I want a motorbike

Hi Steve-o, am 5" 3, and slim, this is mine, i also have a 1200 Harley XLH

Thanks to everyone who replied. I don’t have mobile broadband so was unable to check the net during the week. 5 nights without the net kills me lol.

Thanks for answering a lot of my questions about balance and that. I always thought seeing as I was a ‘twig’ as people sometimes call me that anything bigger than a 125 would be too heavy for me. Looks like that’s not the case. oh and yea I can only wonder how much it would all cost to get the licence, bike and all the gear that goes with it. Expensive hobby indeed :sunglasses:
Cheers :grimacing:

I can only wonder how much it would all cost to get the licence, bike and all the gear that goes with it. Expensive hobby indeed :sunglasses:
Cheers :grimacing:

If you consider that an extra £100 (approx) on top of that would be well spent in riding safer still, then consider joining your local advanced riding motorcycle group, most of which are all bike enthusiasts and go on long rides as a group.

I can only wonder how much it would all cost to get the licence, bike and all the gear that goes with it. Expensive hobby indeed :sunglasses:
Cheers :grimacing:

Well, in your first post you did say you’ve got loads of dosh! :wink:

It’s like any other activity hobby; initial set-up costs are high but you’re best served by getting good kit that’ll last you.