driver hours

If I remember right the opposition to the tacho was foiled on the alter of overtime in the way of the 15 hour spread BUT THAT WAS 1975 ,6 I think . The time has come for a MAX 10 hour day and a 9 hour drive time max every day 48 hour week end bin the silly WTD and POA it is still a lot of hours but it would be a start I am sure the GOV would go along with it because it is SAFETY

If I remember right the opposition to the tacho was foiled on the alter of overtime in the way of the 15 hour spread BUT THAT WAS 1975 ,6 I think . The time has come for a MAX 10 hour day and a 9 hour drive time max every day 48 hour week end bin the silly WTD and POA it is still a lot of hours but it would be a start I am sure the GOV would go along with it because it is SAFETY

The unions seem to be against too many hours. What does the Gov think?

48hrs a week max? Nah, not enough. Drop the legislation so you can be sacked for refusing to work longer.

4 week paid holidays? It shouldn`t be a right you know!

The curiosity in me would like to be able to visit the weird bubble that LT and JRM inhabit, it must be weirder than the inside of Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory.

Fortunately it would appear that Lizzie’s time is nigh, I can imagine a lot of her own party agreeing with Kier Starmer when he said today “Why are you still here?”
She’s got some brass neck that girl

Penny must have dropped by now…labour are as bad as cons and the other lot those that wanted to lower the age of consent ,they are all as BAD .I think after watching the news tonight I am worried for the future, workers need to down tools we are losing what most of us have paid into since starting work… :imp: