Expenses under umbrella PAYE

Thanks for all replies. Safe to say im not going to bother with the expenses. If i was full time it may be worth it but not for me. These expenses included claiming for mileage and after x amount of hours worked. Like i said it just doesnt sit right for me .

I would recommend you ditch the whole umbrella company; not just leave the expenses side alone.
You will be paying for the savings that the agency is benefiting from by paying you that way.
If the agency won’t allow you PAYE wages then ditch them too.



You will never beat the Taxman

Unless you’re working as LTD. People still doing it to this day and as long as the company is happy to uhm…hire their company (LTD) it seems to be working for them :blush: I know at least 2 drivers who still make outrageous ££ as ltd (or so they claim I haven’t seen their income with my own eyes) 1 doing heavy equipment 1 for a company that subs for Tesco and others (trunking mainly)

Nah… my best mate works as a construction site manager as LTD…he was handed a nice 12k tax bill from HMRC. After all the years of bragging about how much he earns it was nice to see he was panicking about paying what he is due!

14k for my father in law and 8.5k for my brother in law too. Same industry.

Likewise I struggled to muster much sympathy.

Nah… my best mate works as a construction site manager as LTD…he was handed a nice 12k tax bill from HMRC. After all the years of bragging about how much he earns it was nice to see he was panicking about paying what he is due!

I’m not an expert on tax uh…avoidance, but isn’t the whole point of the ltd that you simply walk away from it when stuff like this happens (‘‘limited liability’’)? I hope they (hmrc) realize that money is gone for good, no way millions (?) of people who have been abusing this for years will have 1000s or even tens of 1000s just laying around to hand over. They’ll simply declare their ltd’s bust en masse and walk away from the tax debts; at the very least they will be contesting these bills in large numbers clogging up the system, imagine all the back-and-forth until all legal options for challenging are exhausted it will take decades.


Nah… my best mate works as a construction site manager as LTD…he was handed a nice 12k tax bill from HMRC. After all the years of bragging about how much he earns it was nice to see he was panicking about paying what he is due!

I’m not an expert on tax uh…avoidance, but isn’t the whole point of the ltd that you simply walk away from it when stuff like this happens (‘‘limited liability’’)? I hope they (hmrc) realize that money is gone for good, no way millions (?) of people who have been abusing this for years will have 1000s or even tens of 1000s just laying around to hand over. They’ll simply declare their ltd’s bust en masse and walk away from the tax debts; at the very least they will be contesting these bills in large numbers clogging up the system, imagine all the back-and-forth until all legal options for challenging are exhausted it will take decades.

As a director of a limited company you have certain responsibilities and are expected to be a competent person capable of meeting those responsibilities. HMRC can (and have) put any outstanding tax liabilities on to the individual in the event of the limited company “simply going bust”. You are right though that any other creditors would be shafted due to the limited liability. As for contesting the bills. The only real way of doing that is to provide proof to HMRC I.e. receipts/invoices, etc. there are no real “legal challenges”. You either ran your company properly and have the evidence to prove it. Or you didn’t and fiddled your tax. Many people run limited companies properly and have nothing to worry about. Many people think they can fiddle the books and no one will ever know. Personally I wouldn’t want the risk of HMRC catching up with me 20 years later for the sake of a few quid in my pocket now. As for umbrella companies I would run a mile from them. They quite literally charge you for the pleasure of paying you your wages. Either be limited (and do it properly) or be PAYE.

Ran out of expletives obnoxious Conor? Read my replies fully in future then you wouldn’t go off on a completely different tangent.

Ran out of expletives obnoxious Conor? Read my replies fully in future then you wouldn’t go off on a completely different tangent.

Yep classic Conor, thinks he knows everything! Will happily be obnoxious, rude and offensive to people on whatever the subject is, yet when someone challenges him and actually corrects the crap he comes out with he mysteriously vanishes - until the next topic pops up then it’s rinse and repeat.


Ran out of expletives obnoxious Conor? Read my replies fully in future then you wouldn’t go off on a completely different tangent.

Yep classic Conor, thinks he knows everything! Will happily be obnoxious, rude and offensive to people on whatever the subject is, yet when someone challenges him and actually corrects the crap he comes out with he mysteriously vanishes - until the next topic pops up then it’s rinse and repeat.

Obnoxious Conor regularly displays behaviour of a petulant child.