HGV1 Drivers - Questions

people say ‘I wouldnt pay that for a licence’, I used to be a tyre fitter working 52 hours a week and struggling to make 18 grand a year, I payed 2k all together with class 2 then 1, I passed my class 1 last december and started a full time job in feb, since then I have earned around 19 grand up to now. so was it worth it? hell yes! I love being able to buy things without having to worry about running out of cash.
Its longer hours, and you spend all week away from home but if you can live with that you can earn good money.
maybe I was lucky to get a job so quickly, but if your willing to do the leg work and constantly knock on doors someone will give you a chance. I am driving the oldest wagon in the fleet, but even that is a 54 plate cf space cab, if the employer can see your keen and willing to do the work and you can really put that across at the interview then your in with a chance. having said that I am a bit older at 36, but I know our firm will employ 21 year olds and possibly younger.
as you say your dad and uncle are hgv drivers get them to speak to their bosses as quite often a recomendation is all it takes.

i would say its stupid to drop the age to 18, i mean yes there is a few 18 year olds out there who dont drive like complete chumps, but the majority of 18 year olds drive like twits in their lil 1.1 saxo so just imagine that in a 44 tonner…

A couple of months ago, a young guy came to me looking for some part-time work (I own a horse transport co). He was really keen, and said he wanted to “have a go” at different types of transport, for experience.

“Ok” Ithought “I’ll give him the chance I was given when I first started”.

Anyway about 3 days later I was stood outside the pub having a ■■■, when this guy comes screaming down the road in a 26 tonne merc,revving the ■■■■ off it, with 2 of his mates in the cab aswell! :open_mouth: :unamused:
I thought “there’s your chance blown, sunshine”

Now this is probably an isolated case, but it does nothing for the perception of young drivers. Had he driven properly down that road, acting the professional, he would have had as much work off of me as he wanted

well I got my licence when I was 18… (In Holland)

I will be 30 next year so have been driving class 1 for well over 12 years now.

In Holland the licence system works different and we don’t have L-plates and such.

When you turn 16 you are allowed to get a licence for a Moped… (up to 49.9cc)
You will have to do a theory and practical test for this… (It only used to be a theory test to be fair)
After completing that you can ride a moped…
When you turn 18 you can think of getting a car or bigger bike (first few years on restrictions etc.) licence.
All lessons have to be through a qualified driving school with a qualified instructor.
No L-plates or driving with anyone that has a licence, or alone on the bike…
Same rules apply on the bike as well as in the car and for trucks, buses etc…

So then when you finally pass your test you have actually been thought proper how to handle the vehicle and how to look for other road users…

Now I think that an 18 year old wanting to become a truck driver is a different breed from the 1.1 saxo racing numpties…
I started straight in a job as class 1 driver and was in the middle of Paris with an 40 tonner less tan 2 weeks after passing my test and only 3 months after I turned 18.

Till this day I am still accident free on the professional driving front…

frantically touching wood

So I don’t see why a 18 year old can’t go for his hgv licence.
So Sam go for it mate… :grimacing:

I have also seen some much older people driving like complete idiots in trucks, so it isnt necessarily just young drivers, and I think most people who fork out 2-3 grand for a licence would value it somewhat and think about what they are doing behind the wheel.
there are however always exceptions to the rule it has to be said.

It is a bit mad being able to qualify to drive a C or CE class vehicle at 18, when you have to be at least 19 or more to ride a “large” motorcycle.

Are you sure?

As for driving at 18, it happened in Holland years ago for national traffic, the EC regulations are now all the same, but are they? the different countries have much to learn from each other, Holland is next door to Belgium where everyone drives likes prats.

But that was a digression. We used to have the Young Driver Scheme where lads such as Sam Millar were interviewed, selected and trained by respectable companies. They started at the bottom like many of us older ones did, they learnt about warehousing, they got a fork truck ticket, they were allowed out in the fitters van, than a 7.5 tonner. at 18 they could take a restricted test which allowed them to drive a rigid and then drive an artic before you were 21. They were trained to do the job by someone who knew the job.

If you were sacked or left that company you lost your entitlement to drive until you were old enough.

The EU are very wrong to say that all 18 year olds are mature enough to drive trucks, some 30 year olds are not, look at these numpties who think wheelspins or doughnuts are clever or using the size to bully other drivers.

If I ran a respectable company then Sam Millar and his like would be on a long shortlist.

Wheel Nut:

It is a bit mad being able to qualify to drive a C or CE class vehicle at 18, when you have to be at least 19 or more to ride a “large” motorcycle.

Are you sure?

Which bit is being questioned? The disparity or the second half of the statement?


i would say its stupid to drop the age to 18, i mean yes there is a few 18 year olds out there who dont drive like complete chumps, but the majority of 18 year olds drive like twits in their lil 1.1 saxo so just imagine that in a 44 tonner…

A couple of months ago, a young guy came to me looking for some part-time work (I own a horse transport co). He was really keen, and said he wanted to “have a go” at different types of transport, for experience.

“Ok” Ithought “I’ll give him the chance I was given when I first started”.

Anyway about 3 days later I was stood outside the pub having a ■■■, when this guy comes screaming down the road in a 26 tonne merc,revving the ■■■■ off it, with 2 of his mates in the cab aswell! :open_mouth: :unamused:
I thought “there’s your chance blown, sunshine”

Now this is probably an isolated case, but it does nothing for the perception of young drivers. Had he driven properly down that road, acting the professional, he would have had as much work off of me as he wanted

if the law was changed when i was 18 it theoretically woulda have meant that 11 DAYS after passing my car test i could have started my hgv training, even though i dont hoon about in my car and never have that is not long enough to have been driving for. if the kid has been driving for say his parents company in the yard shunting then yes he will have a greater understanding at 18 than i would have at 18 of driving trucks.


i would say its stupid to drop the age to 18, i mean yes there is a few 18 year olds out there who dont drive like complete chumps, but the majority of 18 year olds drive like twits in their lil 1.1 saxo so just imagine that in a 44 tonner…

A couple of months ago, a young guy came to me looking for some part-time work (I own a horse transport co). He was really keen, and said he wanted to “have a go” at different types of transport, for experience.

“Ok” Ithought “I’ll give him the chance I was given when I first started”.

Anyway about 3 days later I was stood outside the pub having a ■■■, when this guy comes screaming down the road in a 26 tonne merc,revving the ■■■■ off it, with 2 of his mates in the cab aswell! :open_mouth: :unamused:
I thought “there’s your chance blown, sunshine”

Now this is probably an isolated case, but it does nothing for the perception of young drivers. Had he driven properly down that road, acting the professional, he would have had as much work off of me as he wanted

Fascinating story, as a rider/showjumper myself working for someone like Eric Gillie would be pretty awesome as it’s HGV and Horses in one! :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the different opinion guys, I sort of know where I stand a bit better now.

with regard to starting to drive trucks at 18, I think anyone daft enough to want to drive a truck at 18 will be sensible enough to drive like an adult. :smiley:
I passed my HGV at 17 and was working for a living in trucks the same day, this was a week after passing my car licence. :exclamation:

18 is old enough to go and get killed for your country, so driving a truck is a walk in the park in comparison. :bulb:
I don’t like the idea of working for less money, be it because you want experience, are from an other country or any other reason, we all do the same jobs so should get the same money.


Wheel Nut:

It is a bit mad being able to qualify to drive a C or CE class vehicle at 18, when you have to be at least 19 or more to ride a “large” motorcycle.

Are you sure?

Which bit is being questioned? The disparity or the second half of the statement?

The bit about being aged 19 to ride more than 33bhp.

Sam Millar:


i would say its stupid to drop the age to 18, i mean yes there is a few 18 year olds out there who dont drive like complete chumps, but the majority of 18 year olds drive like twits in their lil 1.1 saxo so just imagine that in a 44 tonner…

A couple of months ago, a young guy came to me looking for some part-time work (I own a horse transport co). He was really keen, and said he wanted to “have a go” at different types of transport, for experience.

“Ok” Ithought “I’ll give him the chance I was given when I first started”.

Anyway about 3 days later I was stood outside the pub having a ■■■, when this guy comes screaming down the road in a 26 tonne merc,revving the ■■■■ off it, with 2 of his mates in the cab aswell! :open_mouth: :unamused:
I thought “there’s your chance blown, sunshine”

Now this is probably an isolated case, but it does nothing for the perception of young drivers. Had he driven properly down that road, acting the professional, he would have had as much work off of me as he wanted

Fascinating story, as a rider/showjumper myself working for someone like Eric Gillie would be pretty awesome as it’s HGV and Horses in one! :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the different opinion guys, I sort of know where I stand a bit better now.

I got my chance (and my class 2) through a well enough known and respected horse transport co. BUT, I had to prove that I could do the job first…That meant a year of the rubbish jobs, that no-one else wanted in a 7.5.tonne. I’m 32 now and that was nearly 10 years ago.

I’ve absolutly nothing against new, or inexperienced drivers, but you have to try and see it from the operators point of view. I was willing to give this guy a chance. Imagine how I would have looked, if I put this guy on a job, and he turns up driving like that!? This industry is all about perception. If my customers dont think I can provide the right people for the job, they’ll go to someone who will

I don’t think its right a 18 year old can sit the test, maybe its the thought of someone being in charge of 44 ton with about 1000 miles under his belt that fills me with fear.

In regards to cost my mate just sat both c and c+e with all the cpc ■■■■■ and dsa fees he came in about £3500 that was passing both first time. Not cheap!

At the risk of sounding conceited, big headed and over confident and probably a hypocrite as well, I would definitely say that not all people my age are as mature as they should be.

We’re growing up in a generation where the generation before us will grow up quicker than we did (90s era) but me personally I find it hard to associate with alot of people my age because I want to talk about things adults would usually talk about. Don’t get me wrong I know when to have fun etc I just feel i’m alot mature most people my age and as a frequent internet user, even trying to find people my own age with the same level headed situations is very hard.

So of course there can’t be rules for one and not another, I feel that I have the maturity to control such large vehicles while I would say some of my friends (who even admit themselves) are not mature enough to pass a car test.

Harry Monk:

Sam Millar:
Just some questions from a hopefully trucker to be sometime :laughing:

With your extraordinarily mature command of the English language and knowledge of the transport industry, I would say you were more suited to a career in journalism. :wink:

his mature command of the english language doesn’t include spelling as he refers to a driving license not a licence as it should be :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I don’t think its right a 18 year old can sit the test, maybe its the thought of someone being in charge of 44 ton with about 1000 miles under his belt that fills me with fear.

In regards to cost my mate just sat both c and c+e with all the cpc [zb] and dsa fees he came in about £3500 that was passing both first time. Not cheap!

I actually think a young person who wants to be a truck driver for the right reasons will do better than anyone who just saw an advert in the Scum or Daily Pale offering 30 to 40k after a weeks training. You only need to listen to the bullcrap you hear in places like the Stockyard or the Red Lion. I turned round, I refused, I know the boss, I have, a degree, mortar board, been to the moon, a pub, a garage, used to be in the SAS or simply doing it for a mate when you see him there every week.

Lorry driving is a way of life, not a job and certainly not a 40 or 50 hour per week job

Most of the modern drivers now are not interested in lorries, just in getting home, or parking with the curtains closed to watch Corrie. Things are much more stressful than when I began, but I have honestly enjoyed all that was thrown at me, from the old trucks with a fun gearbox to the foreign trailer which you had to learn to operate it as you went.

A driver of 18 with a clue and an interest is the same as many drivers of my era who started work in a garage and the first thing they probably drove on the road was an artic on HGV L plates when they were 21. Not all eighteen year old kids are mature, neither are many thirty year old blokes, but the younger ones are probably on their way to Afghanistan right now.

Wheel Nut:
The bit about being aged 19 to ride more than 33bhp.

My understanding is the you can do Direct/Accelerated Access on a bike of more than 47hp (35kW) if you are over 21. However, if you pass a standard cat A test at 17 and are restricted to 33hp (25kW) you only have to wait two years before automatic upgrade. Therefore you could be 19 (with a deep wallet for the insurance) and ride a motorcycle of any horsepower you like.

Rare, but then again, prohibitive cost usually restricts things like this.

Don’t get me started on 3DLD!