Driving in france 1st time

Only one thing to add to all that excellent advice, in addition to the Les Routiers Guide, and if you have a tablet or smartphone, download the app Truckfly and it will give you lots more restos to use.

Learn to use it properly though, they are not all routiers. Things to look for are; early start and late finish times, prices around €13 or €14 (that’s basic, coffee and aperos will be extra) and definitely check the parking availability.

Useful too, especially if you can read French. are the comments other drivers have left at the bottom. Leave one yourself too, in English if necessary, especially if good and, more especially, if bad. :wink:

Bon voyage et bon appetit :smiley:

Only one thing to add to all that excellent advice, in addition to the Les Routiers Guide, and if you have a tablet or smartphone, download the app Truckfly and it will give you lots more restos to use.

Bon voyage et bon appetit :smiley:

Come on Spardo keep up :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Oops, just noticed your link. :blush:

I suppose I am so pleased with myself only just having discovered it that I got carried away. :unamused:

In fact, I have known about it for a long time but tried to download it to the computer. Of course it didn’t work being Android based, and I only recently realised that the little Asus tablet I carry around with me is too. :smiley:

I do report on it though, having also just discovered how to make the tablet not change my French text, and for one particular routier gave them a right roasting. :laughing: