How healthy do you think you are?

Yes Diddly we are like old car engines…we look ok on the outside…but cant see the inside…not till something goes wrong and we have an m.o.t. eh… any news on any treatments mate, or operations to make it all better…or what have the doctors said ?/…just being a bit nosey now…typical eh !..well you can always have a chat on here, or find a hobby while you sit by the fire in your slippers and a cardigan…and maybe a hot horlicks ha ha …i hope you enjoyed your little stroll…the more the better it becomes…have a good weekend mate…speak real soon. regards trucky.

You have my sympathy my friend, I too was diagnosed with a serious illness just over a year ago. I had been slowly getting more tired and loosing energy until one day I was so sick I gave in and went to see a doctor, turns out I have a very rare blood cancer, unfortunately I am not in the same position you are in the UK, I have to carry on working, I even passed my DOT physical for 2 years. I wish I was still in the UK and could get proper healthcare, don’t get me wrong, the treatment I get here is exceptional but I suspect that is because the cancer I have is so rare that I am treated like a guinea pig, most of the doctors and staff in the hospital have no idea what my disease is.
I wish you all the best for your future and hope you get better sir.

Like most older truck drivers I suffer from back an knee issues, but one thing that I didn’t expect was prostrate cancer. So, if you notice a change in your peeing habits, get it checked out. Sooner it is diagnosed the sooner it is treated.

Hi diddley I’m sorry to hear about your health and I hope you can turn it round.

Before driving about 7 years ago I packed in smoking and it brought my blood pressure down and I found I could breathe again!

I started running and swimming almost every day and the weight fell off me, I started running and walking 2 miles then built up to 4 mile runs and swimming 1 mile every other day.

Then 11 months ago I started driving class 1 and not been running or swimming since! The weight has been creeping back on.

So now I’ve not got the time for any fitness I’ve changed my diet to vegetarian and I’m starting to tone up again, also I drink distilled water now and add some bicarbonate of soda to keep my body alkaline.

I feel better after giving up meat than I did when I gave up ■■■■! I’m looking at cutting down on dairy next.

I wish I had time to exercise still I loved it. Try and stay healthy, eat good stuff and stay alkaline, also have a look at bitter apricot kernels, I have them with yoghurt, honey, blueberries and granola

Sorry to bump this but for those that are interested I have a little update. If you’re not interested simply click the ‘back button’ and don’t read.

Because I have mobility problems and struggle to walk uphill I have just bought a mobility scooter and it’s absolutely fantastic. I still walk and exercise as I have a treadmill which I use daily. Scooter is road legal but I wouldn’t do that so click low speed and annoy pedestrians :wink: I’m deteriorating slowly but steady, If there are no posts from me for about a month then I’ve died :laughing: I’m not scared of that because it will happen to everybody and I’ve had enough anyway.

Weather today is crap so I’ll not be going anywhere :unamused: I’ll end up watching Jeremy Kyle and friggin loose women :cry:

Take care out there :smiley:

Sorry to bump this but for those that are interested I have a little update. If you’re not interested simply click the ‘back button’ and don’t read.

Because I have mobility problems and struggle to walk uphill I have just bought a mobility scooter and it’s absolutely fantastic. I still walk and exercise as I have a treadmill which I use daily. Scooter is road legal but I wouldn’t do that so click low speed and annoy pedestrians :wink: I’m deteriorating slowly but steady, If there are no posts from me for about a month then I’ve died :laughing: I’m not scared of that because it will happen to everybody and I’ve had enough anyway.

Weather today is crap so I’ll not be going anywhere :unamused: I’ll end up watching Jeremy Kyle and friggin loose women :cry:

Take care out there :smiley:

Bloody hell mate that’s crap. I really don’t know what to say. Well, apart from mind how you go on that bloody scooter, it’s a pavement not a bowling alley.

Take it easy fella.


Sorry to bump this but for those that are interested I have a little update. If you’re not interested simply click the ‘back button’ and don’t read.

Because I have mobility problems and struggle to walk uphill I have just bought a mobility scooter and it’s absolutely fantastic. I still walk and exercise as I have a treadmill which I use daily. Scooter is road legal but I wouldn’t do that so click low speed and annoy pedestrians :wink: I’m deteriorating slowly but steady, If there are no posts from me for about a month then I’ve died :laughing: I’m not scared of that because it will happen to everybody and I’ve had enough anyway.

Weather today is crap so I’ll not be going anywhere :unamused: I’ll end up watching Jeremy Kyle and friggin loose women :cry:

Take care out there :smiley:

Just seen this again and im sorry to hear the problems your having.Hope you dont pass away and think positive about what you have done in life and them thoughts will pick you up and make you smile.

: I’ll end up friggin loose women :smiley:

Every cloud and all that! :smiley:

Seriously though mate nothing I can do or say can change the crap hand you’ve been dealt. All I can do is wish you well in the time you have left.

At least Diddly you are now mobile again, bit by bit it will improve mate…dont despair…think of poor old CONOR…he has a bad back, and suffers from bad periods, i know that feeling when my missus was on em, two weeks of absolute hell, so i know what hes going through. :smiley: :smiley:

i collapsed last year,in October thought id ad a stroke. ended up on the stroke ward in Ipswich hosp. but i hadnt a stroke it was jus a migraneous aura. but bein on that ward one night was a real wake up call. the doctor doin his rounds told each patient point blank what their future was. some were told youv 5 to 7 months left ,hows that feel , others= youll never need slippers again.
i got told lose some weight,iv lost 2 stones since and intend losing more , feel good too ,im glad i collapsed !