Does driving in the 80s count as old time? Did you do it?

I started in the late 80s but was lucky enough to have learnt bits from my dad who would have started in the late 40s , but nobody on here knew anything until they were shown how. That includes my dad and any other driver , some learn quick some learn slow some dont want to know . The lorries have improved beyond recognition since the early days but thats not the fault of the modern day driver they can only drive what is available , the biggest difference today is the attitude of some drivers both young and old. We can talk about roping and sheeting , well theres very little demand for it now because of the curtainsiders and more importantly the time it takes to do it . Everything must be there before its been collected . Its the modern day where lorries virtually drive themselves , which I find as a backward step making the driver far too relaxed and complacent especially on long motorway trips at 52 - 55 mph . ..... Hard hat at the ready , Im too young to remember tin hats :wink: