Happiness is...

… Crushing your enemies, seeing them driven before you and hearing the Lamentations of their women!

Happiness is…

handing back your HGV entitlement to dvla :laughing:

…just like sadness, only the exact opposite :grimacing:

4 little words… I love you daddy

That’s more like it.

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:



4 little words… I love you daddy

Fantastic response

4 little words… I love you daddy

Spot on, nothing even close except i love you grandad. :slight_smile:

A hug

Finding a nice guy on the FLT who actually wants to unload you without having to wait ages.

My Mrs ■■■■■■■ off to bed and leaving me in peace :smiley:

Finding a nice guy on the FLT who actually wants to unload you without having to wait ages.

Eh, I used to get good feed back, no one waited more than 10 minutes (and that only when it was brew time) when I did it in our/my yard :wink:
Might have changed now I have crossed over to the drivers dark side :open_mouth:


Finding a nice guy on the FLT who actually wants to unload you without having to wait ages.

I’m always looking for nice guys to unload me… boom tish


Finding a nice guy on the FLT who actually wants to unload you without having to wait ages.

I’m always looking for nice guys to unload me… boom tish

If you wait in a layby on the A441 near Cookhill someone will come along and unload your sausage without you noticing :wink:

Driving home down the A38 and seeing the Tamar Bridges rising majestically above the Tamar…aaaah home again :smiley:

Happiness is finally finish loading and heading for home.

Happiness is getting home on a friday.

Happiness is pulling out the yard on a sun ready for another week.