H and S whistleblower anonymity

If they “lose” the accident book when things happen and threaten staff who say theyll report them then I dont think a visit from someone from HSE is going to bother them much, or affect how they operate

The HSE would make an unannounced visit, see the state of the place, possibly even witness something going on, be presented with an empty accident book and immediately smell ■■■■■■■■.

Even in the absence of a recorded accident there would be so much wrong in the yard they could order an immediate suspension of all activity and write them a metric crap ton of fines and/or rectification notices, no doubt at the same time knocking up a report to send to the traffic commissioner.

Sounds like its the same company who use to or still do Lose their records in a fire…it happened quite a lot in the old days and sounds like this lot follow suit…i dont do grassing as a general rule, but companies that put my life at risk, i would gladly do…sadly, i havnt worked for one yet.


This is a multi agency task force, and companies poop themselves when they turn up!

Make sure you have some evidence, anonymity is guaranteed but you are protected with employment rights if you raise your head above the firing line.

Having been involved in a death at work, my tolerance level has plummeted.

Is this the same firm that plan you through 7.5t zones, that you all drive through in order to get the job done faster instead of driving the unrestricted way round and thus forcing them to be realistic with timings?

Maybe they have got used to drivers just doing it instead of refusing?

Not saying that manglement don’t need a good kick up the arse, just that maybe the pointy shoe brigade don’t see it coming?

“I know of one driver who told the management that he was going to complain to H and S and he was sacked and told that he should not consider appealing as they know which pub he uses”
Really? I mean…really?
You do know that we are not living in the Sopranos, or Peaky Blinders?

I am starting to despair!

O/p…Just jack and go and work for somebody else mate if it’s as bad as you say it is. :bulb:

Jobs are not too easy to come by with this attitude

Heisenberrg wrote::
I just drive. I don’t load, I dont unload, I don’t forklift, I don’t talk to clients or customers but most importantly…I don’t care. That’s why I do the job…pay me more and I will do all of the above.
I could manage a university as a vice chancellor for 450k a year but that’s just not my gig. I want a nice simple job…with no hassle and no significant responsibility for a crap wage

Who in their right mind would be multi dropping for 25k with the added bonus of injury or death thrown in, while claiming they could be on 450k but just don’t fancy it.

At our depot we have more than 50 rigids and artics…the depot was built for about 25 max.

So far this year there have been 3 broken legs, 2 broken arms and most weeks a fork lift is knocked over by a reversing truck…the accident book gets ‘lost’ every couple of weeks and a new one started.

Drivers have to clamber over pallets in order to get into their cabs and because the trucks are parked side by side they are only loaded from one side meaning that drivers have to climb over freight to check it…now in the dark. I know of four drivers who have fallen off their truck beds.

I think it is only a matter of time before someone is killed. The H and S website state that any whistleblower would have their name protected…but I’m not so sure.

I know of one driver who told the management that he was going to complain to H and S and he was sacked and told that he should not consider appealing as they know which pub he uses…

My question is has anyone got any experience of whistleblowing to the H and S ?

Considering the op hasn’t been back to comment on this can we assume that it was a load of bullshine to start with?


At our depot we have more than 50 rigids and artics…the depot was built for about 25 max.

So far this year there have been 3 broken legs, 2 broken arms and most weeks a fork lift is knocked over by a reversing truck…the accident book gets ‘lost’ every couple of weeks and a new one started.

Drivers have to clamber over pallets in order to get into their cabs and because the trucks are parked side by side they are only loaded from one side meaning that drivers have to climb over freight to check it…now in the dark. I know of four drivers who have fallen off their truck beds.

I think it is only a matter of time before someone is killed. The H and S website state that any whistleblower would have their name protected…but I’m not so sure.

I know of one driver who told the management that he was going to complain to H and S and he was sacked and told that he should not consider appealing as they know which pub he uses…

My question is has anyone got any experience of whistleblowing to the H and S ?

Considering the op hasn’t been back to comment on this can we assume that it was a load of bullshine to start with?

Thats a big assumption. Theres lots of bovine excrement around, true enough, but could be lots of reasons for not continuing to answer on the thread.
Maybe Heisenberg has made his mind up to report/not-report the employer?
Maybe he`s gone into a witness protection scheme?

Good news maybe? Maybe Heisenberg is no longer UNCERTAIN !



At our depot we have more than 50 rigids and artics…the depot was built for about 25 max.

So far this year there have been 3 broken legs, 2 broken arms and most weeks a fork lift is knocked over by a reversing truck…the accident book gets ‘lost’ every couple of weeks and a new one started.

Drivers have to clamber over pallets in order to get into their cabs and because the trucks are parked side by side they are only loaded from one side meaning that drivers have to climb over freight to check it…now in the dark. I know of four drivers who have fallen off their truck beds.

I think it is only a matter of time before someone is killed. The H and S website state that any whistleblower would have their name protected…but I’m not so sure.

I know of one driver who told the management that he was going to complain to H and S and he was sacked and told that he should not consider appealing as they know which pub he uses…

My question is has anyone got any experience of whistleblowing to the H and S ?

Considering the op hasn’t been back to comment on this can we assume that it was a load of bullshine to start with?

Thats a big assumption. Theres lots of bovine excrement around, true enough, but could be lots of reasons for not continuing to answer on the thread.
Maybe Heisenberg has made his mind up to report/not-report the employer?
Maybe he`s gone into a witness protection scheme?

Good news maybe? Maybe Heisenberg is no longer UNCERTAIN !

Good point,but not sure.