
Im just giving the people the information for them to make an informed choice of there own, i am a smoker and i dont agree with it, and i dont want to be the one to give someone a £50 ticket for them smoking when i dont believe in it!

Im just relaying the info thats all! :stuck_out_tongue:

Not a problem with that mate, :wink: i just think it is a waste of my money, take a pub for example you know what to expect when you go in so you have the choice, but on the other hand when i go in some cafes i stink when i come out of them so i don’t think you should be able to smoke where food is served.

this an interesting aside to this discussion
you cant smoke in your cab on the off chance that someone else will theorically one day drive it
a convicted criminal will still be able to smoke in prison because his cell will under the new act be classed as his home
no matter he’s in a public enclosed ( i hope ) building . this is just in-case the poor little mites human rights get infringed
now the scroat is sharing his building with several hundred other toe rags
July 2nd there will be hundred’s of cases going thru the courts coz some slag has smelt ciggy smoke .
its going to cost the ordinary working man big time to pay the compo to all this

Or working Woman! :smiley:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

And they will now you have mentioned it Bagpuss :laughing: :laughing:

But it is not my place of work when i clock off, it’s my lounge, bedroom, games room, tv room whatever you call it.

Its still your lpace of work in the same way that a McDonalds is still a McDonalds after you clock off.

Im a smoker and i think it is stupid to enforce this in cabs and company cars not shared at the same time, but hey people have already in wales been stopped ticketed or advised at there conduct (smoking).

So you take your chances with your money and your employment!

its ignored up here IN MY EXPERIENCE :exclamation:

there used to be the odd occasion when i was passed by a police car with a ■■■ in my gob but they never bothered. now i dont even try to hide it. i carry on as normal, i light up even if they are in sight, no one seems to care. i think the words ‘discretion’ and ‘common sense’ would be appropriate

Smoking ban … Wales … :question: :question: :question: :question: :question: :question:
Well I never :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


But it is not my place of work when i clock off, it’s my lounge, bedroom, games room, tv room whatever you call it.

Its still your lpace of work in the same way that a McDonalds is still a McDonalds after you clock off.

Yeah but no-one lives in McDonalds do they?

Except Ronald himself. :open_mouth:

Right well we know all that but as it is the local council who enforces it, you have little chance of ever getting caught

This bloke’ll catch you :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

a convicted criminal will still be able to smoke in prison because his cell will under the new act be classed as his home
no matter he’s in a public enclosed ( i hope ) building . this is just in-case the poor little mites human rights get infringed
now the scroat is sharing his building with several hundred other toe rags
July 2nd there will be hundred’s of cases going thru the courts coz some slag has smelt ciggy smoke .

You forgot to add that the Houses of Parliament are also exempt from this regulation.

Well, the place is also full of criminals and scroats, just like a prison.

I know this is long but interesting! Taken directly from the legislation.

You will not be able to smoke in a WORK VEHICLE end off whether you are bedding down for the night, in a company car! If it is your own car you are ok, if it is a company vehicle or work truck it has to remain smoke free!



Enclosed vehicles
11. –(1) Subject to the following paragraphs of this regulation, an enclosed vehicle and any enclosed part of a vehicle is smoke-free if it is used–

(a) by members of the public or a section of the public (whether or not for reward or hire); or

(b) in the course of paid or voluntary work by more than one person (even if those persons use the vehicle at different times, or only intermittently).

Regulation 7 exempts specialist tobacconists. By paragraph (2) specialist tobacconist has the same meaning as in section 6(2) of the Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Act 2002.

Firstly, I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that owner drivers have nothing to fear, it is their own vehicle, and so they can do what they like in it.

Secondly, Does Reg. 7 mean that if a pub were to obtain a specialist tobacconist licence, we could smoke in them ? (or vice versa)