Re robinhood. Yes I see your point, but once upon a time there was nice new comfy seats at Livingston. They are all ripped now. Will the management rush to replace them when drivers have their muddy work boots up on them. I know I wouldn’t.
We shouldn’t be getting herded into a cattle pen in the first place. Getting treat with contempt in the first place doesn’t breed an environment that is healthy to either party and relations between the two. As for people putting their feet up, yes its rude and disrespectful to the owners of the furniture and the people who have to use it afterwards, but at the same time, if drivers were in their own cabs sitting or laying down like in every other civilised country or location within the UK, then it wouldn’t be an issue.
But there are waiting rooms. So why not respect the furniture?
A truck cab is a perfectly fine waiting room. Being denied access to your own vehicle, which to many is their home for 5 or 6 days a week is the problem here and no amount of respecting their furniture or dressing in a smart manner, only to still be herded in to a waiting room is going to change their contempt towards drivers. Its just another example of bogus H&S gone mad targeted against a group of people they know wont say or do a thing about it.
I totally agree with you about respecting Tescos furniture, its no different to the dirty slobs who drive other peoples trucks on the weekend or odd days here and there and lay on the bed with their muddy boots on because they have no care or consideration for other peoples things and its too much effort to take their dirty boots off.
I don’t like waiting rooms. I don’t like being in the vicinity of wagon drivers to be honest. But there are waiting rooms, probably due to ■■■■■■■■■ not understanding the green light system, so we now have them. All I’m saying is there is no need for drivers to behave like ■■■■■■■ slobs.
I don’t wear work boots in the house. I don’t wear them in my cab. So why should others think its acceptable to put them on a seat?
I don’t wear work boots in the house. I don’t wear them in my cab. So why should others think its acceptable to put them on a seat?
Because they’re ignorant pricks. I don’t think that’s the reason for lack of respect though, the lack of respect happened long before some selfish oik put his dirty boots on to the adjacent seat etc. That’s just a direct consequence of the initial lack of respect on the part of Tesco or whoever else practices these methods of nigh on driver imprisonment.
You have to earn respect and a few let the rest of us down.
Never forget seeing a truck in purfleet, driver had hand written on cardboard “show us your bits” and stuck it on his window
Would it be a white MAN XXL with a Dutch Ewals Cargo Care trailer? on Purfleet ferry terminal, I used to work for the same firm as him…and NO it wasn’t me!
prob is alot of drivers deserve what they get! too lazy to walk 10 yards to a toilet in moto services, I worked at a spot where the drivers room and toilets were brand new, within a couple of weeks the areas were trashed, toilets broke, sink hanging off a wall, too lazy to throw any food wrappers in a bin which was provided and was in a arms length of comfortable seats, but no floor is better… even the seats got slashed or written on, all this was by so called reputable company drivers and all british… to get respect you have to give respect!
Haha don’t make laugh. Just walked into Tesco Livingston to be greeted by the sight of a driver sprawled over the seats, boots up on the seat, and gut hanging from under his polo shirt. Pure slob.
I’m glad its once in a blue moon I have to enter these cattle pens.
I was at tesco widnes yesterday and spent 4 hrs in cab/bunk whilst waiting for a d/d to be loaded ,perks of pulling tesco tris ,but if I did go in the cattle pen I’d be doing the same,crashed out on couch,with not a care in the world
I heard someone mention “no respect” in conversation with another driver at Tesco Goole a few years ago, presumably directed at me because after 2 hours waiting for them to unload half a dozen pallets I had the audacity to remove my boots and lay across the 4 seats to the left of the door and go to sleep. Normally I would rise to such bait but I just couldn’t be arsed and thought “■■■■ you” and went back to sleep. This was about 3am and there were only about 8 other drivers in the room. Problem?