funny slogans ?

Saw one written in dirt on back of van

" Beer "…It’s not just for breakfast !

The car in front is my crumple zone… :laughing:

I used to work for P*****force, and parked one day next to a Tufnells van. You know, the ones with the “Big green parcel machine” logo. Got back to my van, and someone had written in the dirt on the back " The little red parcel shed!". I left it on there for weeks, until the boss saw it.

Genius :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

stool bus.JPG

Auto Recoveries from Carlisle have “We meet by accident” on the back of the recovery trucks.

Don’t follow me I’m lost too…

580 horses and 1 stallion…

Don’t follow me I’m lost too…

580 horses and 1 stallion…

580 Horses 1 ■■■ :laughing:

Saw this on the back of Stan Stocks tipper= We travel for Gravel.

Mont Blanc Transport " we’ll move mountains for you "

I had “one by one the penguins keep stealing my sanity” on the back ov my old Magnum :smiley:

A few years go in London in the back of a carpet fitters van “get laid by a professional!”

Seen on a van in the livery of a fruit company outside Euston Station earlier today:

No bananas left in this vehicle overnight

I used to have this on my cab door “lost your cat… Try looking under my Tyres”

Seen on the back of veh: of lift installers and maintenace company – Do not accept a lift from a stranger

Many…many moons ago on the back doors of a trailer someone had written…
"Sorry kids Christmas is cancelled this year…

Eddie Stobart has undercut Santa Claus". :smiley:

Satisfaction with every erection

My dad took this one :laughing: :laughing:

Many…many moons ago on the back doors of a trailer someone had written…
"Sorry kids Christmas is cancelled this year…

Eddie Stobart has undercut Santa Claus". :smiley:

it would not suprise me :laughing:

Above the door of a Scania parked in Carlisle last night.

“I don’t need ■■■, the government f**ks me everyday”. :laughing:

Tried to get a pic but was too dark

Chris Waite livestock truck

If it ■■■■■■ we shift it :smiley: