How wrong is this

Well after all my screaming and shouting today it finally happened not to me but to another driver our artic was loaded up with a load of empty folded down stillages the driver pulled out of the yard turned at the roundabout and some of them came through the curtain and out onto the road fortunatly enough nobody was hurt but you should see the mess the trailors in there is a hole in the curtain from top to bottom and about 12 feet long down the length of it. Im gutted for the driver because he will get the blame but it was bound to happen sooner or later


i’ll do the job but thats me finished working for them.

I would consider going to a tribuneral to claim constructive unfair dimisal, even though it will have been your decision to leave the job, it is because of the companys working practices so it is their fault that you had to leave… This would get the problem noticed in the public domain and then the company may be forced to change their load handling practices. Also you could recieve reasonable monetary compensation for your troubles…

I arrived back at the yard and the SAFETY officer had a look and did’nt think it was a problem. how can a woman who has never driven an hgv tell me what i think is safe and what isnt when the load is MY responsability also manhandling 92kg’s is a bit heavy which she did’nt think was a problem as well.

She wants sacking then. 25kg is the maximum you can lift without assistance.