy ?.In this case the majority ‘black’ vote winning out on those lines even though Smith overall was predictably running the country better than Mugabe and his native mob ever did or could ?.In which case how wasn’t that a winner takes all power struggle based on race ?.Let alone confirmation of the situation which Powell was actually describing in which we eventually become the ethnic minority in our own country whether at local or national level just as ethnic Europeans were/are the ethnic minority in Africa.

In which case the bit which Smith etc got wrong was going along with that ridiculous winner takes all situation in trying to impose ‘white rule’ on the indigenous native black population rather than making apartheid mean what it says.IE they needed more apartheid to apply even at government level meaning that whites ruled whites and blacks ruled blacks,not less.While likewise adding strength to the anti immigration argument here that the immigrant population will vote for its own in its own ethnic interests which is why we rightly need to limit the numbers to avoid that situation.While if not the argument if we import enough of the third world here then we become the third world locally or nationally,stands.just as Powell rightly stated.

While yes you got your wish aparthied was smashed and Zimbabwe and the Mugabe regime was the result.That worked out well for all concerned. :unamused:



Yes, and that was the all the doing of the white minority! It was the whites who turned it into a racist power struggle. Smith’s UDI was designed to keep it as an openly racist power struggle, when the British government was trying to push democratic reforms in the 50s and 60s and was telling them to wind it down and implement reforms.

So you’re saying that it’s ok to vote on the basis of ethnicity not policy ?.

I said the opposite, though of course the policy of apartheid meant there was an almost total correlation with politics and ethnicity.

In this case the majority ‘black’ vote winning out on those lines even though Smith overall was predictably running the country better than Mugabe and his native mob ever did or could ?.In which case how wasn’t that a winner takes all power struggle based on race ?.Let alone confirmation of the situation which Powell was actually describing in which we eventually become the ethnic minority in our own country whether at local or national level just as ethnic Europeans were/are the ethnic minority in Africa.

I don’t know where you get this idea that Smith ran the country well. He broke the law declaring independence from Britain. He utterly alienated his regime internationally. He presided over a totally undemocratic, and then increasingly brutal and oppressive regime that saw it collapse into outright civil war and revolution. Where are these achievements of Smith’s of which you speak? He was only running it “well” if you ignore all the ways in which he was running it so badly that the country no longer exists - all over a single policy, that in which the colour of your skin, rather than merit, wealth, or any other possible factor, determined your position. A black man could be a rocket scientist, an entrepreneurial genius, or one of the finest politicians of his era, and he would still be treated as second-class to even the lowliest and most backward white man.

In which case the bit which Smith etc got wrong was going along with that ridiculous winner takes all situation in trying to impose ‘white rule’ on the indigenous native black population rather than making apartheid mean what it says.IE they needed more apartheid to apply even at government level meaning that whites ruled whites and blacks ruled blacks,not less.While likewise adding strength to the anti immigration argument here that the immigrant population will vote for its own in its own ethnic interests which is why we rightly need to limit the numbers to avoid that situation.While if not the argument if we import enough of the third world here then we become the third world locally or nationally,stands.just as Powell rightly stated.

But that’s absurd! The whites had to rule the blacks, because the blacks were the workers doing all the work! What you’re suggesting is no more logical than saying we will split Britain up, and bosses will rule bosses, and workers will rule workers. What of how the existing resources are divided? How will the bosses work their factories and take the same rates of profit, without access to cheap labour, unless the bosses accept workers’ wages for their effort - in other words, who will they boss?

It’s like in Israel today, where people wonder how terrorists get in or why there’s always so much trouble at border crossings. It’s because they have to bring Arabs into their society, because they comprise a substantial part of the working class there, and to simply close the borders will mean the Israeli economy shrinking, and it will mean Israeli bosses having to take a step down and accept Arab pay and conditions in menial occupations.

Indeed, in South Africa they did have a system of tribal areas or “bantustans”. Many blacks, by then already accustomed to urban living, were forcibly relocated into these purpose-built rural villages. And in the end, they had to let the blacks back into the major urban and industrial areas as the South African economy couldn’t manage without black labour.

While yes you got your wish aparthied was smashed and Zimbabwe and the Mugabe regime was the result.That worked out well for all concerned. :unamused:

From a long-term perspective it has worked out well. Apartheid is smashed in Rhodesia. South Africa is reformed. Mugabe has just handed over in a bloodless coup - an achievement by all African standards. The economic calamity in Zimbabwe results only from the whites reaping what they sowed, which was a brutal fight to the death with the black population and the total failure to create a black middle class capable of taking on the management of the economy to the same standard (which the whites could have allowed gradually and on merit, if they had been willing to countenance reform much earlier).

The overall problem for whites, particularly in Rhodesia, even if you strip away the racial and ideological aspects, is simply that many were recent economic migrants who wouldn’t countenance living properly with the means of the overall economy. For the white man to feel as though he had a secure standard of living comparable to the British or European worker with whom he compared himself, required intolerably high levels of inequality and class immobility between people who lived, worked, and were governed together in the same place.

We’re going a bit off-topic here folks, even for Bully’s…

Let’s get the thread back to “Brexit” rather than “Blacksit” then. :stuck_out_tongue:

The difficulty for any government making a serious attempt to implement Brexit - is that with only a 52% mandate - you’re going to have to get them ALL on board, or any watered-down effort, even watered down say, 10% - is going to take you below that 50% support line, and presumably the Remainers will jump at the chance to play yet another “Let’s forget the whole damned thing” card. :frowning:

We need a government who takes control of our own civil services now - to get Brexit back on track.

…Or we’ll hit the end of March next year - and get told just as they financial year ends “Let’s forget the whole thing” ANYWAY. :angry:

We’re going a bit off-topic here folks, even for Bully’s…

Let’s get the thread back to “Brexit” rather than “Blacksit” then. :stuck_out_tongue:

The difficulty for any government making a serious attempt to implement Brexit - is that with only a 52% mandate - you’re going to have to get them ALL on board, or any watered-down effort, even watered down say, 10% - is going to take you below that 50% support line, and presumably the Remainers will jump at the chance to play yet another “Let’s forget the whole damned thing” card. :frowning:

We need a government who takes control of our own civil services now - to get Brexit back on track.

…Or we’ll hit the end of March next year - and get told just as they financial year ends “Let’s forget the whole thing” ANYWAY. :angry:

I thought we’d already done Brexit to death? :laughing: