cycle paths

As with all road users there are those that use the road within the rules and regulation, law, highway code with courtesy, planning and forethought, and, then there are those that don’t.

I have nothing against any good road user, just bad one’s regardless of their chosen mode of conveyance.

This road user (happens to be a cyclist, sorry) showed none of these on a slight incline. I was weighing in at 42 tonnes and despite how wide the road looks it’s only a couple of feet wider than the lorry, you can see him at the video start going left to right. … QQ-Zgk__0U

Points I noticed, no checking behind, no indication, no slowing down/stopping signal, stopped on double yellows. Out of courtesy/safety he could of dismounted and caught his breath whilst standing on the pavement, hence no planning or forethought.

After reading a lot of posts I thought I would highlight what I consider to be a pretty bad example of road craft.

Full PPE had been donned for any flak thrown my way!

What a surprise loads of room on a clear pavement but the typical re claim the streets supporting ■■■■■■ would prefer to make life difficult for anyone driving a large vehicle instead. :imp: :unamused:

This road user (happens to be a cyclist, sorry) showed none of these on a slight incline. I was weighing in at 42 tonnes and despite how wide the road looks it’s only a couple of feet wider than the lorry, you can see him at the video start going left to right. … QQ-Zgk__0U

IMHO you showed a great deal of self control and professionalism here as some would just go for it and push other traffic over and get to close to the pedestrian on a bike in the road and thus create another voice for the cyclist community who moans.

The cyclist didn’t have the stamina to make the hill so should have admitted defeat and got on the pavement and walked with his bike till he felt fit enough to continue, also looks like he’s having a snack or texting.

In fairness he was probably unware of the hassle he was causing you and if shown a video of this might see what you mean, sharing the road is all well and good but cyclists need to be aware of the problems they can cause for other road users.

Oh well, I was hoping we could have a week off from having a go at cyclists, never mind.
I see the usual suspects have arrived giving out their usual one eyed views.
As for the point of the thread I use them when they are fit for purpose, often they are poorly maintained and strewn with rubbish. We have some excellent ones around Newcastle, the problem is they are full of cars parked outside houses with drives, or the one I pass everyday up by the moor, Fenham hall drive, full of cars from the users of the allotments. I’m not sticking up for all cyclists, some are complete ■■■■■■ but so are plenty road users.
Registration of cyclists has been tried in other countries, without fail it has been binned as unworkable & too costly. Let’s face it, vehicles have plates on and it doesn’t stop them driving stupidly. Plenty cyclists have insurance, I have but then again both my bikes are worth more then my car. Even if they don’t & they damage your vehicle they are still liable for said damage.
Cyclists are not required to pay “road tax” it was abolished in 1927. Roads are paid for out of general taxation, you know the one all we workers pay. The current tax is a licence to take your vehicle on the road. The amount you pay is based on emissions. Bikes have none, just like over 2 million cars on the road now. In fact these hybrid, electric cars are worse, they require a tax disc yet pay nothing towards it therefore taking money out of the system.