Great/NOT So Great Start To 2014

Update time…saw doc yesterday still all good and clear, no signs of ant cancer activity next scan in march. now its just working on getting her strength back up and back to normal as much as possible. thanks for all the good wishes.

Nice one :wink:

thanks newmercman, how ya doing up there in the big frozen north, stay safe

Hi Ray, that’s good news.

Regards Paul.

Hey Guys, just to give you all an update the scan in March and the one in June were ALL CLEAR absolutely great news and next one is in 6 months time. So at this time we might pencil in a trip back to England, get some good ole fish and chips into the wife. Anyways thank you all for the good wishes and also just as important is that you all stay safe wherever you are.


Great new my friend, nice to know you are sticking around :slight_smile:

Excellent news - enjoy the future together :wink:

Hi Ray, that’s great news. Best wishes to you both.


Thanks Pat, Paul and Russ, yep this old ■■■■ is still around. Here,s a funny one for you all , last Saturday I worked at the E check station testing cars and pick ups when one customer asks , wait for it… do you test semi,s…no was the reply customer then said i asked because the roller doors were raised so high.


That’s great news Ray, amazing what the threat of ‘fish and chips’ will do :wink: :wink:


never used site b4 m8 but glsd u all ok my cousin passed away just b4 coming here to live .im going home uk next month cant wait which part uk u from gd luck :smiley:

@ stevejones , originally from East London then moved to Essex and now an American, what a mix and thanks for the good wishes.
What part of the US you in?
