First time with in cab cameras

That’s the whole point mate,.
I would take this as an insult to me as a grown up and as a professional, maybe sounds a bit ott to some, I don’t really give a [zb] tbh, but that’s my position on this.

^^^ and that is the whole point, in a nutshell.

Some short sighted unfit for purpose types thought employing the cheapest monkeys they could find was the secret to tarnsport success, and as anyone with an ounce of common could have told them they reaped what they sowed by the bucketful.
Now instead of doing the sensible thing, ie sitting back taking stock and deciding where we went wrong, not a bit of it, we’ll double down and instead of realising our errors and learningh form then cherry picking staff treating them with due respect and offering terms and conditions of a level for the standards of performance we require, we’ll instead load the wagons up with spyware which is bound to have the effect of turning staff who should never have been allowed within a mile of a lorry into skilled reponsible first class professionals :unamused:

I’m with you Robroy on this one, i absolutely refuse to be treated as just another no hoper from their one size fits all barrel scrapings, treat me with due respect which i’ll earn, allow me to do my job and you’ll get the very best work loyalty and reliability one can offer.

Couldn’t care less. Had them fitted to the trucks I’ve driven for the last 8 years, nothing has ever come of anything. Nobody has ever said anything about me picking my nose, scratching my balls, my crap singing, eating and drinking or the odd time there’s been near misses with dumbasses and less than stellar driving. They literally only get looked at if there’s an incident and they’ve both defended drivers saving them from false claims and disciplinaries/job losses and hung them when they’ve been the ones at fault - I remember one guy who claimed he’d been the victim of a road rage incident when it turned out he’d actually not only started it but continued to perpetuate it. That kind of mentality along with those that the tangs and cowboys have are the only people who need to be concerned about it, drivers who think the films Convoy and Hell Drivers are a training manual.

:laughing: :laughing: Aye we’re all crap drivers eh Conor, nothing to do with self respect …ok got it.

For every company that just use them in an accident scenario I bet there’s a dozen using them to spy on their staff.

Wren kitchens are one of the worst. Phone calls when you’re driving along telling you what you just did wrong. ■■■■ off :open_mouth:

Terry T:
Wren kitchens are one of the worst. Phone calls when you’re driving along telling you what you just did wrong. [zb] off :open_mouth:

Love it :smiley: ^^^^^^ a company actually phoning a driver who they know to be currently driving in order to tell him/her that they are doing something dangerous. Irony at its best.

I’m pretty Lucky we don’t have these fitted,it was mentioned a couple of year back about having them installed but the Union kicked off and told the company(been taken over since) that if these came in the drivers would work to rule,never got mentioned again.
I’m definitely one who wouldn’t think twice about jacking if they did come in,People who defend these and try to make an argument they work in favour of the drivers are the sort I’m glad I don’t have to work with.

So,I did my first shift with an in cab camera,it wasnt nice,felt like there was someone watching me all the time.It was a sad day in my driving career and in some ways,Im glad Ive got more yesterdays than tomorows on the road.Thing is,if we all stick together and refused to drive these vehicles collectively,the problem could be solved tomorrow,and if pigs could fly…

it’s only a matter of time till someone in a office misuses personal data recording drivers in there cab ,that’s where the next line of claims will be … we sue your office dot com…

I’m definitely one who wouldn’t think twice about jacking if they did come in,People who defend these and try to make an argument they work in favour of the drivers are the sort I’m glad I don’t have to work with.

That’s the thing mate, they feed drivers with b/s in order to justify it,.telling them ''They’re there for your protection ‘’ and such dog ■■■■,.and before you know it gullibility prevails and the drivers are regurgitating all the same corporate ■■■■■■■■.

It’s on a par with those individuals who tell us “If you’re doing nothing wrong you’ve nothing to worry about.” Incredibly naive and no self respect.

You’re already monitored almost everywhere you go. The point of fighting against it ended many years ago. All you do nowadays is to make your life harder and make yourself poorer as pretty much all the best paying companies with the best working conditions are those which also have cameras fitted to their vehicles. And you still end up getting monitored with everything you do anyway.

The funniest thing about it all are those who complain about in cab cameras invading a privacy in the workplace that never existed in the first place but then post their entire lives on social media. Some of them even have dashcams in their own cars which really makes me laugh.

as pretty much all the best paying companies with the best working conditions are those which also have cameras fitted to their vehicles.

Really! Have you got any evidence or proof to back that up?

I’ve worked at some pretty good places on own account work both full time and agency, you know the sorts of places like you describe above - never once have I seen a driver facing camera in the cab.

You’re already monitored almost everywhere you go. The point of fighting against it ended many years ago. All you do nowadays is to make your life harder and make yourself poorer as pretty much all the best paying companies with the best working conditions are those which also have cameras fitted to their vehicles. And you still end up getting monitored with everything you do anyway.

The funniest thing about it all are those who complain about in cab cameras invading a privacy in the workplace that never existed in the first place but then post their entire lives on social media. Some of them even have dashcams in their own cars which really makes me laugh.

Which decent companies have them facing the driver?
I don’t know of any,most of the big ones are self insured and couldn’t give a monkey’s what the drivers doing,the units tracked they know where you are if they want you,if they hire a wagon do they put a temporary one in it or not bother?

You’re already monitored almost everywhere you go. The point of fighting against it ended many years ago. All you do nowadays is to make your life harder and make yourself poorer as pretty much all the best paying companies with the best working conditions are those which also have cameras fitted to their vehicles. And you still end up getting monitored with everything you do anyway.

The funniest thing about it all are those who complain about in cab cameras invading a privacy in the workplace that never existed in the first place but then post their entire lives on social media. Some of them even have dashcams in their own cars which really makes me laugh.

the best jobs tend to be firms that treat you as an Adult let you get on with the job and as i have said before give a fair days pay for a fair days work . I would never ever work for the likes of Tesco’s or any other Micro managed transport company ,regardless of how much they pay.

You’re already monitored almost everywhere you go. The point of fighting against it ended many years ago. All you do nowadays is to make your life harder and make yourself poorer as pretty much all the best paying companies with the best working conditions are those which also have cameras fitted to their vehicles. And you still end up getting monitored with everything you do anyway.

The funniest thing about it all are those who complain about in cab cameras invading a privacy in the workplace that never existed in the first place but then post their entire lives on social media. Some of them even have dashcams in their own cars which really makes me laugh.

Yep you are pretty much monitored everywhere you go. on the motorway, in the city, football games, concerts etc, but obviously you can’t see the difference between that and being watched on a one to one basis,…especially when those who’s job aren’t just travelling in the same 150 mile or so radius every day/night, but actually using your truck as a home whilst away working. :bulb:
It’s a bit like your mortgage lender or landlord placing a camera in your actual home, but hey !, you say it does’nt phase you, so crack on.

As for making your life harder by protesting to what you consider a wrong, maybe we should all just accept any old crap, no matter how unjust and unfair.,.rather than make ourselves unpopular …but some of us ain’t fussed about making ourselves unpopular… …you of all people should understand that. :smiley:
(Sorry,.cheap shot, only joking :laughing: )

As for your theory on the BEST jobs, best pay and conditions, being the ones with cameras?
How tf do you make that one out.where is the actual connection that vindicates this exactly?
In my experience the best jobs are those with a boss who treats you as an adult,.and leaves his good and conscientious drivers to just get on with it. (I’ve had 2 of them,.and not the one I’m in now either ) …in fact the same drivers who are professional and conscientious are so BECAUSE of decent treatment and non micro management…ie they reap what they so.
These cameras are not there for that type of driver, they are there to deal with the ■■■■ heads, but a more suitable way should be devised .

You’re already monitored almost everywhere you go. The point of fighting against it ended many years ago. All you do nowadays is to make your life harder and make yourself poorer as pretty much all the best paying companies with the best working conditions are those which also have cameras fitted to their vehicles. And you still end up getting monitored with everything you do anyway.

The funniest thing about it all are those who complain about in cab cameras invading a privacy in the workplace that never existed in the first place but then post their entire lives on social media. Some of them even have dashcams in their own cars which really makes me laugh.

Yet more sweeping statements from the resident know it all. I suppose you are too busy bum licking bosses to worry about any self respect you should have.

The funniest thing about it all are those who complain about in cab cameras invading a privacy in the workplace that never existed in the first place but then post their entire lives on social media. Some of them even have dashcams in their own cars which really makes me laugh.

Forgot to comment on this bit.
Wrong again mate, I don’t bother with social media, unless this forum fits that criteria, let alone publicise my life.
As for dsahcams…,.ain’t got one of them either,.if I had why tf would I have one facing me, which is what this thread is about.
So maybe not so funny after all eh? :unamused:

Personaly i have no issue with cameras on the outside of the lorry provided they are mounted so they cant see into the cab. I think they are a useful aid and should be recording 24/7 so the whole incident is captured from all angles. Then there is no argy bargy about what went on 2 min or however long before.

That would provide all data needed for insurance no need for cameras inside the cab. that is just so they can blame the driver.

I personaly dont mind those that think they are a good idea (as long as they arnt in my company) then it frees up jobs for the rest with companies that dont use them.

In theory,yes.But if you are a diehard refuse to drive for companies with in cab cameras,then you are limiting your oppurtinities and ultimatly,that could mean earning less.As much as I dont like them,from talking to other drivers,most of them dont seem that bothered ,so it looks like were just going to have to learn to live with them

Theres a sign up at one of the great bear sites… tampering with the incab camera is gross misconduct or something along those lines

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In theory,yes.But if you are a diehard refuse to drive for companies with in cab cameras,then you are limiting your oppurtinities and ultimatly,that could mean earning less.As much as I dont like them,from talking to other drivers,most of them dont seem that bothered ,so it looks like were just going to have to learn to live with them

I’m not sure that’s true,I bet plenty on here don’t have them facing the driver and are on a good crack.
Like I said earlier the tester is on any hire wagons,if the company that has them fitted drafts in some additional motors and they don’t bother putting them in then they’re ■■■■■■■ up your back,it proves they’re not as important as they make out and if the drivers still try to convince themselves they are they’ve been brainwashed good and proper…