I have had the worst day

Cheers mate,

On a positive note ive signed up with 3 agencys today and its looking ok, just a bit strange not getting up at 6am, not that im complaining!!

Unlucky m8,I hope you find your self an new job and a decent guv asap.

On my 10th day after passing my test (I remember it well) I ended up the backside of a volvo, totally my fault. There were 6 people in the car, 4 of them kids, but they were unhurt. Nontheless, I felt mortified and even considered giving up driving altogether.

In fact my boss had me out in the biggest motor he could find the very next day, despite my wanting to take a day off. Now I feel better about the whole thing. Its a stark reminder not to get cocky.

Its important to take your time. Screw whoevers behind you. Noone can get injured from a car horn!

Last time I got cocky I got an artic stuck in a field and my boss came and uttered some choice phrases in my direction. For good measure one of our fitters took an air conditioning unit off a wall getting the thing unstuck :unamused: :wink: :open_mouth: .