Driver Shortage Report very long

Post-Brexit, we’ll be needing to “go get it ourselves” more and more in any case.
That alone - will push wages higher OR destroy the entire transport industry in this country. It can only do the latter if the House of Lords gets away with their latest amendment of course…

Meanwhile, from the public’s standpoint - the chances of being killed by a foreign national - hasn’t been so high since the Blitz. :frowning: Much of that blame will fall upon the industry, without much fanfare for the point of view that the offending driver was “not one of us” in the first place.

Doubling the points penalty and fine for offences like this - won’t prevent the next such calamity.
Making it so that “immigrants that become offenders get automatically deported” - might. :neutral_face:

A small rant.

Its not just wages, some drivers even now are on excellent packages, and left to their own devices can do the job with their eyes shut, often these drivers need no supervision at all, the job would get done whether the growing number of bloody suits turned up or not simply because thats what good drivers have always done, taken a pride in their work.

In no particular order, managers, supervisors, apparatchiks, admin by the trainload, greasy pole climbers, various arse kissers, civil servants of all descriptions, between them all they can’t bloody leave things alone, they’ve got to come up with something to justify their non jobs, whether its dcpc or spyware or driver facing cameras or more bloody debrief (oh perlease) sheets and paperwork or training by people who can’t do the job anyway, there’s more ■■■■■■■■ added every year than you could shake a stick at, if its not EU cobblers its VOSA (whoever they are this week) county or town councils then the various RDC’s with their armies of bloody admin/clerks and H&S utter ■■■■■■■■, drivers jumping through bloody hoops because some chancer employed a half wit cos he was cheap who did something one might expect of a half wit, so thousands of other drivers now have to jump through those hoops to satisfy the rubbish that the above hangers on have come up with in the usual knee jerk reaction to something that wouldn’t have happened had common sense been present and half wit never been allowed anywhere near a lorry.

But oh no, not on your bloody nelly, we’ll dumb the job down to said half wits level, we’ll design and order lorries by the thousand that half wits can attend the steering wheel of…doesn’t matter that the thousands of lorry drivers didn’t ask for want or need any of this tripe, but they’ll have to dumb down to that level cos we need half wits innit.

Its little wonder that the good drivers who need no supervision and are insulted because the one size fits all mentality of incompetent management can’t filter through their blinkers that its only the idiots who need monitoring so if they didn’t employ idiots in the first place they could all bugger off home and sit on their arses twiddling their thumbs whilst the drivers just get on with doing what they have been doing all their sodding lives.

Good drivers in good jobs are being hounded out gradually too, why anyone would want to destroy morale fixing something that wasn’t ever broke i’m buggered if i know, but each new pointless stupid idea they come up with is the straw that breaks another few hundred perfectly good camel’s backs, morales destroyed, pride they once took in their work eroded to nothing as they are told they are dinosaurs simply because they don’t need a score of computers to drive the lorry for them or do their job competently, they’ve been doing the job properly since these bloody suits were snotty nosed kids dangling off their mothers breast.

Now they’ve self destructed their own industry they want the state to bale them out, it won’t happen of course we’ll just carry on racing to the bottom and in 5 years time we’ll still be in the same boat.

Am i wrong?
By the way this isn’t just our industry, its everywhere.

edit, the shortage won’t matter anyway cos all lorries will be driving themselves by the end of the decade, apparently :unamused:

That is not a rant, it is facts, I have worked in a few different environments/jobs/careers…None have remained untouched, all gone the same way and you describe it perfectly.
Thank you.

Driver shortage? Sounds great! We will soon be able to demand £20 an hour for our service due to shortage :smiley:

Why would any young people want to become a trucker and do a 15 hr shift and then roll over and become a security guard for the night/day ?

Most or should i say the majority of people go to work then go home and unwind with family and friends not sleep in there office or in there shop

Why would any young people want to become a trucker and do a 15 hr shift and then roll over and become a security guard for the night/day ?

Most or should i say the majority of people go to work then go home and unwind with family and friends not sleep in there office or in there shop

For the same reason we wanted to become truck drivers. Some people like to sleep in the truck in a different location every day. Driving around the country all day, staring out of the window. And I get paid for that :wink: . If you rather spend 8 hours standing on your feet, bending over, kneeling on a hard floor, stacking shelves, and take home less than £200 a week, fill your boots.
I can’t think of a more boring , waiting for god, life than coming home every night to sit in front of the goggle box.
Edit what’s this ■■■■■■■■ about being a security guard? You think I keep checking the trailer? I get out if somebody tries to nick the load? First I’ll know about it is in the morning, when I do my walk around…

I used to drive a truck but I don’t any more because the wages on offer aren’t enough. Put them up by 50% and I might consider dusting off my licence.