Containers. *Warning contains Brexit*

"UK MEPS to be disbanded

Remind us which party has the ( PR elected ) largest number of seats in the EU ‘parliament’ and who therefore has the most to lose from this deal in terms of political representation.

Followed by the questions :

Why would anyone and who would want to maintain EU rule over us but no representation in the EU parliament.

Who gains from this ?.

Oh wait it obviously goes beyond the wildest dreams of those with form in wanting to remove UK sovereignty in favour of the imposition of EU rule on the country and remind us which Party it was that kicked off that process and whose successive leaders never wavered from that idea and which Party and PM was it who instigated the fake referendum leading to fake Brexit in reality Remain +.

Also have to say that the whole thing now gives more weight to Juddian’s theory that Farage was also part of the same controlled opposition as all the rest of the so called Con Leave MP’s.In that it’s difficult ( impossible ) to believe that either Farage didn’t know the content of the EU referendum Act regarding it being a non binding document or if he did why didn’t he then oppose it and tell Leave voters to boycott it on the grounds of being a sham non referendum which couldn’t/wouldn’t possibly deliver the promises that Cameron said it would because it was nothing more than an opinion poll as so rightly and enthusiastically pointed out after by remainers.The promises of that same controlled opposition’s so called Leave campaign being as believable as the promise that the content of that campaign would be delivered.In any other sensible country less this corrupt subversive fiasco would have brought the forces onto the streets and martial law being declared while the leaders were rounded up and questioned and the EU placed on the hostile rogue state list.

We’re fortunate that Blair didn’t bother to push the issue of the UK joining the Euro… That would have been our cell door welded shut!

Eu Prison.jpg

Eu Prison.jpg

Spot the difference between (1) Britain before we voted to leave and (2) Britain 30 months after.

Would someone please give them people a poke with a cattle prod! :unamused:

We’re fortunate that Blair didn’t bother to push the issue of the UK joining the Euro… That would have been our cell door welded shut!


The US and Yugoslavia both had a Federal currency as did the Austro Hungarian Empire and Ireland/UK.But that didn’t stop them all getting involved in a war of Federal aggression v Secession obviously the Secessionists winning out in the case of the latter three one way or another.While it certainly wasn’t the single currency issue which defeated the Secessionists in the case of the former.( Insufficient munitions manufacturing/procurement capability ).On that note don’t underestimate the power of the human nature wish for self determination and local democratic control over its destiny.

In this case I’d guess we’re talking about one or two generations down the line if we don’t stop it and nip it in the bud now.

Spot the difference between (1) Britain before we voted to leave and (2) Britain 30 months after.

Would someone please give them people a poke with a cattle prod! :unamused:

It’s clear that before we voted we naively thought that a referendum would contradict history in settling an ideological Federalist v Secessionist argument and division among our own people.

While after we’re all still in the shock phase at the level of complicity in our own government,Head of State and armed forces in them all enthusiastically handing over our country to the EU and rule by people like Juncker.While bearing in mind the latter two in that we’re also obviously powerless to do much about it.

People wouldn’t be looking to “leave” anything in the first place - if the rulers actually looked after their own citizens properly…

The EU doesn’t work.

It is a giant money-wasting scheme - and nothing more.

Rules Rules Rules.

No Blue collar jobs, Insufficient affordable and quality housing, no progress on the “Socialist” front, because for Socialism to work - you need more new wealth creators than wealth spongers.

Not gonna happen - when “overly productive people” are encouraged to emmigrate, whilst socially depenedent people are encouraged to immigrate, even when they ain’t EU citizens.

If the EU obeyed it’s own rules - we wouldn’t be in this mess “wanting to leave it” in the first place.

The only immigrants into this country - should be Eastern Europeans, and other actual EU born citizens seeking employment in the UK.

Instead, we have our public services over-run by MIDDLE easterners, Africans, and fake Refugees from both places - whom we’re told “The NHS cannot do without”.


It is the Eastern Europeans - we cannot do without. Were you treated last week on your NHS checkup appointment by Dr Popescu from Romania or Dr Zemiel from Somalia, who might not even be a doctor, as he came here 10 years ago speaking little English, and having “no papers”… How The f— do we even know he’s a real doctor FFS?