Do you work out?

I got in the scales yesterday for the first time in about 6 months and wasn’t happy with what I saw so thought right that’s it I’m starting jogging…
So today (day off) I set out on my 5 mile jog…that turned out to be a 2 mile jog and a 3 mile walk lol,scary how unfit I’ve become so signed up to a local no frills gym so I can get back my fitness,I do play 5 aside once a week but had become lazy in the sense that I assumed the football was enough exercise for me to be doing.
Also gonna get a push bike when it warms up a bit and start cycling to work again everyday (10 mile round trip),I’m currently 13st10 and although im not necessarily massively overweight I’m heavier than I’ve ever been in my life.
So today was day 1 of getting back down to 12st5ish.

I got in the scales yesterday for the first time in about 6 months and wasn’t happy with what I saw so thought right that’s it I’m starting jogging…
So today (day off) I set out on my 5 mile jog…that turned out to be a 2 mile jog and a 3 mile walk lol,scary how unfit I’ve become so signed up to a local no frills gym so I can get back my fitness,I do play 5 aside once a week but had become lazy in the sense that I assumed the football was enough exercise for me to be doing.
Also gonna get a push bike when it warms up a bit and start cycling to work again everyday (10 mile round trip),I’m currently 13st10 and although im not necessarily massively overweight I’m heavier than I’ve ever been in my life.
So today was day 1 of getting back down to 12st5ish.

See if the firm you work for is involved with the cycle to work scheme might save you some cash

I got in the scales yesterday for the first time in about 6 months and wasn’t happy with what I saw so thought right that’s it I’m starting jogging…
So today (day off) I set out on my 5 mile jog…that turned out to be a 2 mile jog and a 3 mile walk lol,scary how unfit I’ve become so signed up to a local no frills gym so I can get back my fitness,I do play 5 aside once a week but had become lazy in the sense that I assumed the football was enough exercise for me to be doing.
Also gonna get a push bike when it warms up a bit and start cycling to work again everyday (10 mile round trip),I’m currently 13st10 and although im not necessarily massively overweight I’m heavier than I’ve ever been in my life.
So today was day 1 of getting back down to 12st5ish.

I’m walking 5 to 7 Miles right now every Day,taking hundreds of Photos and having real Fun. Think hikin is healthier the running.

yorkshire terrier:
How many of you work out at the gym etc.
I joined one late last year only go two to three times a week but the difference I feel in my well being is massive.
I no longer feel tired and sluggish I sleep better on a night and best of all my weight has gone down. :smiley:
Anyone else got any positives?

yes same as - go to the gym 4 times a week have been for about 20 years when I have time off feel like crap, sluggish, can’t sleep etc :smiley:

I used to cycle a lot and before I moved cracked out 36.5 miles a day round trip to work.

Then I moved house, moved work and hit the bottle. Stopped cycling. Put on about 4 stone. About a year ago I joined a gym, but always seemed to end up in the pub instead of on the rowing machine. Got more and more depressed. Ended up one bender away from losing the missus.

6th Jan this year I put the bottle down for good and bought myself a Brompton folding bike. Crack out 60-70 miles a week on the Brommie. I nearly cried at the end of my first 5 miles when I realised how much I’d let myself go. Stuck with it though and have lost a bit of weight and am already feeling the cardio benefits. Much happier / relaxed now too and realised how much I missed having a bicycle to tinker with in front of the TV of an evening.