Iain Duncan Smith

up until the last few months of 2012 I was a Kitchen porter for the last 10 years… my pay was minimum wage… now due to the shifts I did I had no time to enjoy my self and the pay was ■■■■! now Iv had a lot of bad luck… I’m stuck without a paddle claiming benefits up to my eyeballs in debt work is thin where I am and to make matters worst the Job center are now threatening to stop my benefits because thay think I"m not doing enough to find a Job… 2 weeks ago I drove for 2 hours to get to an interview in Peterborough … I did the same this Monday only this interview was in Ipswich. Iv lost count the many times Iv been turned down for jobs with out ever getting to the interview stage Iv sent out Emails Iv knocked on doors I can’t win

if I could I would move to a different part of the country if it gives me a better chance of a Job

now my point is… Im really ■■■■■■ a bit like this Country it would not make any difference if some gob ■■■■■ MP spent a week on benefits… it wont happen and even if he did it… it still wont change a bloody thing!

IDS doesn’t need to live on dole money because he has played his cards right, fairplay to him. Unlike the majority of dafties on the dole, most of whome are unemployable.

Iain Duncan Smith hasn’t a clue,he is spouting on about getting people off benefits and back to work.
Then you have the local authorities cutting hundreds of jobs in each county.Where does he think these people are going to find jobs !! :unamused: