Court action threatened - the outcome

What happened in regards of this.■■?

It got slightly worse to be honest.

I got another letter from the solicitors telling me as I had not responded to the first letter, I had 3 days to pay the money or be taken to court with no further notifications being sent to me.

I phoned the number and was only able to get an option to pay by credit card, as they do not enter into conversation regarding parking charges.

I managed to get another number and spoke to someone who confirmed that they did have my letter denying the vehicle was parked at Oxford, and they have referred it back to CP Plus to check the evidence they claim they have.

So at this time I am still waiting to find out what the outcome of this will be, and as I am out of th country on holiday in 2 weeks, bet your life summat will happen then :imp:

I now have a complete paper trail that will convince any judge that my vehicle was not where they claim it was.

Lets see what happens next

stick it to those twits at cp plus.

I read the link to pepipoo posted above matey

have a read of the stuff on there - it tells you that these privately raised parking tickets are not worth a “j arthur”.

tell them to take it to court - according to pepipoo they won’t as they have no case to argue

Just write to them thanking them for their invoice (this is all it is, it is not a parking ticket) but politely point out that they need to contact the driver of the vehicle as it was he would have entered into a contract to park there, not the company.

And you are under no obligation to provide any details of the driver either.

i would also enclose my own invoice for time taken to investigate their mistakes etc.

Has always worked for me in the past.

And as the British judicial system works along the line of innocent until PROVEN guilty,then as long as your case is watertight,and you have the evidence to substantiate this,with the aforementioned documentation,then have your day in court,and nail them to the wall.

And once this is all over,and hopefully the ruling is in your favour,I’m sure one of the daily nationals who have featured stories about this company before,will be interested in it my SUNshine :smiley:

Good luck.


I called Trethowans solicitors today, as I had not heard from them since 1st August, just wanted to find out where we are at.

The girl tells me that CP Plus have cancelled the ticket at some point in august.

Would have been nice if they had decided to write and let me know that, however, at least common sense has prevailed.

Thanks guys for the comments and advice, it was appreciated.


tc trans:
The girl tells me that CP Plus have cancelled the ticket at some point in august.

Would have been nice if they had decided to write and let me know that, however, at least common sense has prevailed.

Hi tc trans,
:grimacing: CONGRATULATIONS on the outcome :smiley: :smiley:

IMHO, the fact CP plus didn’t tell you they’d cancelled the ticket just goes to show what <insert a suitable word> they are.
I’d have thought the solicitor might have let you know too…

:wink: I guess you’ve got one less thing to juggle now, but don’t worry, cos summat else will turn up. :grimacing:

Invoice them for the work you have had to carry out proving that they are a bunch of money grabbing scumbags worthy of comparison to a Nigerian “419” scammer!!

They provide no increase in the quality of life for anyone and should be used as cannon fodder or crash test dummies.

Do they have to be registered with SIA? (that security trade regulatory board malarkey)

If so is it worth possibly taking up a complaint with them, probably worthless but the more they get, then one day they will have to explain how they are incompetent to the extent I wouldnt let them run a tombola stall let alone a nationwide business.

Rant over! (sorry)

I had a similiar experience with these clowns only I had paid to park so I sent them a copy of the ticket and an invoice for admin costs. They cancelled the fine as they had no chance of winning and refused to pay the invoice.

I recently got another demand from TRETHOWANS again I had allready paid to park ■■ This time I shall wait and go to court and demand compensation when they lose.

At least you have kept the publicity going for them. CP are a bunch of waste and ■■■■■ scum :stuck_out_tongue:

We had a problem with the cctv gestapo at Lymm, our luton van filled up there in the morning (10 min) and then went in there for a mac d’s in the afternoon (15 min), but they sent a letter saying it had been there for 7 hours.

Rang them and told them that we had sat tracking and did they want me to fax/email it to them, but the girl said no, it would be ok…

2nd letter came saying that they still couldn’t find any evidence of the van leaving and entering again.

Finally when I faxed the running sheet over, it all went quiet.

So in the end the sat nav has paid for it self already.

Happy days

i’ve just been through all this.
i repaired a coach that had broke down in the coach park on donnington services.i was there for around 8 i exceeded the maximum stay.the fine was £80.various threats of court action have been sent to me.i pointed out to them that i had not parked there,i was attending a vehicle that was blocking the coach park acccess road.i didn’t leave my vehicle at any point.
i got a letter from the people i was doing the job for and the coach owner and a copy of our job cards and faxed them all to them with no response,i worried then that i had given them access to any evidence i would use in court to defend myself,but i suppose i have to go down this road to try and resolve the issue before that happens.
trethowans did say that if attending a broken down vehicle i should sign in at wh smith’s in future.(i don’t know if this should be done for every breakdown-ie;m6 jct 5 just drop down into the fort shopping centre and sign in :open_mouth: )

If you sign in as they request, this must mean you have to sign out when your ready to leave, but what happens if you go over eight hours and they use your signatures as evidence of time there to possibly prosecute ?

i’ve just been through all this.
i repaired a coach that had broke down in the coach park on donnington services.i was there for around 8 i exceeded the maximum stay.the fine was £80.various threats of court action have been sent to me.i pointed out to them that i had not parked there,i was attending a vehicle that was blocking the coach park acccess road.i didn’t leave my vehicle at any point.
i got a letter from the people i was doing the job for and the coach owner and a copy of our job cards and faxed them all to them with no response,i worried then that i had given them access to any evidence i would use in court to defend myself,but i suppose i have to go down this road to try and resolve the issue before that happens.
trethowans did say that if attending a broken down vehicle i should sign in at wh smith’s in future.(i don’t know if this should be done for every breakdown-ie;m6 jct 5 just drop down into the fort shopping centre and sign in :open_mouth: )

This is the kind of situation where common sense should be applied by the operator of the services, but I suppose that is too much to ask. :unamused: