Driver arrested as part of Scots drug supply investigation

The opposing view to legalise recreational drugs would be to clamp down on their use and put away those who can’t or won’t comply.Not enough prisons?Well build some.The section of society who use this stuff routinely have not or will ever contribute to society in any way.They are responsible for a large proportion of petty crime to subsidise their habit.Some drive around off their faces or lie about the streets intimidating others.


as above.
hand out real more prisons,and similar to america,3 strikes means life.
so need for rehabilitation or social services,counsellors,or any of the lefty snowflake attitude,just go to jail when guilty for crucifyingly long periods ( especially for suppliers).think of the money the country would save.

bung anyone wanting to do drugs onto any of the islands surrounding the country…airlift free heroin and everything else along with basic food requirements,and let them get smacked out of their ■■■■ till they die…no loss once again to society.

Was an article /prorgrmme on radio 4 last week about solar renewable power.
And they were saying farmers In Afghanistan are using thousands of solar panels .
And there using the power generated to grow opium.
And apparanetly Afghanis the world’s leading opium supplier. Producing 2 thirds of the world’s heroin supply
So here’s an idea instead of bombing civilians and oil fields. Why don’t we just drop a bomb on the fields destroy there crops.


Its not going away any time soon. Get the business regulated and taxed.

Yeah cos people who are used to making money sellling it and the government getting none of it are all of a sudden going to want to become law abiding tax paying citizens seeing 40% of their takings walking out the door in taxes. And for those who do set up shop and go legit they’ll get undercut to hell by those still doing it the old way thanks to not having to spend £10,000s a year running a shop.

Always amazes me how gullible some people can be.

Just one word Conor


Taxes paid on the sale of Canabis and it’s not an under-the-table operation

Was an article /prorgrmme on radio 4 last week about solar renewable power.
And they were saying farmers In Afghanistan are using thousands of solar panels .
And there using the power generated to grow opium.
And apparanetly Afghanis the world’s leading opium supplier. Producing 2 thirds of the world’s heroin supply
So here’s an idea instead of bombing civilians and oil fields. Why don’t we just drop a bomb on the fields destroy there crops.

What the heroin industry can teach us about solar power - BBC News

Because the rich western dealers would give a few quid to someone in another poor area to grow the stuff in a field some where else.
So long as their is demand, someone will turn a profit by supplying


Was an article /prorgrmme on radio 4 last week about solar renewable power.
And they were saying farmers In Afghanistan are using thousands of solar panels .
And there using the power generated to grow opium.
And apparanetly Afghanis the world’s leading opium supplier. Producing 2 thirds of the world’s heroin supply
So here’s an idea instead of bombing civilians and oil fields. Why don’t we just drop a bomb on the fields destroy there crops.

What the heroin industry can teach us about solar power - BBC News

Because the rich western dealers would give a few quid to someone in another poor area to grow the stuff in a field some where else.
So long as their is demand, someone will turn a profit by supplying

Government worldwide could stop the production/supply of drugs if they wished to do so, The biggest problem is the corruption that is endemic within the country’s that produce the drugs, It would need a global agreement,… And a totally trustworthy unbendable force to implement such a strategy…



Was an article /prorgrmme on radio 4 last week about solar renewable power.
And they were saying farmers In Afghanistan are using thousands of solar panels .
And there using the power generated to grow opium.
And apparanetly Afghanis the world’s leading opium supplier. Producing 2 thirds of the world’s heroin supply
So here’s an idea instead of bombing civilians and oil fields. Why don’t we just drop a bomb on the fields destroy there crops.

What the heroin industry can teach us about solar power - BBC News

Because the rich western dealers would give a few quid to someone in another poor area to grow the stuff in a field some where else.
So long as their is demand, someone will turn a profit by supplying

Government worldwide could stop the production/supply of drugs if they wished to do so, The biggest problem is the corruption that is endemic within the country’s that produce the drugs, It would need a global agreement,… And a totally trustworthy unbendable force to implement such a strategy…

All of the above.
Start with the judicial system. Coppers chase down essentially sick people for seeking a medicine that is worth pennies in its country of origin.
These people are forced into a system where many learned people, funded by the taxpayer by means of legal aid , pointlessly argue about the rights and wrongs of the situation and after this protracted process 99 times out of 100 they decided that they must return these poor unfortunates back into the wild.
Only to commit more crime against hard working taxpayers who also are advised to spend their hard earned money on prevention and insurance.

All of this amounts to industry. Everyone involved in this merry-go-round has a job and is supporting the wider economy. Non of them care that you had your stuff ripped off, you paid for it once, you can afford to pay for again.

You want to know how to end this? Treat it as a medical issue.
Round up all the numb nuts who want to wreck their lives by putting them on a good behavior bond and giving them as much of their destruction of choice as they want provided they stay out of trouble. Which they will as they now no longer have to go out robbing to fund their habits.
The Afganistan farmer gets a fair deal. Your stuff stays where you left it. And a lot of unscrupulous people dont get paid of have to start actually working for a living.

All we have to do now is sort out the nomadic scrap dealers and Britain will be Great once more.



Was an article /prorgrmme on radio 4 last week about solar renewable power.
And they were saying farmers In Afghanistan are using thousands of solar panels .
And there using the power generated to grow opium.
And apparanetly Afghanis the world’s leading opium supplier. Producing 2 thirds of the world’s heroin supply
So here’s an idea instead of bombing civilians and oil fields. Why don’t we just drop a bomb on the fields destroy there crops.

What the heroin industry can teach us about solar power - BBC News

Because the rich western dealers would give a few quid to someone in another poor area to grow the stuff in a field some where else.
So long as their is demand, someone will turn a profit by supplying

Government worldwide could stop the production/supply of drugs if they wished to do so, The biggest problem is the corruption that is endemic within the country’s that produce the drugs, It would need a global agreement,… And a totally trustworthy unbendable force to implement such a strategy…

Producing drugs wouldn’t be an issue if there was no demand for them.
I think you’ve got it the wrong way round.




Was an article /prorgrmme on radio 4 last week about solar renewable power.
And they were saying farmers In Afghanistan are using thousands of solar panels .
And there using the power generated to grow opium.
And apparanetly Afghanis the world’s leading opium supplier. Producing 2 thirds of the world’s heroin supply
So here’s an idea instead of bombing civilians and oil fields. Why don’t we just drop a bomb on the fields destroy there crops.

What the heroin industry can teach us about solar power - BBC News

Because the rich western dealers would give a few quid to someone in another poor area to grow the stuff in a field some where else.
So long as their is demand, someone will turn a profit by supplying

Government worldwide could stop the production/supply of drugs if they wished to do so, The biggest problem is the corruption that is endemic within the country’s that produce the drugs, It would need a global agreement,… And a totally trustworthy unbendable force to implement such a strategy…

Producing drugs wouldn’t be an issue if there was no demand for them.
I think you’ve got it the wrong way round.

There was, is and always ever will be a market for drugs.

The war on drugs was lost before it was waged.
Harm reduction is the way forward, sadly too many are making too much from this misery for it to ever change the status quo.





Was an article /prorgrmme on radio 4 last week about solar renewable power.
And they were saying farmers In Afghanistan are using thousands of solar panels .
And there using the power generated to grow opium.
And apparanetly Afghanis the world’s leading opium supplier. Producing 2 thirds of the world’s heroin supply
So here’s an idea instead of bombing civilians and oil fields. Why don’t we just drop a bomb on the fields destroy there crops.

What the heroin industry can teach us about solar power - BBC News

Because the rich western dealers would give a few quid to someone in another poor area to grow the stuff in a field some where else.
So long as their is demand, someone will turn a profit by supplying

Government worldwide could stop the production/supply of drugs if they wished to do so, The biggest problem is the corruption that is endemic within the country’s that produce the drugs, It would need a global agreement,… And a totally trustworthy unbendable force to implement such a strategy…

Producing drugs wouldn’t be an issue if there was no demand for them.
I think you’ve got it the wrong way round.

There was, is and always ever will be a market for drugs.

The war on drugs was lost before it was waged.
Harm reduction is the way forward, sadly too many are making too much from this misery for it to ever change the status quo.

Makes sense to me.
It’s more of a public health and education issue, than a military one.
It’s no war, that’s just nonsense to give politicians kudos, and get funds for expensive toys for enforcement boys.

Exactly that,
Political point scoring by rousing up the sheeple to be frightened by the boogeyman.

Vote for me and I will squander your tax money on a select few to produce nothing more than a few soundbites and some grainy news footage of people we say are your enemies because they are looking for a break from normality.

“The war on drugs” - President Richard Nixon,
An upstanding man of the utmost integrity.

Report is saying Afghan produces 2 thirds of the world heroin.
Am.sure us or the Americans are still active over there.
Just drop a few bombs on the sites destroy the crops.
I know it won’t stop drug use .
But you destroy 2 thirds of the supply
. Im no expert here but it would take months maybe a year To regrow it all again .
So will slow down the process .and just keep doing that really

the answer to all of the uk drug and immigration problems solved overnight. end of story.

solved once and for all in 2 mins or 30 secs depending on what version you click on.

Report is saying Afghan produces 2 thirds of the world heroin.
Am.sure us or the Americans are still active over there.
Just drop a few bombs on the sites destroy the crops.
I know it won’t stop drug use .
But you destroy 2 thirds of the supply
. Im no expert here but it would take months maybe a year To regrow it all again .
So will slow down the process .and just keep doing that really

Or alternatively pay the Afghan farmers over the odds if need be to produce crops which will actually benefit the ordinary Afghan people?


When you’re running abroad it can be easy money as long as you are aware of the severity of the actions if you are either caught by the authorities or if you cross the guys you are working for.
The guy took a chance, knew what would happen, and went for it, his own fault, end of.

Don’t know what he was running, but I can’t see why they can’t just legalise weed and concentrate on the harder stuff.which can be more addictive and dangerous.
Cannabis is a natural herb plant, which carrys many properties for healing, if you want to smoke it, cake it or… shove it up your arse, :unamused: , why should any authority be bothered, it works fine in Holland, so why not here.

“Natural Herb Plant”…sounds healthy, doesn`t it?
Or at the least pretty OK. Especially if a soft and cuddly hippy like DD is saying it. :smiley:
Other “Natural Plants” include: Deadly Nightshade, Hemlock, Monkshood, Death Cap, Destroying Angel.
Yew provided Tamoxifen for cancer treatments, but can also kill. Same with Foxgloves, they can be used to provide life saving Digitalis drugs, or cause heart attacks.

You forgot apple pips [emoji23]

the answer to all of the uk drug and immigration problems solved overnight. end of story.

solved once and for all in 2 mins or 30 secs depending on what version you click on.

All. The Liverpool fans should be the 1st

the maoster:

Report is saying Afghan produces 2 thirds of the world heroin.
Am.sure us or the Americans are still active over there.
Just drop a few bombs on the sites destroy the crops.
I know it won’t stop drug use .
But you destroy 2 thirds of the supply
. Im no expert here but it would take months maybe a year To regrow it all again .
So will slow down the process .and just keep doing that really

Or alternatively pay the Afghan farmers over the odds if need be to produce crops which will actually benefit the ordinary Afghan people?

Spending a few million in building irrigation systems would enable more of the land, to be put into food production.
Afghanistan is more dependent now on Pakistan for food imports than it once was, although half of it’s arable land lies fallow. Lots of villains to point the finger of blame at, of course, but getting the place rebuilt is more important.
Employing local labour, in local projects, for the future is better and cheaper than paying for extra border controls in The Channel.

Punchy Dan:
Can’t see what’s wrong with carrying £2000 cash . :unamused:

Fancy a game…

Of cards Dan?

I’ll supply the deck. :sunglasses:

Employing local labour, in local projects, for the future is better and cheaper than paying for extra border controls in The Channel.

thats an absolutely great idea.

possibly the uk might try to practice that reasoning close to home instead of throwing more good money after bad.
they could take a leaf from live aid and see the massive impromements to your average non pink over there.( exactly nothing at all of any great importance)

just another country of 3rd world rabble that should be erazed from the map and split between east/west powers that be.

nobody will touch them as russia wouldnt take too kindly to it.

central and south america is the same.
peasants,and corrupt officials mean its an earner for all that wont be stopped.

We put a good deal of our money into modernising agriculture in Afghan. Nothing will make the money that poppies do ,so its a non starter.