Coronavirus thread for cynics

It’s all been in the planning for years, well before the hoax coronavirus came along. That was just a convenient delivery vehicle to scare the entire population into hiding behind their settee and never leaving the house so that when the lockdown is fully lifted they’ll be begging for vaccines and “immunity passports” to “protect” them:

See: REPORT: EU Planning “Vaccination Passport” Since 2018 – OffGuardian

2018 you say? :bulb: :bulb: :bulb:

And here it is folks, exactly as I predicted would happen months ago. Just launched :

No access to work, businesses, services or entertainment facilities unless you can prove your health status.

“Other uses of the V-Health Passport are private companies, airlines, hotel chains and sports and leisure organisations that need a return to work passport for their employees and guests.”

“In future updates, the health passport will include confirmation that they are vaccinated and can contain all information of other vaccinations and make part of a much broader Health Passport.”
